Originally posted by Limehouse
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For the victims previous to Kelly, with the exception of Eddowes, the external genitalia was untouched. Eddowes has a long slash that starts at the hip and divides the (right?) external labia from the pubis. But had the external genitalia been targeted, there would be no reason to start at the hip, and one would expect further mutilation. Given the length and depth of the slash, I'm confident that it was a skip. That the knife hit something, skipped over and the force carried it across. So with the previous murders, there is no purposeful mutilation of the most obvious target.
Kelly on the other hand had her external genitalia ravaged. Which doesn't require really anything in terms of time or effort.
When a killer takes a uterus, it can be sexual. It can also be an attack on the organs of generation, like a revenge based hysterectomy or something. If it's a fetish, then that is essentially the motive. Whatever else he gets out killing these women, it's the uterus he's after. But if it's some sort of revenge or mommy thing, then the uterus is still the motive. And he's careful with it. He takes the uterus, takes care to remove it intact, but leaves the vagina which is an odd choice for a sexually charged crime.
Kelly's uterus was removed, but it wasn't taken. If I recall it was under her head. What we don't know is what happened to the vagina. The intimation is that literally everything was taken out. But if the vagina had been attached to the uterus, one would think that would be noted, since that would be new. And no separate mention is made as far as I know, so it may be AWOL. That would be a very significant difference. As is the fact that he left the uterus at the scene.
In the previous murders, their breasts and mouths were untouched. Except Eddowes who had her lips cut when he cut off her nose. But again, it isn't purposeful. Now the breasts are easy to get to, being right there on the chest. And as he had a knife, with a minimal amount of effort he could have exposed them and mutilated them. Or not exposed them and stabbed at them. But evidently they might as well have not existed.
Kelly's breasts were excised, and her lips were cubed.
The facial mutilations of Eddowes and Kelly seem similar, but they really arent. Eddowes was essentially drawn on with a knife. Specific cuts were made that altered her features, and probably completely obscured her face in blood. Kelly's face was obliterated. And a completely different technique was used. She had parts cut off, almost flensed, and everything else came from long crossing slashes. Both mutilations would have taken roughly the same amount of time. If I had to guess, I would say that Eddowes looked like someone Jack didn't want to "watch" while he killed so he disfigures her just enough to obscure the resemblance. Kelly on the other hand I would say was being punished. He took her face, something she would have been proud of, and something that quite possibly was one of the problems.
Kelly is also the only one on whom any attempt at dismemberment was made. Her killer took her heart, which is intensely symbolic, and left her eyes intact, quite purposefully. The facial mutilations would have been easier if allowed her eyes to be cut, but he specifically cut around them. Maybe he wanted her to watch.
The thing is, just because a killer mutilates bodies doesn't necessarily mean he wants to do it more. I mean, it is far easier to cut out the entire contents of the abdomen than root around for one organ. He doesn't do that. He seems to have a system. He has goals he wants to achieve, and his method revolves around that. It's entirely possible that you could leave him with the corpse of a woman for two days and he would never do anything more than essentially what he does on the streets. A guy who wants uteri does not necessarily want to rend women down to their component parts. I mean he might, but there's no rule. If part of his thrill was the possibility of discovery, then the last thing he would want is to be in some safe room.
Anyway, Kelly looks like one of those wives who is finally caught by a crazy and abusive ex. The other victims look like abandoned anatomy projects. It just doesn't strike me as the same.