It is my understanding that the bed upon which MJK was found is lying alongside the partition wall in 13 Millers court. If this is correct and she was killed lying upon that bed then why would other occupants not have heard what happened?
What I am getting at is in my experience when it comes to sound and the result of something being banged into a partition wall if thin they seem to almost magnify noises. I know this seems an odd statement but I have lived in a flat with a partition wall and if the neighbors talked i could hear them very well and if something bumped or banged the wall it was very loud and obvious.
I find it hard to get my head around MJK being subdued/killed in bed without her struggling in some way and envisage if it happened to me I am certain one of my arms or legs would have banged the wall next to the bed.
Is it firmly established she was lying in her bed when killed? I just cant accept that if she was she didn't struggle and bang the partition wall which would have been a noise loud enough for Prater or someone else to hear in my mind.
Anyhow I am new here so please be gentle
What I am getting at is in my experience when it comes to sound and the result of something being banged into a partition wall if thin they seem to almost magnify noises. I know this seems an odd statement but I have lived in a flat with a partition wall and if the neighbors talked i could hear them very well and if something bumped or banged the wall it was very loud and obvious.
I find it hard to get my head around MJK being subdued/killed in bed without her struggling in some way and envisage if it happened to me I am certain one of my arms or legs would have banged the wall next to the bed.
Is it firmly established she was lying in her bed when killed? I just cant accept that if she was she didn't struggle and bang the partition wall which would have been a noise loud enough for Prater or someone else to hear in my mind.
Anyhow I am new here so please be gentle
