So one of us will be wrong - at least.
I rather doubt that. You might be wrong, I might be wrong, we both might be wrong, but I expect I'll have been pushing up daisies long before the question is determined. The validity of Martha Tabram's canonicity will doubtless provide discussion fodder for many more years and that is all to the good.
As it is, while I clearly do not believe Martha was a Ripper victim I do recognize that there are important arguments on the other side, but they are not totally persuasive, which is why I rendered a Scots verdict: Not proven. The arguments for her inclusion in the cano are simply not compelling enough.
And thanks for the kind words about the article in general.
So one of us will be wrong - at least.
I rather doubt that. You might be wrong, I might be wrong, we both might be wrong, but I expect I'll have been pushing up daisies long before the question is determined. The validity of Martha Tabram's canonicity will doubtless provide discussion fodder for many more years and that is all to the good.
As it is, while I clearly do not believe Martha was a Ripper victim I do recognize that there are important arguments on the other side, but they are not totally persuasive, which is why I rendered a Scots verdict: Not proven. The arguments for her inclusion in the cano are simply not compelling enough.
And thanks for the kind words about the article in general.