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Time of MJK's death: did Jack really take such a risk?

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  • Time of MJK's death: did Jack really take such a risk?


    I'm new to the Forums but have lurked here for some while and have been reading about the Ripper case for over 20 years.

    One aspect of the case has been particularly bugging me for a while now and I would be interested to hear other forum members' views.

    There is a fairly compelling school of thought that Mary Kelly may have been killed much later than thought at the time. From reading William Beadle's "Anatomy of a Myth" I understand that the onset of Rigor Mortis may suggest that Mary might have been killed between 8 and 10 a.m., thus meaning that the evidence of Caroline Maxwell and Maurice Lewis takes on great significance.

    However, I am finding really hard to believe that whoever the Ripper was, he would take the enormous risk of :

    a) being seen entering Miller's Court in broad daylight (with or without Kelly)


    b) even more riskily, being seen leaving it. As I understand it, he would not be able to see from inside whether anyone was going into the court. He could open the door to go out and bump straight into someone; after all Dorset Street was hardly a quiet little road! I appreciate that this could have happened in the night, but I imagine the darkness would have shielded him from anyone getting a really good look at him.

    If Maurice Lewis is to be believed, Mary would have been killed only a matter of half an hour or so before she was discovered; this again does not seem very likely to me.

    The only other reason that Mary could have been seen in the morning was that the body in Miller's Court was actually someone else's. I find this hard to believe as Mary would have soon denied it was her if she was still alive and if she was going to do a moonlight flit somewhere, being seen vomiting in the road and then in a crowded pub is hardly a great start to a life of anonymity!

    So, despite some of the recent research, I am still inclined to believe that Mary was murdered sometime in the small hours as I cannot accept that the Ripper would have taken such a massive risk.

    Would love to hear other people's views; go easy on me though!

    (For what it's worth, I think it is most likely that the Ripper probably has never been identified but if I could go back and be Abberline now, I would want to urgently talk to William Bury and George Hutchinson would have some serious explaining to do!!)

  • #2
    the ripper took an enormous risk killing kelly....

    but i disagree with you, i think she was killed at night 4am, this morning murder theory (often mentioned) doesn't make sense at all, it's far too risky and it's simply not the Ripper's tactics...the ripper kills in the early hours but definitely not during the day, in busy Millers court/ dorset st...

    this would be virtually impossible to achieve and to go undetected.. it's the most risky and stupid thing, that any killer could ever do...just look at the mess in her room...there is no way that was done between 8am to 10 way.

    she would've had neighbours hanging around outside her room, in that courtyard, washing and chatting away all morning.....just imagine it, with the Ripper inside butchering her, only 6ft away.......not a hope in hell


    • #3
      I agree with you; it's just so unlikely.

      However, the testimony of Maxwell and Lewis, along with the modern medical evidence, seems to say differently.

      There was also the fact that Annie Chapman was murdered in daylight, albeit when dawn has just broken and it was much quieter in the streets.

      But yes, I still think she was killed about 4 a.m. and that Maxwell and Lewis were mistaken and that the medical evidence cannot be conclusive at this distance out.

      Still makes my head hurt though!
      Last edited by Clarky; 02-26-2009, 11:24 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Clarky View Post
        I agree with you; it's just so unlikely.

        However, the testimony of Maxwell and Lewis, along with the modern medical evidence, seems to say differently.

        There was also the fact that Annie Chapman was murdered in daylight, albeit when dawn has just broken and it was much quieter in the streets.

        But yes, I still think she was killed about 4 a.m. and that Maxwell and Lewis were mistaken and that the medical evidence cannot be conclusive at this distance out.

        Still makes my head hurt though!

        Maybe I should have put this thread in the Mary Kelly section but I also wanted to see what people's views were on how risky they thought Jack would be in general, especially in view of the Chapman murder as well?
        Recently a member here who is a member of the Ripperology community posted comments that might indicate Bond was way off on his digestion based conclusions...he has asked a variety of experts in the various fields to asses the data and has dicsovered that no one agrees with Bond.

        When she stopped digesting food...she was dead...when that occurred, isnt perhaps as clear as once imagined.

        Best regards all.


        • #5
          Maybe I should have put this thread in the Mary Kelly section but I also wanted to see what people's views were on how risky they thought Jack was in general, especially in view of the Chapman murder time as well?


          • #6
            Originally posted by perrymason View Post
            Recently a member here who is a member of the Ripperology community posted comments that might indicate Bond was way off on his digestion based conclusions...he has asked a variety of experts in the various fields to asses the data and has dicsovered that no one agrees with Bond.

            When she stopped digesting food...she was dead...when that occurred, isnt perhaps as clear as once imagined.

            Best regards all.

            This perfectly sums up the confusion surrounding her death; there seems to be lots of disagreement nowdays with regards to the doctors' reports at the time!

