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  • Mjk

    Was Mary the victim of what is commonly called a home invasion ?.
    This explanation seems to find favour with a lot of commentators on the Millers Court murder. I believe that it is not the correct explanation; i believe Mary invited a homicidal opportunist into her little room. However, the invasion scenario raises enough pertinent questions to be of interest.
    Why do people approve of this explanation?.
    What could inspire such a drastic change in MO?.
    Last edited by Scorpio; 12-15-2011, 07:26 PM.

  • #2
    I was a stranger and ye took me in.

    Hello Scorpio.

    "I believe Mary invited a homicidal opportunist into her little room."

    All right. Here are 2 questions.

    1. When did she invite him in?

    2. Why did she invite him in?

    "What could inspire such a drastic change in MO?"

    Not sure why we are talking about an MO? MJK's MO? We're not sure if she invited strangers in. The assailant? Not sure he killed before or since.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Scorpio View Post
      Was Mary the victim of what is commonly called a home invasion ?.
      This explanation seems to find favour with a lot of commentators on the Millers Court murder. I believe that it is not the correct explanation; i believe Mary invited a homicidal opportunist into her little room. However, the invasion scenario raises enough pertinent questions to be of interest.
      Why do people approve of this explanation?.
      What could inspire such a drastic change in MO?.
      HI Scorpio
      Good question. Most likey if it was a "home invasion" scenario it was someone who knew her or knew about her and snuck in when she was passed out. I seriously doubt it was an invasion by a random stranger who just happened to get lucky. I think if it was a stranger the best scenario would be someone she picked up on the streets and brought home ala Blotchy. But IMHO the circumstances of the night point to someone who knew her and came to her door and she let in or someone who knew her and snuck in.


      • #4
        I was referring in my oblique way to the established behaviour of the supposed JtR and the canonised murders upto this point. But you are correct, there isnt any good reason to do so.


        • #5
          good reasons, anyone?

          Hello Scorpio. Thanks. But again, perhaps no good reason not to?



          • #6
            Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
            HI Scorpio
            Good question. Most likey if it was a "home invasion" scenario it was someone who knew her or knew about her and snuck in when she was passed out. I seriously doubt it was an invasion by a random stranger who just happened to get lucky. I think if it was a stranger the best scenario would be someone she picked up on the streets and brought home ala Blotchy. But IMHO the circumstances of the night point to someone who knew her and came to her door and she let in or someone who knew her and snuck in.
            OK. Presumably the killer knew Mary well enough to guess that she would leave the latch on the door lock.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scorpio View Post
              OK. Presumably the killer knew Mary well enough to guess that she would leave the latch on the door lock.
              or that she had a broken window. or that she might let him in (if he did not sneak in).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                or that she had a broken window. or that she might let him in (if he did not sneak in).
                Granted, he/she might have slipped their hand through the broken window and released the bolt themselves. All this dastardly sneaking is not very convincing though;It was probably easier just to wake her up.
                Home invasions definitely require the ignorance of the home owners to count as such, though.


                • #9
                  I agree the invasion scenario is best forgotten.


                  • #10
                    do you mean a break in? if so we have discussed this often and this theory has no major faults at all.....BUT !

                    It only really works well with GH, because for the killer to break in at 4am, he has to stalk her earlier on, he would thus have been seen by S.Lewis or someone else.

                    let me explain..... even someone that knew MJK well can not afford to break in at 4am, without knowing if she is at home first or even if she is at home alone, because the inside of her room will be way too dark for you to notice a man sleeping beside her, let alone you moving the jacket or whatever the hell she had as a makeshift curtain, out of the way to stare in.

                    what about GH ?... I CANT BE BOTHERED WITH HIM ANY MORE

                    So for the present time, i'll go with she invited the killer in, probably a downgraded version of LA DE DA


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scorpio View Post
                      Was Mary the victim of what is commonly called a home invasion ?.
                      This explanation seems to find favour with a lot of commentators on the Millers Court murder. I believe that it is not the correct explanation; i believe Mary invited a homicidal opportunist into her little room. However, the invasion scenario raises enough pertinent questions to be of interest.
                      Why do people approve of this explanation?.
                      What could inspire such a drastic change in MO?.
                      Who cares less about a change in M.O..... because like human nature, an M.O doesn't have to be fixed.

                      what is important is that MJK is brutally mutilated and not battered to death with a cricket the Signature is still the same, thus this points to JTR, but how he gains access is up to him isn't it, because he's not a robot and he wont do what you think/expect of him will he

                      finally, if he's after a heart for some kind of occult sacrafice, then this will be an inside job only, he cant do this out on the streets because to gain access to her heart requires much more time and effort than a kidney/uterus etc.
                      Last edited by Malcolm X; 12-16-2011, 03:55 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Malcolm X View Post
                        Who cares less about a change in M.O..... because like human nature, an M.O doesn't have to be fixed.

                        what is important is that MJK is brutally mutilated and not battered to death with a cricket the Signature is still the same, thus this points to JTR, but how he gains access is up to him isn't it, because he's not a robot and he wont do what you think/expect of him will he

                        finally, if he's after a heart for some kind of occult sacrafice, then this will be an inside job only, he cant do this out on the streets because to gain access to her heart requires much more time and effort than a kidney/uterus etc.
                        An M.O is never fixed, but if there is a change in an established pattern, and an established killer at work is a possibility, then there should be a reason. Kelly, by providing an opportunity for greater intimacy to a client ( killer ), is probably that reason. But it is not the only explanation of course.
                        I do not believe that the heart provided more or less of a challenge than the removal of the other organs.
                        Doctor Bond gives us a description of the basic process involved; an incision made beneath the ribcage and the blood filled sack called the pericardium was sliced open. The heart resides in the pericardium.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Scorpio View Post
                          Was Mary the victim of what is commonly called a home invasion ?.
                          This explanation seems to find favour with a lot of commentators on the Millers Court murder. I believe that it is not the correct explanation; i believe Mary invited a homicidal opportunist into her little room.
                          Why do people approve of this explanation?.
                          The murder of Mary Kelly is made unnecessarily complicated by the refusal of some to accept that Kelly may have ventured out again after 'servicing' Blotchy.

                          Those who fall into this category are split into two factions;
                          - those who believe Blotchy must have killed her, or,
                          - those who believe Kelly went to bed and a burglar broke in to murder her.
                          Both 'camps' refuse to accept Hutchinson's story for a variety of reasons.

                          So those who correctly see Blotchy as far too early, arriving at 11:45-12:00, when Kelly was deemed to have been murdered after 3:00am, are the group largely responsible for the 'burglar' theory.

                          Evidence of desperation in denial..

                          Regards, Jon S.
                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • #14
                            I suppose anything is possible, but I see no reason to consider this a "home invasion". Mary Kelly had nothing worth stealing, and why "break in" someone's room to assault her (sexually or otherwise) when she's a well-known prostitute who will let in anyone with a little money??

                            I know this is not an original thought , but I think Mary found a client and brought him indoors for a little privacy.

                            Unfortunately for her, that client just happened to be our man Jack.
                            "It's either the river or the Ripper for me."~~anonymous 'unfortunate', London 1888


                            • #15
                              Must agree with Mrs Fiddymont, a invitation with deadly results...but what put Mary off guard?
                              According to gossip, she was concerned about the Ripper, note... the remark to Mrs McCarthy a day earlier '' He is a concern isn't he'', not to mention the remark that she would not go ''out alone'', and the very fact that she had sleepovers several times of recent.
                              So what put her of guard?
                              Hutchinson's man who was not her usual client[ according to Hutchinson] carrying a small parcel would have sent alarm bells ringing despite her need for money.
                              Blotchy would appear to have been a person she knew from one of her pubs, and taken that she was seen alive a couple of hours later, is a non starter least for me.
                              So what about Maxwell's ''Market porter'' seen at 830-845am.. [my suspect] was it the daylight that gave poor Mary a easy feeling, after all the Whitechapel killer struck in the night, and it would not have dawned on her that she was in any danger..
                              Regards Richard.

