We all know that the east end of London in the 1880s was rough to say the least, we also know that Dorset street had a reputation.
My question is therefore 'Why was the killer of Mary Kelly so confident.?
If one takes Hutchinsons Astracan man as a likely killer, what made him so confident that this young woman that he had just encountered, and her suggesting that they go back to her room was not a invitation for disaster.
He could have been led into a police trap, or mayby into a mugging feast'
Why would he walk into Dorset street, and enter a passage, into a court with confidence?
Here we have a man , dressed in his sunday best , about to commit a butchery, with no worries of any intervention, even though he has been followed by a stranger.
Does that ring true, if Hutch was telling the truth?.
The only two realistic explanations.
a] Hutchinsons account is bogus.
b] Astracan knew Mary , and she him , and millers court held no fear for him.
If one ignores Astracan as the killer, and i would suggest one should, as i would say that Mary was killed by a stranger[ complete contrast to my usual thoughts] not someone she knew and trusted.
I have recently come to terms with the idea that the last man she[ claimed] was seen with was her likely killer, that person being Maxwells market porter, i would suggest to you all that it would have been far easier for both Him and Kelly to enter that room.
Kelly, because as all the other murders were during the night, she would not have suspected this guy as being dangerous to her, after all there were many people about, and it was safe to take a man back to her room.
The man would also know it was unlikely that it would be a police trap, at 9am , also unlikely that he would be acosted by a gang of thugs, using kelly as a decoy at that hour.
So summing up.
Kelly must have known Astracan to have allowed him to return to her room at that hour, and because of this and his state of dress, i find it unlikely he was her killer.
Astracan must have known kelly, to feel safe at that hour of the night in returning to a prostitutes house, up some dingy court.
But Market porter [ if the killer] would be confident that no trap was set at 9am , and kelly would never have suspected he was her soon to be kille.
Opinions please.
Regards Richard.
We all know that the east end of London in the 1880s was rough to say the least, we also know that Dorset street had a reputation.
My question is therefore 'Why was the killer of Mary Kelly so confident.?
If one takes Hutchinsons Astracan man as a likely killer, what made him so confident that this young woman that he had just encountered, and her suggesting that they go back to her room was not a invitation for disaster.
He could have been led into a police trap, or mayby into a mugging feast'
Why would he walk into Dorset street, and enter a passage, into a court with confidence?
Here we have a man , dressed in his sunday best , about to commit a butchery, with no worries of any intervention, even though he has been followed by a stranger.
Does that ring true, if Hutch was telling the truth?.
The only two realistic explanations.
a] Hutchinsons account is bogus.
b] Astracan knew Mary , and she him , and millers court held no fear for him.
If one ignores Astracan as the killer, and i would suggest one should, as i would say that Mary was killed by a stranger[ complete contrast to my usual thoughts] not someone she knew and trusted.
I have recently come to terms with the idea that the last man she[ claimed] was seen with was her likely killer, that person being Maxwells market porter, i would suggest to you all that it would have been far easier for both Him and Kelly to enter that room.
Kelly, because as all the other murders were during the night, she would not have suspected this guy as being dangerous to her, after all there were many people about, and it was safe to take a man back to her room.
The man would also know it was unlikely that it would be a police trap, at 9am , also unlikely that he would be acosted by a gang of thugs, using kelly as a decoy at that hour.
So summing up.
Kelly must have known Astracan to have allowed him to return to her room at that hour, and because of this and his state of dress, i find it unlikely he was her killer.
Astracan must have known kelly, to feel safe at that hour of the night in returning to a prostitutes house, up some dingy court.
But Market porter [ if the killer] would be confident that no trap was set at 9am , and kelly would never have suspected he was her soon to be kille.
Opinions please.
Regards Richard.