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    Sorry for starting a new thread on something so gruesome and graphic, but I wanted to point out some things that were scattered around amongst other topics without posting the same horrible picture in several threads.

    Firstly, I have seen contradictory posts discussing the position of features and had a hard time making out exactly what is going on in that mess myself.
    So some time ago, I made a multi layered image with the clearest version of THAT photo I could find with one of the layers being a female skull in roughly the position of Marys head.
    I scaled it and positioned it by using the bit of bone that runs vertical behind the nose as I believe this is visible on the original photo.
    Once I did that and took the opacity down to mix the 2 images, something became horribly clear! There was Marys right eye! The other posts I've seen referring to her right eye seem to say her eye is somewhere else and up until I did this image, I couldn't see any eyes anywhere at all.
    The next thing I noticed was where the teeth line up to the original. I hadn't even thought about where her teeth might be up till then.
    What is interesting here, is that posts elsewhere discuss wether she had false teeth. In my picture, I believe at least 2 teeth are missing (1 of the front top ones and one next to the other front one).
    Anyway, I could have got it all totally wrong and I'm seeing faces in the clouds (I'm sure some kind soul will tell me if I am), but here is the picture with the skull layer fading in and out...

  • #2
    Quite impressive.

    What looked to me like a nice pair of lips (or optical illusion?) appear to be almost in the right place according to your skull overlay.

    Regards, Jon S.
    Regards, Jon S.


    • #3
      Hi Major

      I agree with Jon...what an interesting technique...nice one!

      I'm not sure the skull is at quite the right angle though...should it not be just a fraction more upward looking?

      Not saying you're wrong, and perhaps it's just my eyes (!)

      All the best



      • #4
        Jon... there is definately the right side of her lips intact with the left dropping down before rising up again. The top lip seems to be absent though.

        Dave...could easily be at the wrong angle in any direction, but finding a picture of a skull that matched exactly to something in such a mess was never going to be easy. I'm amazed at how things seemed to line up none the less! Especially the teeth. The cheekbones seem to have become more visible as well I think.

        I saw some posts a while ago, where a member had used a 3d poser skeleton, either here or the old boards. Perhaps that person can get me a better skull?



        • #5
          Wow. I could never see the eye either and found her whole face pretty much unrecognisable as far as features are concerned. Very helpful post Major, thank you.
          Through the awareness of the eye, she seems so much more identifiable among the havoc created on her body and face, I feel newly unnerved by that photo now.


          • #6
            Very interesting technique used Cadet, has a holographic quality to it that takes getting used to.

            On the issue of the eye though, I believe Marys eyes were obscured by flaps of skin from her forehead when the original picture was taken, but I believe youve helped identify where precisely the sockets were.

            Best regards

