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  • Hi Guys,
    As I stated the majority of the court residents were couples.
    Making a living on the streets, and doing business down some alley, was none of McCarthy,s concern, but having open prostitution under his nose would have concerned him.
    I am not disputing that his tenants could bring home who they wished, but I am confident that he would never have tolerated his residents using his respected name for open prostitution.
    But that is only my opinion.
    Regards Richard.


    • I believe Kelly's relationship with her killer was casual and non physical; she had not walked the streets in an extended period, if ever, and had not invited clients to no 13 as her flatmate Barnett would not have tolerated it.
      The FBI suggest that the killer caroused in local public houses eyeing up possible victims; i believe that this provides the best explanation.
      An organised killer could invent any fanciful tale about himself to interest a vic
      and dissuade suspicion; Kelly would not be the first woman to kid herself that she could judge a man and ended up dead.


      • One fact in those days, even later in the 1930-50's, everyone who lives around you knows your business.

        When neighbours see other single female tenants with a strange man every night, or several in one night, they know the score. Bowyer saw Kelly talking to "collars and cuffs" on Wednesday night, we can assume he knew this was not her investment adviser.

        What Bowyer knew, McCarthy knew, and you can bet, what other tenants knew, because of gossip, McCarthy also knew. McCarthy was not concerned, proof is the legal requirement, not gossip.

        Regards, Jon S.
        Regards, Jon S.


        • I'm with Jon on this one...and although there's no proof, I wouldn't be at all surprised if McCarthy wasn't taking a discreet slice off the top...but even if not it simply beggars belief that he didn't know what was going on in such close proximity to his own home.

          All the best



          • Originally posted by richardnunweek View Post
            I would suggest that she was known to the killer, and known by the victim.
            Regards Richard.
            Hi, Richard,
            This sentence seems to say that MJK was known both to the killer and the victim

            Are you suggesting that the victim was NOT MJK?

            or did you intend to state that the killer was known to the victim?

            If you are suggesting that the victim was not MJK, I'd love to hear your thinking on the subject.




            • Hi Curious,
              Sorry for the confusion.
              Meaning..Mary was known by the killer, and the killer was known by Mary..
              No conspiracy angle.
              Happy Xmas
              Regards Richard.


              • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                Cox said that she got her living on the streets.
                Hi, Robert,

                isn't this a matter of semantics? A prostitute gets her living "on the streets" inasmuch as that's where she picks up her punters. Whether the sexual act takes place on the street or in a private room she still gets her living on the streets.

                Regards, Bridewell.
                I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                • Hi Bridewell

                  Well, she was a prostitute, something that Richard said McCarthy wouldn't stand for. One can say "Ah, but he'd have drawn a line at letting his rooms be used for the purpose" but I feel that is unrealistic.

