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I will be leaving my bonnet then

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  • I will be leaving my bonnet then

    Hello all.
    The thread title, comes from the words expressed by Mrs Harvey, whilst in Kelly's room on the 8TH Nov, and I will endeavour to explain the implications.
    Mrs Prater claims to have spoken to Kelly at 9pm at the bottom of the passage, the latter was dressed in her black velvet jacket , and a bonnet.
    Mrs Cox claims to have seen Kelly at 1145pm, dressed in different clothing.
    What can we deduct from that?
    Was Prater mistaken, either by identity or date.?
    Mistaken,,no chance whatsoever.
    Date. only one bonnet was found in room 13, that being the remains in the grate, and that item was not under her roof until the 8TH .
    Was Cox mistaken by identity or date?
    Mistaken ..unlikely as she saw a person entering room 13,
    Date.. as the clothing worn by Kelly differs From Praters, it is possible that she had the wrong day, however Catherine Picket backs up the '''going for a song'' heard by Cox, unlikely.
    So if both women were not mistaken, the only alternative is, some when between 9pm and 1145pm , Kelly returned home to change her initial appearance.
    Was she intending to meet somebody that night, was that the reason Harvey used that term[ thread title]?
    Did the date take place, if so why return home to change.?
    Did the date excuse themselves. leaving Mary free to return..but why?
    Perhaps she wanted to keep those items free from wetness. possibility ., but why then would the jacket and bonnet be on Kelly's bed , at the time of the attack?
    The police believed that the two items in question , were burnt because they were bloodstained, that being the case they would have to have been on the bed, or on a person, at the time of attack.
    If on the bed ,,why would Mary leave items such as a bonnet and jacket, on the bed if she wanted them to remain decent, when chairs were present, after retiring for the night.?
    If wearing them.
    Why would Mary wear the items in question at 9pm.
    Take them off , before Cox sees her with Blotchy.
    Puts them back on during the night once more.
    But what if she was dressing in the morning and had them on when she was attacked, and her killer realized the point I am making.
    Having blood on them, it would indicate to the police that she was wearing them at the time of onslaught, which would suggest that she was not killed whilst in bed.
    Lots of questions more thing.
    According to the police initially, they believed the murder happened in daylight.
    Regards Richard.

  • #2
    Hello Richard,

    In response to your last point, and indeed covering some of the others.. getting ready for The Lord Mayor's parade is the obvious answer, I would think. Seems most likely to me.


    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • #3
      Mary being seen in the morning has always puzzled me too, my guess is she was mistaken and saw someone else, or is confusing this day with another... most odd, because a morning murder doesn't make sense at all, it's far too risky with her neighbours hanging around outside in busy Millers court, it's possible yes, but a highly foolish thing to do and i cant imagine the killer ever attempting this.

      she was killed in bed because there's so much evidence that points to this, she was either suddenly woken and attacked, or the killer lunged at her whilst getting ready to leave, with Kelly relaxing in bed and watching him.

