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Schwartz and Brown

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  • #46
    Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
    Hello Mike. And if, as Sam suspects, it were an old flame of Liz's, she would likely not take him too seriously (after all, she'd dumped him before, why not again?). A fatal mistake.

    The best.
    I was thinkin that too amigo.

    When it comes to her turning her back and setting out to walk away from this guy, with breath fresheners in her hand, I only see her doing that if she thought she could anticipate his reaction and felt she was safe regardless of any resistance he might put forward to her leaving. She didnt think the man would actually hurt her.

    Only someone she knew could elicit that kind of comfort level I think.

    Cheers mate


    • #47

      Hello Mike. Ditto. I presume that she dumped him and was then enthusiastic about her "big date." If her old flame showed up as she awaited her date (a club member?), she may have been rude to him (making sneering comparisons?). That could cause a knife to come out--especially on the part of a tipsy gent who'd just been insulted.

      The best.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
        the "Lahore Kebab House"

        Hi guys, I can see where this is headed.

        Michael, I don't know why you don't just start a thread for Mo Eagle under Suspects. Before you do, though, you might want to click on the Witness Info to the left and read about this man. The material that John Bennett and others have been slaving over.

        Morris Eagle was engaged to Kate. She is probably the lady he escorted home. They were married shortly thereafter and had kids and lived right in the neighborhood until 1891. Kate was a young woman his age.

        Liz Stride was one of the middle aged unfortunates. The whole scenario of the "date" between Eagle and Stride is all wrong. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.

        Sink the Bismark


        • #49
          I don't personally subscribe to the idea that Liz had a beau other than Michael Kidney. My reasoning is that none of her friends were aware of this man and Stride was seen with different men on the night of her murder. However, theorizing can be fun, and there are a couple of loose leads that might lead to the identity of the man she was seen kissing.

          Yours truly,

          Tom Wescott


          • #50

            Hello Tom. I think you are dead on in your assessment of Liz. Whatever other plans she had for that night, they did NOT involve a nunnery.

            The best.


            • #51
              Her habits were too bad.

              Yours truly,

              Tom Wescott

              P.S. Where did you get nunnery from?


              • #52

                Hello Tom. The old bard himself.



                • #53
                  AP Wolf?

                  Yours truly,

                  Tom Wescott


                  • #54
                    Tom W:

                    "I've exaggerated nothing."

                    Yes you have, Tom - true to your habit of doing so when discussing Kidney.

                    "If you've dropped Kidney as your preferred suspect in the murder of Stride, then you must have come to appreciate the same information which points away from Kidney."

                    In order to drop someone as a preferred suspect, you of course need to HAVE him as the preferred suspect in the first place. And I don´t, as I have told you on more than one occasion - my hunch is that Stride and Kidney were not on charitable terms on the night Stride died, while she was certainly very friendly with Marshall´s man. And I believe that there is every chance that this man and BS man were one and the same. And BS man is by far the most probable killer.
                    Kidneys viability still stands, though - we have the alledged row, we have signs of previous abuse and we seem to be dealing with a rough, boastful character, quite possibly with contacts in the criminal world.

                    As for Browns couple, I agree with Jon Guy that it would not have involved Stride.

                    The best, Tom!


                    • #55

                      Do you have an idea of who Marshall's man might have been?

                      Yours truly,

                      Tom Wescott


                      • #56
                        Tom W asks:

                        "Do you have an idea of who Marshall's man might have been?"

                        None whatsoever, Tom. But he was a stout man, soft spoken with the respectable appearance of a clerk, dressed in a black jacked and a peaked cap ... It says BS man all over him, methinks.

                        The best,


                        • #57
                          I would think that a very reasonable case exists for the theory that Liz Stride had plans to spend that evening, all evening, with a man......that man may not be Eagle as you suggest Roy, but it stands to reason he has some connection to that immediate location...she stays near there from around 12:35 on.

                          He speaks English...not all of the club attendees at that point do...they are singing in Russian apparently. So we need an English speaking man, and single with a room, so he can take Liz home with him for the night.

                          Her actions and comments when leaving the lodging house she stays at are integral to her longer term evening plans.....and they do not include her believing she needed a paid for bed that night.

                          Best regards all


                          • #58

                            Hello Mike. Right you are. And most of the reports concerning Liz that night indicated she was upbeat--even in the post-mortem she was described as placid. I take it she was expecting a really great time that night.




                            • #59
                              Perhaps Stride was not expecting a male person,but hoping a female aquaintance with whom she could spend the night,might chance by.That she was waiting by the yard is something else that is argueable,it may be that she was only passing the yard when the encounter took place.As for an assault taking place,it should be clear by now that except for Stride's falling to the ground,cause of which has never been clearly established,there is not even circumstancial evidence to establish BS man had a hand in her death.My opinion,she was the female seen by Brown in the company of pipeman,that she left that person on the corner of Berner and Fairclough streets,and walked into Berner Street.The time element leaves little in the way of opportunity,for any other person to be present.That"maybe some other time",came more quickly than she expected.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                                I will say, however, that Liz clutching onto the cachous as she was presumably being flung backwards with a knife at her throat is a bit tricky to explain, whether she knew her assailant or not.
                                Hi Sam

                                If she were making a fist to defend herself?

