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Mjk photograph

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  • Mjk photograph

    For the longest time we have been told that the MJK photo first saw the light of day in an 1894 thesis by André Lamoureux. I have just received an original copy of his thesis, and nowhere in its 136 pages is there a photograph of MJK. Could someone please explain?

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    Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.

  • #2
    Was it not published in the book De l'Éventration au point-de-vue medico-legal - why would it be with the written thesis? Particularly if there was only one or very limited copies of the original photo?

    I think it was suggested that for the book itself Lacassagne procured a copy of the photograph that might have been the one in the possession of American doctor Arthur MacDonald, who in turn, may have got it from Thomas Bond.

    Per Doctor Coutagne
    médécin {unreadable: “emerit“?}
    Torino, September 8, 1892.

    My dear Sirs,

    I send a patho-sexual manuscript on special criminology, which has been read and approved of by Prof. Dr. von Krafft-Ebing of Vienna, from whom I have just received it. I desire to submit it for publication in the “Archives de l'Anthropologie criminelle“ in such a way that it could have 100 copies to be first in the form of a book.

    The cases are peculiar and worked up for the first time. I have also a photograph of one of the worst victims of Jack the Ripper, which was very difficult to obtain, as was the case with the other photographs. This I will send in after I hear from you. The preface explains the nature of the book.

    I shall be in London September 12 or 13 and desire a decision from you by that time, as I expect to return to Amiens.

    My address will be:
    Care J. S. Morgan & Co
    22, Old Broad Street,
    London E.C

    I am,

    Very Truly,

    Dr Arthur Mac Donald

    I have taken the liberty of writing in English, as you know English well.

    More on it here
    Author of 'Jack the Ripper: Threads' out now on Amazon > UK | USA | CA | AUS

