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Why is that linen so odd? *Graphic Warning*

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hunter View Post
    Hi Steve,

    Some of your comparison markings on the two photos appear to be out of place to me. The small yellow circle in MJK1 should be where the large red circle is in MJK2. That would correspond to the hand - the object being bed linen or her garment.

    The object circled yellow in MJK3 being her left knee... which may appear more pronounced because of the more downward angle of the photo.

    Just tossing this out.
    Hello Hunter,
    They do look a little out of place initially, however, this is due to our understanding and perception of compressed and less compressed angles of the same object when viewing the two different photos taken at different heights and angles.
    (hope that's explained clearly enough)
    They are correctly marked!

    The object you mentioned circled in yellow in MJK3 is not her knee, it's the
    remains of the top of her thigh.
    I think that what fools people into thinking this is a knee is the fact that several inches in depth have been carved away, thus pronouncing the curve
    between the large red and yellow circles on MJK3 making it look like a knee.



    • #32
      Good point, Steve.

      With the angle of the camera from the foot of the bed next to the wall, her knee (as you stated) should be out of the picture.

      Excellent observations.
      Best Wishes,

      When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888


      • #33
        I thought it was clear that is it just the ray of sun-light pouring through the crack from the opened door?

        Other than that, it just appears to be a cheap; crappy piece of nicked/scratched furniture.


        • #34
          Would someone please tell me why someone would make such a terrifying wax image and then pass it off as a crime-scene photo? It doesn't make sense. Crime scene photo much more likely. And if we argue that it is, indeed, a wax model, it would not have been cheap to make and would surely have been saved. Any clue?
          And the questions always linger, no real answer in sight


          • #35
            Bump up for this intriguing thread.

            Regardless of all the talk of knees and thighs and camera angles; where is the huge bulk of material/bedding on the LEFT of the table in MJK3 to be seen in MJK1?

            Rather than looking at the alleged corpse in MJK3 to determine whether the photo is fake; just look at the table.

            It doesn't match up.

            And for me MJK3 is a fake

            Unless someone can convince me otherwise

            The bulk of bedding on the table (NOT THE FLESH PILE) should be visible in MJK1...and so unless it has been placed there after MJK1 was taken, then for me MJK3 photo is a fake.

            "Great minds, don't think alike"


            • #36
              Wild guess, but could it be up against the wall behind her leg in MJK2 and moved to the table to make room for the camera in MJK3?

              Also, I've read this described as a bolster, and that just seems rather extravagant given the sparse furnishings. Would Kelly and Barnett have supplied the bed sheets, pillows, etc., or would these come with the room?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Barnaby View Post
                Wild guess, but could it be up against the wall behind her leg in MJK2 and moved to the table to make room for the camera in MJK3?

                Also, I've read this described as a bolster, and that just seems rather extravagant given the sparse furnishings. Would Kelly and Barnett have supplied the bed sheets, pillows, etc., or would these come with the room?

                Good post

                The bulk on the table in MJK3 (NOT the flesh pile) is definitely not in the MJK1 photo, because it would be partially visible and partly obscure her left arm and possibly her face.

                That means it was placed there for whatever reason.

                Unless MJK3 was taken beforehand and then removed from the table to take MJK1 and be able to see a full body photo from an elevated position from her left side.

                It seems odd to place it onto the table AFTER taking MJK1 and so surely this proves that it was placed on the table by the killer and was there when she was discovered.

                The police/photographer then removed it from the table in order to take the full body shot for MJK1

                There's is zero logical reason to place it onto the table AFTER MJK1 is taken, because it serves no purpose whatsoever.

                Therefore MJK3 must have been taken BEFORE MJK1, meaning that when the killer left the room the pile of bedding/bolster was on the table and partially obscuring her.

                Based on the angles it even looks like he left her staring directly toward that bedding/bolster in the table.

                That could perhaps be a clue in itself.

                Fascinating indeed

                "Great minds, don't think alike"


                • #38
                  Don't you think you may be reading a bit too much into this?

