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39 years old, 39 stabs. Coincidence or not?

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  • 39 years old, 39 stabs. Coincidence or not?

    What is your opinion?

  • #2
    Yes, definitely.



    • #3
      Hi jsantos,

      Welcome to the boards.

      Just a coincidence.

      I can imagine the killer in mid-stroke saying "ah ****, was that last one 27 or 28?"



      • #4
        Originally posted by jsantos View Post
        What is your opinion?
        Hi jsantos,

        Id be willing to bet the farm that the killer of Martha Tabram didnt count his stabs. Im almost as sure that he didnt change his weapon to make one sure kill strike.

        I think the pen-knife style should indicate that the knife was not designed as a stabbing instrument, it was more likely a pocket size practical blade for carving, cutting fabric or rope, nicking a new notch in the belt, trimming leather from a boot when a kitchen knife isnt handy, ....this was a Swiss Army type knife, LVP style.

        A single stab with that knife wouldnt kill, not unless it stabbed an artery, thats why we see an abundance of wounds being made...he had to try and kill her by inundating her body with blood drainage sites.

        Welcome to Casebook by the way....

        Best regards


        • #5
          Come in Nunners!

          We have our very own resident '39 expert' on Casebook!...Come in Richard!!

          Suz xx
          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


          • #6
            Add a young John Buchan to the suspects list.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jason_c View Post
              ...a young John Buchan....
              Very good, Jason.


              • #8
                We need to get Louis Farrakhan into this.
                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                Stan Reid


                • #9
                  Did somebody call for my assistance?
                  Nobody except little old me believes in my conviction that number 39 is someway connected to our elusive killer.
                  Still not all great minds think alike do they Suzi?
                  Jsantos if you want more send me a P.M, and I will oblige, its fascinating, isnt it Suzi?
                  Regards Richard.


                  • #10

                    I do not have access to PM. But i`m curious...


                    • #11
                      Ok Jsantos,
                      just a quickie.
                      As you rightly mentioned, Tabram aged 39 stabbed 39 times.
                      Polly Nichols killed on the 31st of the 8th month,
                      Stride/Eddowes on the 30th of the 9th month
                      Both equal 39
                      Chapman was killed on the 8th, the previous victim Nichols on the 31st =39
                      The double event on the 30th, and kelly on the 9th=39
                      Barnett [ Kellys ex] left on the 30th, Mary dead on the 9th.
                      Three people associated with Mary Kelly resided at the Victoria home, which a photograph indicates the entrance was numbered 39 commercial street.
                      Two letters sent to the press/police had the number 39 in them.
                      If one adds up the letters of Tabram, Nichols, Chapman, eddowes, long liz, and kelly, they equal 39.
                      Also where did the last victim live .
                      26 Dorset street 13=39.
                      There are more , but you should get the jist of the theory...
                      Regards Richard.
                      Sorry Suzi, but I was beamed in


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                        I can imagine the killer in mid-stroke saying "ah ****, was that last one 27 or 28?"
                        ...and then "Damn, I lost track, guess I better start over!"

                        Welcome to the forums, Jsantos.

                        Best regards, Archaic


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by richardnunweek View Post
                          If one adds up the letters of Tabram, Nichols, Chapman, eddowes, long liz, and kelly, they equal 39.
                          You're being rather selective in what you choose to count, aren't you Richard. "Long Liz"? If you add up the letters of Tabram, Nichols, Chapman, Eddowes, Stride, and Kelly, they equal 38.


                          • #14
                            This always reminds me of that book "The Bible Code" that came out a few years ago. I can't remember exactly the process that they used but it involved computers putting together letters in the Bible until they got coherent "hidden messages" that predicted the landing on the moon, the Kennedy assassination, etc. Everybody was all jazzed up about it until somebody showed that you could do the same thing with the novel "Moby Dick." Look at enough patterns selectively and eventually something eye catching will emerge.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by The Grave Maurice View Post
                              You're being rather selective in what you choose to count, aren't you Richard. "Long Liz"? If you add up the letters of Tabram, Nichols, Chapman, Eddowes, Stride, and Kelly, they equal 38.
                              Throw in a middle initial and there you have it.


