Bucks Row Project part 2 post 11 - Lilley

The reports on the statement of Harriet lilley are intriguing, but ultimately unrewarding.
She claims she was awake and heard a series of noises, a painful moan and several faint gasps (the attack?). she also say she heard whispers and distinct voices (Paul and Lechmere?).
The interesting point is she claimed to hear a train passing at the same time, however it is not clear if the whispers are after or before the train.
The only train it could reasonably be is the 3.07 from New Cross.
The time of 3.07 from New Cross allows us to check, but poster drstrange169 (dusty miller) has pointed out the company, Eastern Railway were notoriously bad for sticking to time tables.
However by checking the 1906 Bradshaws, (only copy I could find for the period), it was possible to estimate that the train should have arrived 14-16 minutes after departure, that is 3.21-3.22, however being a goods train it may have moved slower and so 3.25-3.30 seems most likely, but given Dusty’s comments it does not really help.
It has also been suggested that her report is so far after the the event it my not be reliable, and while this may indeed be true to an extent, Mrs Green and others did not give evidence until 17th so such an argument is not 100% convincing.
IF and it is a big IF Lilley is correct, then the timing of the attack may be closer to 3.30 than 3.45
However it must also be admitted Lilley was not called to give evidence at the inquest.
The reliability of the reports is open to some question at present and more research is need on lilley before her statements can be useful.
The reports on the statement of Harriet lilley are intriguing, but ultimately unrewarding.
She claims she was awake and heard a series of noises, a painful moan and several faint gasps (the attack?). she also say she heard whispers and distinct voices (Paul and Lechmere?).
The interesting point is she claimed to hear a train passing at the same time, however it is not clear if the whispers are after or before the train.
The only train it could reasonably be is the 3.07 from New Cross.
The time of 3.07 from New Cross allows us to check, but poster drstrange169 (dusty miller) has pointed out the company, Eastern Railway were notoriously bad for sticking to time tables.
However by checking the 1906 Bradshaws, (only copy I could find for the period), it was possible to estimate that the train should have arrived 14-16 minutes after departure, that is 3.21-3.22, however being a goods train it may have moved slower and so 3.25-3.30 seems most likely, but given Dusty’s comments it does not really help.
It has also been suggested that her report is so far after the the event it my not be reliable, and while this may indeed be true to an extent, Mrs Green and others did not give evidence until 17th so such an argument is not 100% convincing.
IF and it is a big IF Lilley is correct, then the timing of the attack may be closer to 3.30 than 3.45
However it must also be admitted Lilley was not called to give evidence at the inquest.
The reliability of the reports is open to some question at present and more research is need on lilley before her statements can be useful.