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Another London Mystery

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  • Another London Mystery


    I found this. What do you think about it?


    Last Sunday evening, at 9.30, the attention of Police-constable 457 D was called to a brown paper parcel lying behind some railings at the corner of Devonshire-street and Great Portland-street. On pulling open one corner, he noticed it contained some underclothing with appearantly blood-stains upon it. He therefore conveyed it to the Tottenham Court-road Police-station, where it was opened by the inspector on duty, who found the contents to consist of a drab flannel shirt, a pair of menīs drab pants, a pair of cuffs, and a collar. The two first-named articles wrer completely saturated with blood, but the collar and cuffs were only slightly splashed. The divisional surgeon was sent for, and gave it as his opinion that the blood was human. Information was at once forwarded to the chief office, Scotland-yard, and the discovery was circulated through all the divisions of police in the metoropolis for elucidation".

    (The Huddersfield Daily Cronicle, Tuesday, September 25, 1888)

    And can we put it in the context of this?:

    "The second victim of the Thames series was discovered in September of 1888, in the middle of the hunt for the Whitechapel Murder. On September 11, an arm belonging to a female was discovered in the Thames off Pimlico. On September 28, another arm was found along the Lambeth-road and on October 2, the torso of a female, minus the head, was discovered. The torso was discovered on the grounds of the construction site for the New Scotland Yard building and was dubbed by the press the "Whitehall Mystery." Scotland Yard had a murder mystery to solve even before their new building was complete."


    Regards Pierre

  • #2
    What do you think?

    Originally posted by Pierre View Post

    I found this. What do you think about it?


    Last Sunday evening, at 9.30, the attention of Police-constable 457 D was called to a brown paper parcel lying behind some railings at the corner of Devonshire-street and Great Portland-street. On pulling open one corner, he noticed it contained some underclothing with appearantly blood-stains upon it. He therefore conveyed it to the Tottenham Court-road Police-station, where it was opened by the inspector on duty, who found the contents to consist of a drab flannel shirt, a pair of menīs drab pants, a pair of cuffs, and a collar. The two first-named articles wrer completely saturated with blood, but the collar and cuffs were only slightly splashed. The divisional surgeon was sent for, and gave it as his opinion that the blood was human. Information was at once forwarded to the chief office, Scotland-yard, and the discovery was circulated through all the divisions of police in the metoropolis for elucidation".

    (The Huddersfield Daily Cronicle, Tuesday, September 25, 1888)

    And can we put it in the context of this?:

    "The second victim of the Thames series was discovered in September of 1888, in the middle of the hunt for the Whitechapel Murder. On September 11, an arm belonging to a female was discovered in the Thames off Pimlico. On September 28, another arm was found along the Lambeth-road and on October 2, the torso of a female, minus the head, was discovered. The torso was discovered on the grounds of the construction site for the New Scotland Yard building and was dubbed by the press the "Whitehall Mystery." Scotland Yard had a murder mystery to solve even before their new building was complete."

    Regards Pierre


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by DJA View Post
        Very helpful.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pierre View Post

          I found this. What do you think about it?


          Last Sunday evening, at 9.30, the attention of Police-constable 457 D was called to a brown paper parcel lying behind some railings at the corner of Devonshire-street and Great Portland-street. On pulling open one corner, he noticed it contained some underclothing with appearantly blood-stains upon it. He therefore conveyed it to the Tottenham Court-road Police-station, where it was opened by the inspector on duty, who found the contents to consist of a drab flannel shirt, a pair of menīs drab pants, a pair of cuffs, and a collar. The two first-named articles wrer completely saturated with blood, but the collar and cuffs were only slightly splashed. The divisional surgeon was sent for, and gave it as his opinion that the blood was human. Information was at once forwarded to the chief office, Scotland-yard, and the discovery was circulated through all the divisions of police in the metoropolis for elucidation".

          (The Huddersfield Daily Cronicle, Tuesday, September 25, 1888)

          And can we put it in the context of this?:

          "The second victim of the Thames series was discovered in September of 1888, in the middle of the hunt for the Whitechapel Murder. On September 11, an arm belonging to a female was discovered in the Thames off Pimlico. On September 28, another arm was found along the Lambeth-road and on October 2, the torso of a female, minus the head, was discovered. The torso was discovered on the grounds of the construction site for the New Scotland Yard building and was dubbed by the press the "Whitehall Mystery." Scotland Yard had a murder mystery to solve even before their new building was complete."


          Regards Pierre
          More info here:

          The location is also very close to the body parts from the Tottenham Torso case of 1884.

          Last edited by jerryd; 12-01-2015, 10:10 AM.


          • #6
            Was once in a French Restaurant.

            Asked the waiter if he had Frog's legs......

            He answered "quoi",so I asked him to hop off and get me a steak.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jerryd View Post
              More info here:

              The location is also very close to the body parts from the Tottenham Torso case of 1884.

              Thanks a lot!

              Regards Pierre


              • #8
                Originally posted by DJA View Post
                Probably because everyone is sick of old Pierre's BS
                G U T

                There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post

                  who found the contents to consist of a drab flannel shirt, a pair of menīs drab pants, a pair of cuffs, and a collar. The two first-named articles wrer completely saturated with blood, but the collar and cuffs were only slightly splashed.
                  Regards Pierre
                  So what do these clothes say about the killer? Remember one of the victims parts was found in a costermonger's apron pocket. And the white bleach powder, a huge clue in my opinion. What do you make of the powder? I think the killer stopped using the bleach powder in the later murders...why?


                  • #10
                    Changed his job/occupation (or was sacked) so that a regular supply wasn't available any more?


                    • #11
                      Hey Rosella, yes or maybe he felt like it was too risky and the powder could be traced back to him. Or maybe he realized he just didn't need because the bodies weren't getting id'd anyway. The powder is an important piece of the puzzle


                      • #12
                        New title; another pointless thread.
                        “If I cannot bend heaven, I will raise hell.”


                        • #13
                          Seems like a pretty reasonable thread to me Collins. Anything related to the torso killer is worthwhile considering how incredibly ignored the cases have been for over 100 years. The killers blood soaked clothing are a huge clue as well, if they belong to the killer, which it sounds like they do from the way they were dumped. I believe one of the torso's limbs was deposited in a very similar way/location but with bleach powder.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                            Seems like a pretty reasonable thread to me Collins. Anything related to the torso killer is worthwhile considering how incredibly ignored the cases have been for over 100 years. The killers blood soaked clothing are a huge clue as well, if they belong to the killer, which it sounds like they do from the way they were dumped. I believe one of the torso's limbs was deposited in a very similar way/location but with bleach powder.
                            Yes, but the question is, did he dump them to get rid of them or did he dump them in that location intentionally to get the police to find them? And if he did want the police to find them, what did he want them to think?

                            Regards Pierre


                            • #15
                              Ok pierre,

                              Lets see where we go here, much under discussed series of murders, I have "The Thames Torso Murders by M J Trow; but not read it yet.

                              Assume that you believe they were dumped at specific locations, would you care to explain why you think that is?

                              what do you think he was saying?

