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An offer to Ripper friends in Wales

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  • An offer to Ripper friends in Wales

    In another thread I have been posting info about the Infirmary in Cardiff sent to me by a very helpful officer on Cardiff City Council.
    I have been offered a guided visit round the site of the Infirmary while it is being restored. For health reasons travelling is problematic at the moment.
    Anyone in or near Cardiff who would like to visit the Royal Infiormary site let me know and I will see what can be done.

  • #2
    Hi Chris,

    I'd certainly be interested in this - just about to drop you a PM.


    • #3
      Hi Sarah
      Git your PM and have sent you an answer
      All the best


      • #4
        unfortunately i am in the north....would love to do it if i could


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chris Scott View Post
          Hi Sarah
          Git your PM and have sent you an answer
          All the best

          Originally posted by Jason View Post
          unfortunately i am in the north....would love to do it if i could
          Hi Jason,

          Thanks to Chris, I'm going to see what I can sort out for this.
          If the site visit goes ahead and if I can get permission, I'm hoping to be able to take along some professional photography equipment - so there will be an almost virtual tour available on the site for those who are interested but can't make it to Cardiff.


          • #6
            Hi Sarah
            Many thanks for the second PM
            Let me know how your chat with Richard goes - I'm sure it will be OK as he was very enthusiastic and helpful when I contacted him and has sent me a vast amount of material


            • #7
              and if I can get permission, I'm hoping to be able to take along some professional photography equipment
              Not wishing to prejudge matters, but I sense Data Protection Act issues here if patients appear in images...and hard to see how you can film the inside of a hospital without inadvertently capturing patient images...careful how you word your request Sarah!

              All the best



              • #8
                Hi Dave
                The parts in question are unoccupied and covered externally in scaffolding. The tour would only be of the conservation project in parts of the building that are being restored or redeveloped.


                • #9
                  Hi Chris/Sarah

                  Oh that ought to be fine then...hopefully you'll get a go-ahead and we'll all benefit from seeing the images...(I was just judging from the crap we got from proposing to film on one of our bus stations!)

                  Every good wish



                  • #10
                    Hi Chris, I hope you feel better soon.

                    Good luck, Sarah! I look forward to seeing your photos and videos.

                    Best regards,


                    • #11
                      Thank you all for the well wishes and support. I've sent an EMail off today, so I'll let you know what the outcome is once I receive a response.

                      Don't worry. Although most of the CRI site has now been derelict for 10 years+, I'd still be respectful in any approach made. I'm mindful of the fact that others may come after me (whether with an interest in JTR or just in Victorian architecture) and I wouldn't want to spoil things for anyone else in the future.

                      The fact that you were quoted the DPA when asking about filming a bus station is totally bizarre though
                      The DPA specifically covers information held about individuals, so I'm at a loss as to how incidentally filming anyone in a bus station would be in breach of this. Still, privacy laws in the UK are a little grey and fuzzy and sometimes I suppose it's easier for officials to quote something more widely recognised than trying to pick through the complexities in that area!!!


                      • #12
                        Hi Sarah

                        Yes that was my impression but in the case I mentioned, admittedly some years back now, there were "issues of individual privacy" quoted...

                        There have also been many recent cases of bus/train enthusiasts being "discouraged" from filming in bus and rail stations on these grounds, and, indeed, there's an interesting debate here:-


                        Anyway, as there are no patients in that part of the site, and you're going to be there by specific invitation, it surely won't affect you either way. Hope you have a good day and some interesting pix...



                        • #13
                          Thanks for that link Dave.

                          As you said, it shouldn't be an issue in this instance but it's still an interesting read and food for thought. There really are some massive grey areas around it aren't there?

                          p.s. I'm now wondering if the author is the same Chris W that I know from another forum. If so, it really is a small world.


                          • #14
                            An Update

                            I've heard back from the Cardiff City Council Officer. He needs to get further permission from the Local Health Board who own the site and the contractors who are currently working there, but he's very happy for a site visit to go ahead

                            It may take another few weeks for everything to be sorted out, but he doesn't foresee any problems. Fingers crossed it'll all be sorted out soon.

                            I'll keep you all updated as things progress.


                            • #15
                              Another Update

                              I got back from holiday today to find a reply from Cardiff City Council

                              All permissions are now sorted, and I'll be getting in touch on Monday to sort out a date and time. Thank you again to Chris for making the contact on this and opening it up to other forum members

