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Was it a frenzy?

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  • #46
    And the window...? Broken on order?

    The best,


    • #47
      Hi Fish,

      Why ever not?

      The scenario wouldn't have worked without it happening.


      Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


      • #48
        A drunken brawl makes not for a very credible scenario of design, but thatīs just my take on it. Furthermore, we donīt know whether the killer entered using the broken pane, do we?

        All the best,


        • #49
          Hi Fish,

          If the window hadn't been broken Thomas Bowyer would not have known there was a body in the room.


          Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


          • #50

            "If the window hadn't been broken Thomas Bowyer would not have known there was a body in the room."

            Sorry, Simon, but you lost me here. Why would this knowledge on behalf of Bowyer point to some sort of design...?
            Also, Bowyer knocked on the door, received no reaction, and so he went round the corner and - logically - took a look through the window nearest the door. He shoved the cloth hanging in the window to the side by reaching in through the hole in the pane, and saw Kelly. But there was another window too. Do we know that this window had something hanging over it, disenabling anybody to look through it?

            Anyhow, I cannot for the life of me see any design in all of this. All I see is a drunken brawl, a window smashed because of it and a killer who may or may not have used the window for entering. And I donīt realize why anybody would feel certain that Indian Harry would push the cloth to the side and look into No 13. He could just as well have surmised that Kelly was not home, could he not?

            All the best,


            • #51
              It was stated in the press, that several residents of the court, were anxious that Mary was not up and about that morning , and mentioned the fact to McCarthy in his shop.
              It clearly was not the ''done thing'' to poke through a hole in the window to spy on a dweller, as the concerned residents would have done so..
              On wonders therefore why Bowyer would have taken upon himself to do that , after all he had knocked, the door was locked, and unless Kelly had done this sort of thing before[ not answering] he would assume that she was either still asleep, or out.
              I would suggest that he had concerns that not all was well, and carried out the act which must have haunted him for the rest of his life.
              Note..A resident of the court noticed the ''blinds were down'', so one imagines that the large window had some form of curtain, and the man's pilot coat was hung across the smaller window..
              Regards Richard.

