Hi Debra
Just read Hebbert's reports within the Westminster Hospital Reports of 1888 and 1889 (both available through archive.org, volumes 4 and 5) and agree with most of your summary. Reading the reports does give a definite hint of Jack, especially with the midline abdominal incisions, but the ones where the neck was found seem to have a different method of cut. Whereas Jack started below the angle of the left jaw and cut across the larynx/voice box, Torso cut either side and joined them up. The bigger question then is how did they (presumably) bleed to death?
For those with the illegal abortion excuse, my reading only gives Elizabeth Jackson as being pregnant, and even then so far gone abortion would be unlikely.
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autopsy notes
Breast cancer is one of the few cancers that can be seen without cutting the patient open, and has been treated by breast amputation since ancient times. (Ick, I know.)
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Originally posted by Monty View PostDebs,
Now that is intriguing.
Forgive my ignorance but would such procedures be conducted for breast cancer in that period?
Recently I was reading a very interesting book about the fashioning of Gray's Anatomy, and apparently the information about the illustrator, Henry Carter, is more plentiful than information about Henry Gray.
In any case, Carter was apparently asked to make some illustrations of a breast tumor before it was to be surgically removed, and this would have been in 1850.
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Originally posted by Cap'n Jack View PostDebs, check out this one:
JAMES GREENACRE, SARAH GALE, Killing > murder, Killing > murder, 3rd April 1837.
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Debs, check out this one:
JAMES GREENACRE, SARAH GALE, Killing > murder, Killing > murder, 3rd April 1837.
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Hi ho DebraA
Have now read your delightfully presented piece about Jacksons pieces.
And you are right. It is a torso killing.
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You're obviously stretching yourself too far posting as Dougie and Mr P
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topic is torso killings...wrong thread, go to Elizabeth Jackson thread>uterus>foetus>why.?..then we can talk...I don't want Sam getting a hot sweat.
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hi ho DebraA
Nice to see a new excuse being developed:
"I refuse to discuss the toipc I started a thread on because I have smll breasts and wont wear a bikini"
Its original...I,ll give you that.
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I can't be arsed to google Biltema...is it red deisel?...you're from Norfolk aren't you?!
Go pick on the girls with big jugs and bikinis...neither is happening here
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hi ho Debra A
The fetus may hav ebeen a shock to him...in which case it just goes in th ebin.
If he was interested in the uterine contenst...we are back in ripper land.
As to homebrew/branndy.......the tipple of choice up here is industrial red spirit from Biltema.
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ok Ms P, wouldn't want to stick you in the sock puppet/alter ego for some disgruntled male poster category either!
1. you talk shite there
2. exactly! and why bother to extract them in the first place?
Do we get 20 questions on your true identity?
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hi ho DebraA
Didnt mean to stick you in the femmy buncg there...........
why would he stick him ina jar?
1. if he killed the woman and saw the little guy wriggiling or heard him gurgling and ripped him out because he got freaked......a little thing like that could just be just chucked on the fire
2. if he was interested in the uterine contents why discard it ?
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