In re-reading Donald McCormick's book "The Identity of Jack the Ripper" (1970 version) - see separate thread for my notes - I came across this story which I do not remember seeing discussed anywhere.
On page 185 McCormick writes that Henry Wilson, who paid MJK's funeral expenses:
"discovered that, after leaving Cardiff, she went, not to the West End of London, but to set up in a tiny, drab shop in Commercial Road out of the paltry proceeds of compensation paid by the minowners after her husband's death. And it was because these tycoons of the coalfields had kept her waiting eighteen months for this meagre sum that she had drifted into prostitution in Cardiff."
The A-Z (latest edition) has an entry for Henry Wilson, but makes no mention of his having looked into Kelly's past. On the other hand he appears to have lived in the neighbourhood and thus could have had access to information.
Given the Shelden's recently published discoveries about Mary's associates in the Breezer's Hill area, her story to Joe seems to receive corroboration. In turn that would leave scant room for her foray into business in the Commercial Road.
Edited to add that the story itself seems internally inconsistent and implausible. YET, if it has not been pursued have we missed any opportunity for tracing MJK in business records?
On the other hand, Donald McCormick has often be accused of making up or stretching material to bolster his books, so one cannot take anything he says at face value.
So my questions are:
a) has anyone looked into this story - does it have any credibility?
b) where did it come from? Did henry Wilson look into MJK's past?
c) is it just nonsense and needs to be dismissed once and for all?
I'd like to know. Help please,
On page 185 McCormick writes that Henry Wilson, who paid MJK's funeral expenses:
"discovered that, after leaving Cardiff, she went, not to the West End of London, but to set up in a tiny, drab shop in Commercial Road out of the paltry proceeds of compensation paid by the minowners after her husband's death. And it was because these tycoons of the coalfields had kept her waiting eighteen months for this meagre sum that she had drifted into prostitution in Cardiff."
The A-Z (latest edition) has an entry for Henry Wilson, but makes no mention of his having looked into Kelly's past. On the other hand he appears to have lived in the neighbourhood and thus could have had access to information.
Given the Shelden's recently published discoveries about Mary's associates in the Breezer's Hill area, her story to Joe seems to receive corroboration. In turn that would leave scant room for her foray into business in the Commercial Road.
Edited to add that the story itself seems internally inconsistent and implausible. YET, if it has not been pursued have we missed any opportunity for tracing MJK in business records?
On the other hand, Donald McCormick has often be accused of making up or stretching material to bolster his books, so one cannot take anything he says at face value.
So my questions are:
a) has anyone looked into this story - does it have any credibility?
b) where did it come from? Did henry Wilson look into MJK's past?
c) is it just nonsense and needs to be dismissed once and for all?
I'd like to know. Help please,