I've been fiddling and faffing again. This time with MJK3. Below is my FIRST attempt at figuring out the position of MJK/bed, the small table & the camera. I've examined this photo long and hard and I have come to a couple of conclusions (my opinion).
1) The bed and the small table were almost certainly moved from their 'finding' position in order for the photographer to get the photo known as MJK3.
2) The position of Kelly's legs (both) have altered from their 'finding' position (MJK2)
3) the door is OPEN in MJK3.
I have TWO scenarios in mind. The first one is set out below. The 2nd one I've not finished the 3D model for yet but it differers only slightly from the scenario below. All the difference between scenario ONE and scenario TWO is in the position of the door. The circular knob that can be seen in the background (yellow arrow).
Anyway, this is scenario ONE and the positioning of the room contents pretty much agrees with Simon D. Wood's analysis in diagram 4 (by accident NOT design) (see below).
So, The image below is a .gif of MJK3 with my scenario scene superimposed.

Here's the diagram:

and this is the arial view of the room in scenario ONE:

and here's diagram 4 from Simon Wood's dissertation :

1) I'm still not convinced that is the left knee in MJK3
2) The red arrow showing the 'light reflection, I don't think it is light reflection in MJK3, I think it's a light strip of material actually on the small table top. The 'light reflection' was a sort of 'happy coincidence' noted when rendering the 3D so I left it in.
3) MJK's legs had to be moved substantially to get them from the MJK2 position into the position of scenario ONE. BUT I really think that when the bed was moved her right leg flopped down toward the mattress because it was no longer being propped up by the pile of bed clothes seen in MJK2. When her right leg flopped down it is possible that her left leg came UP a bit off the mattress.
4) I think the 'bolster' on the small table is the bed clothing (seen next to right leg in MJK2) placed there when they moved the bed.
I think the camera was placed on the BIG table.
5) I think the open doorway was covered by a sheet (see scenario TWO (when I've posted it!)).
6) The headboard was detatched from the bed frame hence why it looks to be leaning against the wall in MJK2
I'll let you mull this over and I'll get to work on scenario TWO.
1) The bed and the small table were almost certainly moved from their 'finding' position in order for the photographer to get the photo known as MJK3.
2) The position of Kelly's legs (both) have altered from their 'finding' position (MJK2)
3) the door is OPEN in MJK3.
I have TWO scenarios in mind. The first one is set out below. The 2nd one I've not finished the 3D model for yet but it differers only slightly from the scenario below. All the difference between scenario ONE and scenario TWO is in the position of the door. The circular knob that can be seen in the background (yellow arrow).
Anyway, this is scenario ONE and the positioning of the room contents pretty much agrees with Simon D. Wood's analysis in diagram 4 (by accident NOT design) (see below).
So, The image below is a .gif of MJK3 with my scenario scene superimposed.

Here's the diagram:

and this is the arial view of the room in scenario ONE:

and here's diagram 4 from Simon Wood's dissertation :

1) I'm still not convinced that is the left knee in MJK3
2) The red arrow showing the 'light reflection, I don't think it is light reflection in MJK3, I think it's a light strip of material actually on the small table top. The 'light reflection' was a sort of 'happy coincidence' noted when rendering the 3D so I left it in.
3) MJK's legs had to be moved substantially to get them from the MJK2 position into the position of scenario ONE. BUT I really think that when the bed was moved her right leg flopped down toward the mattress because it was no longer being propped up by the pile of bed clothes seen in MJK2. When her right leg flopped down it is possible that her left leg came UP a bit off the mattress.
4) I think the 'bolster' on the small table is the bed clothing (seen next to right leg in MJK2) placed there when they moved the bed.
I think the camera was placed on the BIG table.
5) I think the open doorway was covered by a sheet (see scenario TWO (when I've posted it!)).
6) The headboard was detatched from the bed frame hence why it looks to be leaning against the wall in MJK2
I'll let you mull this over and I'll get to work on scenario TWO.