Hey Abby,
There's three points from your post that I'd be willing to concede:
I find those to be the only similarities worthy of note, yet not damning enough to connect her to the others. With respect, the rest are somewhat misleading. That Tabram was a whore is not in and of itself a connection, since prostitution is generally a dirty game that attracts violence, especially in a dump like Whitechapel. As for the matter of it being unsolved, on that basis we could rule in Smith, Mackenzie, Coles, Thames Torsos et al. Also, while a knife was used in Tabram's murder, it was not the same kind used by the Ripper. No focus on the throat or the genitalia area, either. And as for overkill, what overkill? Jack was an efficient murderer, only taking one or two slashes to the throat to put his victim down.
There's an outside chance that Tabram was a Ripper victim, but, for me, there are too many variables and leaps of faith that have to be allowed for. Though I keep hearing this talk of Jack refining his technique, this wasn't an evolution of technique, it was a revolution. Would you honestly say that the killing of Nichols betrays a transition between Tabram & Chapman? I sure don't. That kind of dramatic change in MO doesn't ring true to me and that's why I remain sceptical.
There's three points from your post that I'd be willing to concede:
Signs of strangulation
Skirt hiked up (this is the clincher)
Also fits the pattern sequence-victim killed beginning of month, then the next at end of month, then the next at beginning of month etc.
There's an outside chance that Tabram was a Ripper victim, but, for me, there are too many variables and leaps of faith that have to be allowed for. Though I keep hearing this talk of Jack refining his technique, this wasn't an evolution of technique, it was a revolution. Would you honestly say that the killing of Nichols betrays a transition between Tabram & Chapman? I sure don't. That kind of dramatic change in MO doesn't ring true to me and that's why I remain sceptical.