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The Rent! (Due on Monday)

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  • #16
    Hello Mike,
    There were implications that her story was unreliable, [ shall we say] that is the reason why she came off the boards, and only replied to Coral personally.
    We have all been guilty at some stage on Casebook of voicing opinions, that may be insensitive to the recipient, and because of that , especially if their account is true, to the best of their knowledge, we then lose them into the darkness.
    Regards Richard


    • #17

      Agreed. This isn't a place to come and spout ideas without expecting to be questioned about them. Some people are a bit sensitive I suppose.




      • #18
        "Her grandfather 14 years old at the time, described Mary (who he knew) as a
        beauty, with lovely distinctive hair".

        I doubt I am the only one, but I found the description very touching.


        Last edited by gary; 05-19-2009, 05:54 PM.


        • #19
          Kendall/McCarthy link

          Mike and Richard, thanks so much!

          And.. WOW!!! Now there's a book I'm sure we'd all want to read!!!

          Maybe Ms. Kendall will venture back here someday? I hope so.

          Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if in our eagerness to learn the real truth, we inadvertently drive pieces of it away?

          Thanks again, Archaic


          • #20
            Hello Archaic,
            I wish all long serving members of Casebook were as enthusiastic as yourself, and you are correct that some of us drive away some very intresting people from this site, mainly because some of us hate to be told by newcomers, that they hold the answer. even if in a couple of cases [ Fionas one] they may.
            I am glad you found our posts intresting, and hope to talk to you again .
            Regards Richard.


            • #21
              Hi, Richard, and thanks for the kind words- I am endlessly curious, so I guess that makes me enthusiastic!

              It may be naieve & 'newbie' of me, but I believe we're all here on this forum because we'd like to know ''the Truth.''

              I often think that after a hundred-plus years of hard shaking, ''The Truth'' starts to resemble a busted Kaleidoscope... Everybody gets so intent on the reality of their little bit, they forget that if they would just cooperate, they could try putting all their bits together to make one big (sometimes trippy!) image. The result might not be perfect, but it might give at least an idea of the actual Truth.

              (Oh, God; I hope I don't sound like a Flower Child... how embarrassing.) - Best regards, Archaic


              • #22
                Originally posted by richardnunweek View Post
                Hi Archaic,
                If you go into search , and enter Fiona kendall, you will find it proberly there.
                Fiona was the great grandaughter of Kellys landlord McCarthy, and because of this she was able to give a insight to the family, inherited down via her father/grandfather,
                She mentioned that at millers court it was his common practise to spy out of his back parlour into the court, as he liked to keep tabs on his residents.
                In the case of kelly, he had reason to physical eject a man who came looking for Mary shortly before her death , claiming she stole a watch from him.
                Fiona described this incident as 'sent him packing in typical McCarthy style, in no uncertain terms'
                Her grandfather 14 years old at the time described Mary[ who he knew] as a beauty, with lovely distinctive hair. also after her death his mother[ McCarthys wife] packed up kellys few belongings and forwarded them on to her brother who was in the army, he was concerned however that he being involved with the last victim of the whitechapel murderer , might harm his prospects in the army. she apparently had nothing to do with her parents.
                he [ fionas grandfather] saw Marys passport.
                She also claimed that her great-grandather, her grandfather, her father, and herself knew who Jack the ripper was.
                This angered many members of casebook, and she was verbally accused of fabrication, and because of this refused to answer any questions, except to Coral, who she trusted.
                Hope this helps
                Regards Richard.
                Thanks for this richard.I often wondered whether McCarthys descendants had been traced to see what else we could discover. Fionas book,if she chooses to share her family history,would be tantalising,but I guess she knows that and may chose to forever hold her peace.
                I cant remember how much MK owed in rent,but believe it was a not insignificant sum, and always thought there was something amiss here. Why would McCarthy let one of his tennants get so far into debt?
                I maybe wrong, but,at the risk of insulting his good name,I think we have to remember he was a slum landlord.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post

                  BY putting rent in quotation marks, it seems that you are alluding to something like Mccarthy taking his rent out in trade on Kelly. Is this your suggestion? If so, maybe Bowyer's visit was a different type of collection.

                  Hi Mike,

                  Not many people notice how the punctuation is being used, I guess cause we are all guilty of using some of it arbitrarily at times,...but yep. My guess is that that amount of arrears exceeds what we can believe would be the average patience level threshold of lodging house managers or owners for tenant who don't pay.

                  Its an interesting possibility, and perhaps unavailable to Mary Ann Cox due to her overall lack of appeal. She is not described kindly as you know.

                  All the best Mike.


                  • #24
                    I've always thought McCarthy took Kelly's rent in kind. As it were. Which is one reason why I believe it's possible he looked in on her before he went to bed. And got a nasty surprise. Why didn't he raise a hue and cry? Well he'd have to explain to Mrs McCarthy what he was doing in Kelly's room at that time of night. He could say he just looked through the window, but if I was his wife I wouldn't take kindly to that explanation either!

                    Better to wait until morning and then get someone else to find her is my opinion. After all, the poor woman was clearly beyond any kind of help.

