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Graffiti in Mary Kelly's Room

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  • Graffiti in Mary Kelly's Room

    Forgive me if this has been covered before, but I am relatively new to Casebook and can't find any reference. My examination of an enlarged version of the photo taken through Mary Kelly's window suggests the presence of graffiti on the partition wall at the back. I think I can make out the word 'Joseph' a couple of times (presumably Barnett). Did the police make a record of whatever writing they found and, if so, does it survive? It may tell us nothing we don't already know, but I'd still like to see it.
    I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.

  • #2
    I'm not absolutely sure if others know what you are referring to - I'm not. Could you post a picture with the portion of interest outlined so we can see for ourselves?


    • #3
      Hello Bridewell,
      Many times have I scanned that wall for writing, and I admit to seeing the famous FM[ just] but I have yet to see any Joseph, it would be rather fascinating if there was, would it have been written by Mary,and if so what Joseph was she referring to?
      Or possibly Barnett wrote it, rather like one does occasionally on wood, when the fancy takes us...was it done with affection, as in Joseph loves Mary, and did Mary sign?.
      But more then likely it is ones eyes playing tricks.although I would love to be wrong..
      Regards Richard.

