What are opinions on the Farmer attack? I was interested in this from a Bury perspective, as I will discuss later, but putting aside my interest and bias towards Bury for a moment, there are definitely some points on interest.
I think one of the most intriguing aspects is the time of the attack. Farmer seems to have been wandering the streets all night when she met her attacker about 7.30 am. He then treated her to several drinks and got her partly intoxicated. At his suggestion, they took a room, which he paid for. They took a double box room at about 8 and at around 9.30 Farmer said the man had tried to cut her throat. If this was a botched ripper attack, it raises the very real possibility that Caroline Maxwell was telling the truth/not mistaken, and the later ToD for Kelly could well be accurate, unlikely as it seems (IMO).
The other interesting aspect of this case is the man’s description, given as a short and stout man (5.4-5.6), ~35 years old, respectably dressed with a mustache (some reports give it as slight and fair, others dark). More interesting is the Telegraph report from one of the witnesses:
‘He wore a blue-black diagonal overcoat, speckled grey trousers, and a hard black felt hat. There was a white handkerchief round the throat’. Could the speckled grey trousers by called ‘salt and pepper’ as per Lawende’s ‘sailor’, as well as the neckerchief (although Lawende’s man’s was red)? Several of the witnesses say the man had an abscess/scar on the side or back of his neck. It crossed my mind as to whether Lawende’s man’s neckerchief was JtR’s touch of vanity to hide the scar.
Another couple of points. The man was handy with his fists as during the pursuit, one man got so close that the man stopped, punched his pursuer and made off. Only one report states this, the rest say he was lost to sight in the chase. Also, there seems to be some sort of ‘horsey’ affinity. One report has Farmer stating she thought the man was a saddler, another states that as he left he struck a man with a whip (although most reports say he had nothing in his hands).
As for Farmer’s injuries, they were not serious but hardly superficial. Reports have her standing in her chemise bleeding profusely and Bagster Phillips stitching her throat – other say he ‘dressed’ it. One witness who helped Farmer said the main wound was gaping. There were about 5 wounds in total. Although this level of botch seems incompatible with Kelly’s attacker, in reality the difference could be a matter of seconds. Some noise, disturbance, slip or fumble that allowed Farmer to react where Kelly didn’t.
As for Bury, my main interest was that this attack comes just before he suddenly sells his horse and cart in early December. But he got clean away, so why would he cut and run? Perhaps it was this statement that was in every paper:
‘The following telegraphic communication has been circulated among the police:--"Wanted, for attempted murder, on the 21st inst., a man, aged 36 years, height 5ft. 6in., complexion dark, no whiskers, dark mustache. Dress: Black jacket, vest, and trousers, round black felt hat. Respectable appearance. Can be identified."
The age, height (with hat and boots) and are right for Bury and the whip suggests transport using a horse. Farmer also stated that she knew the man 12 months previous and he ill used her. Abuse like this is definitely part of Bury’s known behaviour.
My main conclusions are about the time – the later Kelly ToD looks possible. Also, the attack took place on a Thursday and their time together covered about 2 hours. To me, this would categorically rule Lechmere out (despite the whip).
I think one of the most intriguing aspects is the time of the attack. Farmer seems to have been wandering the streets all night when she met her attacker about 7.30 am. He then treated her to several drinks and got her partly intoxicated. At his suggestion, they took a room, which he paid for. They took a double box room at about 8 and at around 9.30 Farmer said the man had tried to cut her throat. If this was a botched ripper attack, it raises the very real possibility that Caroline Maxwell was telling the truth/not mistaken, and the later ToD for Kelly could well be accurate, unlikely as it seems (IMO).
The other interesting aspect of this case is the man’s description, given as a short and stout man (5.4-5.6), ~35 years old, respectably dressed with a mustache (some reports give it as slight and fair, others dark). More interesting is the Telegraph report from one of the witnesses:
‘He wore a blue-black diagonal overcoat, speckled grey trousers, and a hard black felt hat. There was a white handkerchief round the throat’. Could the speckled grey trousers by called ‘salt and pepper’ as per Lawende’s ‘sailor’, as well as the neckerchief (although Lawende’s man’s was red)? Several of the witnesses say the man had an abscess/scar on the side or back of his neck. It crossed my mind as to whether Lawende’s man’s neckerchief was JtR’s touch of vanity to hide the scar.
Another couple of points. The man was handy with his fists as during the pursuit, one man got so close that the man stopped, punched his pursuer and made off. Only one report states this, the rest say he was lost to sight in the chase. Also, there seems to be some sort of ‘horsey’ affinity. One report has Farmer stating she thought the man was a saddler, another states that as he left he struck a man with a whip (although most reports say he had nothing in his hands).
As for Farmer’s injuries, they were not serious but hardly superficial. Reports have her standing in her chemise bleeding profusely and Bagster Phillips stitching her throat – other say he ‘dressed’ it. One witness who helped Farmer said the main wound was gaping. There were about 5 wounds in total. Although this level of botch seems incompatible with Kelly’s attacker, in reality the difference could be a matter of seconds. Some noise, disturbance, slip or fumble that allowed Farmer to react where Kelly didn’t.
As for Bury, my main interest was that this attack comes just before he suddenly sells his horse and cart in early December. But he got clean away, so why would he cut and run? Perhaps it was this statement that was in every paper:
‘The following telegraphic communication has been circulated among the police:--"Wanted, for attempted murder, on the 21st inst., a man, aged 36 years, height 5ft. 6in., complexion dark, no whiskers, dark mustache. Dress: Black jacket, vest, and trousers, round black felt hat. Respectable appearance. Can be identified."
The age, height (with hat and boots) and are right for Bury and the whip suggests transport using a horse. Farmer also stated that she knew the man 12 months previous and he ill used her. Abuse like this is definitely part of Bury’s known behaviour.
My main conclusions are about the time – the later Kelly ToD looks possible. Also, the attack took place on a Thursday and their time together covered about 2 hours. To me, this would categorically rule Lechmere out (despite the whip).