Originally posted by Rubyretro
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sorry you're way wrong, you're turning a blind eye to what these women were really like back in the slums of victorian London, they lived in a hell hole.
these are definitelly not ``successful prostitutes`` because these would be working up the WEST END, living in their own posh houses and mixing with the middle to upper classes, clean, tidy and well spoken, these types are more like paid Mistresses, paid also to accompany rich gents to the theatre etc..in a horse and carriage!
in stark comparison, the area of Whitechapel is full of down and outs, EDDOWES and STRIDE are nothing more than ``HAGS``, they are repulsive to behold, as are most of the women down Dorset st, i would not touch any one of these with a 10ft bargepole and i doubt that you would too..... they would have stunk to high heaven!
i'm sorry that this sounds so awfall from me, but just look at the squalid conditions that they lived in.... GOOGLE it now, these are the dregs of Victorian society.... FACT, they are the Georgian version of the ``underclass``.
MJK is only attractive ( but i doubt she was compared to a modern woman) because she was young, she would still have smelt and needed a bloody good bath .
but it is not their fault that they were like this, it's just the way life was back then, you can see how bad they looked in the photos here/ plus the photos of Dorset st etc.
finally LA DE DA is not dressed as a rich gent, he's dressed quite vulgar, like a get rich quick spiv, the victorians had strict codes of etiquette, dress and behaviour, he would not be allowed into a retaurant up the WEST END looking like that and definitely not MJK either....especially her, even if she dressed smartly, because as soon as she opened her mouth and started talking, she'd attract horrified gasps and side long glances from the snobby cows on the neighbouring tables...... a waiter would come over and ask them to leave, it is also highly unlikely that either of these two even knew which of the many knives and folks that they were supposed to eat with etc, let alone how to order food/ wine etc.
not knowing any of this etiquette, would be noticed instantly and frowned upon, thus these two would be shown the ``tradesman entrance`` and confined to 3rd class on board Titanic !
finally, the highlight of MJKs weekend was to get blind drunk, row with JOE, puke up in the gutter and to show it to her other neighbours down millers court.......
i rest my case for the defence !