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Was Mary Kelly a Ripper victim?

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  • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    There is no specific evidence to show that they were all lying prostrate when their throats were cut. nor is there any evidence to show they were all strangled before their throats were cut.

    Again misinterpretation of the facts by researchers
    The evidence to show they had their throats cut lying down is overwhelming.

    Alternative explanation don't understand gravitational forces or arterial spray for that matter. They are hopelessly unable to account for the facts.

    The victims had no blood down their fronts from their severed necks.

    The blood from their neck injuries had pooled directly under their necks.

    Chapman's arterial spray was found on the lower portion of the fence next to her.

    Zero evidence for elevated arterial spray in any of the C5 murders.
    Bona fide canonical and then some.


    • Hi
      I would say the most important factor of this murder was we have been assuming Mary was killed during the hours of darkness,when actually around 9.30 am.
      I believe her killer had originally wanted to enter her room in the early hours. but because she had A man in there was unable to.
      However having sighted her in Ringers on Friday Morning, he beckoned her out, and went back to Millers court, on the pretence of being a client.
      Jack was not someone who could control his murderous urges, as poor Kelly was to find out.
      As for the time span to commit the mutilations, a crazed man could have been out the room inside 45 min.
      This man took enormous risks, but it never concerned him , as long as he committed the act.
      Regards Richard.


      • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
        I don't think that's quite the case, given that the abdomen was laid completely open and its entire contents removed.
        It's not easy to remove a heart under time constraints in a public place.If that's true of Mary Kelly, then Eddowes was punished to a certain extent also.

        I think Id agree with your last line Sam, I think Kate was punished for attempting to snitch on someone, and I believe the cutting of her nose specifically indicates that was the reason for making that wound... and with an undetermined amount of time, (compared with the very small segments of time the killer had with Polly, Annie and Kate),... a heart would be easy to take. Emptying an abdomen is just what it means, making cuts in order to extract specific organs is something else.

        And to the lying down/standing when cut point, it can be noted that there is professional opinion that Liz may have been cut "while falling". Since she is on her side when found, with no indication that she lay any differently than when she orginally fell, its very clear she was not cut while her back on the ground.
        Last edited by Michael W Richards; 11-06-2018, 05:20 AM.


        • Originally posted by Batman View Post

          Zero evidence for elevated arterial spray in any of the C5 murders.
          There is both evidence of spray at Hanbury, which was on the fence near to and above her body as it lay, as well as on the partition wall at Millers Court, above where the body was found.
          Last edited by Michael W Richards; 11-06-2018, 05:19 AM.


          • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
            There is both evidence of spray at Hanbury, which was on the fence near to and above her body as it lay, as well as on the partition wall at Millers Court, above where the body was found.
            I wrote this already and it was low down. There is no evidence of elevated arterial spray.

            Here it is again.

            The evidence to show they had their throats cut lying down is overwhelming.

            Alternative explanation don't understand gravitational forces or arterial spray for that matter. They are hopelessly unable to account for the facts.

            The victims had no blood down their fronts from their severed necks.

            The blood from their neck injuries had pooled directly under their necks.

            Chapman's arterial spray was found on the lower portion of the fence next to her.

            Zero evidence for elevated arterial spray in any of the C5 murders.
            Bona fide canonical and then some.


            • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
              and with an undetermined amount of time, (compared with the very small segments of time the killer had with Polly, Annie and Kate),... a heart would be easy to take.
              Quite. He had more time with Kelly, and wasn't in public view - an ideal opportunity to be more ambitious than he had previously been able.
              Emptying an abdomen is just what it means, making cuts in order to extract specific organs is something else.
              Whoever did that to Kelly, he'd also have made several cuts to extract specific organs - including the liver, the spleen, the uterus, the bladder and the kidneys.
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                I wrote this already and it was low down.
                Low down blood splashes don't rule out death in a standing position - jets of liquid eventually arc downwards. It all depends on how far from the fence she was when the cut was made.

                (On balance, I think Chapman might well have been on the ground when her throat was cut, but I wouldn't rule out the alternative.)
                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                  Low down blood splashes don't rule out death in a standing position - jets of liquid eventually arc downwards. It all depends on how far from the fence she was when the cut was made.

                  (On balance, I think Chapman might well have been on the ground when her throat was cut, but I wouldn't rule out the alternative.)
                  We can rule it out because there is no blood down her front from neck injuries.

                  Arcing blood from a deeply sliced neck would have displayed blood patterns on the ground with the fence.

                  6 spots of blood on the back wall, near where Annie's head had lain, were located about 18" off the ground and ranged in size from that of six pence to that of a pin point; About 14" off the ground, near the position of Annie's head, were clotted patches and smears of blood on the pailings of the still-intact fence; - Dr. Philips.

                  The blood is on the wall slightly above her head and the blood is on the fence slightly beside her head.

                  There are no signs of elevated blood splatter at all. No signs of arcing blood on the ground either.

                  The fact all the C5 had their necks sliced while prostrate is the common MO between them all.

                  There is simply no evidence they had their necks sliced while standing. It just isn't there at all.
                  Bona fide canonical and then some.


                  • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                    The evidence to show they had their throats cut lying down is overwhelming.

                    Alternative explanation don't understand gravitational forces or arterial spray for that matter. They are hopelessly unable to account for the facts.

                    The victims had no blood down their fronts from their severed necks.

                    The blood from their neck injuries had pooled directly under their necks.

                    Chapman's arterial spray was found on the lower portion of the fence next to her.

                    Zero evidence for elevated arterial spray in any of the C5 murders.
                    I have posted before on why there might be no arterial spray, and if they were standing while having their throats cut, and then dropped to the ground would also answer some of your points.

                    You mentioned the absence of blood on clothes Dr Brown - "There was a large quantity of blood, with a part of the stomach above the left shoulder, and on the wooden fence there were smears of blood, corresponding to where the head of the deceased laid"


                    • Originally posted by c.d. View Post

                      Why focus on a slight deviation from the previous killings? I think it much more important to focus on the fact that like the previous killings he removed internal organs from his victim.

                      Hello CD,

                      When I made this post (four years ago? crikey!), I must admit to playing devil's advocate. I have little doubt that the same individual who killed Nichols, Chapman & Eddowes was behind Kelly's murder. All attempts to shoehorn Kelly's lovelife and her elusive identity into the motive behind her death fall short imo. Yes, the Ripper's crimewave may have inspired "Ripper-like" copycats. There was Jane Beadmore in Gateshead and Ellen Bury in Dundee, that appear to be crimes of passion trying to imitate the Whitechapel fiend. But for one such murder to occur in the same square mile as the rest of them, following the same escalation in violence, it can only lead you to one logical conclusion.


                      • so all those saying that the victims could have their throats cut while standing this includes Stride too-correct?
                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • Thought this might be of interest {apologies if posted before], it is from the East London Observer 17 Nov - The mutilations were of a revolting description - the throat being deeply cut, the abdomen ripped open, many of the entrails taken out, a certain organ being reported missing, and the fleshy portion of the cheeks, breasts, and thighs hacked away;

                          The missing organ being missing is interesting of course but the fact that the report does not mention which organ I find intriguing. Was the detail suppressed so the newspaper did not know which particular organ? Or were they under instruction not to mention it was the heart?
                          Also mentioning the abdomen being ripped open and the throat being deeply cut can only strengthen [in my eyes], that it was Jack.


                          • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                            Hello CD,

                            When I made this post (four years ago? crikey!), I must admit to playing devil's advocate. I have little doubt that the same individual who killed Nichols, Chapman & Eddowes was behind Kelly's murder. All attempts to shoehorn Kelly's lovelife and her elusive identity into the motive behind her death fall short imo. Yes, the Ripper's crimewave may have inspired "Ripper-like" copycats. There was Jane Beadmore in Gateshead and Ellen Bury in Dundee, that appear to be crimes of passion trying to imitate the Whitechapel fiend. But for one such murder to occur in the same square mile as the rest of them, following the same escalation in violence, it can only lead you to one logical conclusion.
                            I agree entirely, Harry.

                            Just because MJK's whole life and identity are mysteries in themselves does not make it any less likely that she was the latest victim of the serial predator operating in the vicinity at the time, who appeared to be picking on the most easily available females he encountered there. Had Joe Barnett still been sharing her bed and able to support her financially, I doubt she would have taken 'paying guests' back and been murdered as a result. I imagine poor Joe had a hard time coming to terms with that.

                            My instincts are that MJK was simply a victim of circumstances - unlucky enough to meet her killer in the wrong place and time, while he was finally fortunate enough to encounter a victim he could fill his boots with, because she happened to have a roof of sorts over her head and was living there alone in the November.

                            The theory that the woman found in that room was murdered for any kind of political motive to do with espionage, blackmail, punishment or a warning to others, strikes me as particularly silly. What did the plotters do? Engineer Joe Barnett's departure at just the right time so the woman known as MJK would be inviting strangers in [or at least be sleeping alone and vulnerable to an intruder], to coincide with a recent spate of unrelated but extremely convenient mutilation murders, onto which they could tack this indoor slaughter? Why indoors, if this was a copycat crime, meant to look like the outdoor killer had struck again?

                            Sadly, even if the killer could one day be identified, I'm not sure that would shed even a glimmer of light on MJK's true identity, especially if her real name was anything other than Mary Kelly. We don't even know if that's the name she went by when hooking up with Blotchy, or other potential money sources post Barnett.


                            Last edited by caz; 11-06-2018, 10:26 AM.
                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • Originally posted by caz View Post
                              I agree entirely, Harry.

                              Just because MJK's whole life and identity are mysteries in themselves does not make it any less likely that she was the latest victim of the serial predator operating in the vicinity at the time, who appeared to be picking on the most easily available females he encountered there. Had Joe Barnett still been sharing her bed and able to support her financially, I doubt she would have taken 'paying guests' back and been murdered as a result. I imagine poor Joe had a hard time coming to terms with that.
                              My instincts are that MJK was simply a victim of circumstances - unlucky enough to meet her killer in the wrong place and time, while he was finally fortunate enough to encounter a victim he could fill his boots with, because she happened to have a roof of sorts over her head and was living there alone in the November.

                              The theory that the woman found in that room was murdered for any kind of political motive to do with espionage, blackmail, punishment or a warning to others, strikes me as particularly silly. What did the plotters do? Engineer Joe Barnett's departure at just the right time so the woman known as MJK would be inviting strangers in [or at least be sleeping alone and vulnerable to an intruder], to coincide with a recent spate of unrelated but extremely convenient mutilation murders, onto which they could tack this indoor slaughter? Why indoors, if this was a copycat crime, meant to look like the outdoor killer had struck again?

                              Sadly, even if the killer could one day be identified, I'm not sure that would shed even a glimmer of light on MJK's true identity, especially if her real name was anything other than Mary Kelly. We don't even know if that's the name she went by when hooking up with Blotchy, or other potential money sources post Barnett.


                              The 2 parts I put in bold above Caz....1st, there is zero evidence that at any time, with or without Barnett.. since leaving the room the Tuesday prior to her murder, that she ever took a "paying client" into her room. Singing for over an hours isn't conventional, streetwalker, skirts raising, sex in anyones imagination.

                              On the second portion, "unlucky enough to meet her killer",... she was in her own room, undressed, and in bed when her "killer" attacked had nothing to do with luck and everything to do with her trusting someone she shouldn't have. Since we know she was in a love triangle with 2 Joes, and we don't know who this other Joe was or what he was like other than he "treated her poorly" on occasion, ruling out something from her personal life is what seems silly.

                              Joes exit left her alone in the room...after Maria also moved out..that created an opportunity, it wasn't "engineered" at all.

                              And copycats copy acts, they don't do something that had no previous precedent. Which taking a woman apart in her own room was, something without precedent.


                              • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                                so all those saying that the victims could have their throats cut while standing this includes Stride too-correct?
                                "While falling" is a possibility raised by the medical examiner. As for the others standing, I don't think its ruled out by any contradictory evidence. A slit throats spray can be controlled by simply tilting the chin to the chest and pressing down immediately after the cut. Doesn't seem that was the case oin all the cases, but it could have been in some. Anyone claiming that all the victims were prone when cut....see tweets from the just taking a stand, its not following any evidence.

