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Face in the window?

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  • #46
    Hello Pirate Jack!

    I hope, I have caught, what you mean!

    There are the following attachments, though not relating to the theme of this thread. But, when converting to gray-scale and with a will to believe to the super-natural, the white shade on the right could be turned into a ghostly-female figure.

    (To those being curious; the original one is in colour and is in fact the photo taken by me in The Ten Bells in spring of 2007...)

    All the best
    Attached Files
    "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


    • #47
      Well, see I knew I'd read that about window removal somewhere. It makes sense in the cramped conditions that you'd never get a tripod inside the room, so you'd certainly have to shoot from outside. Removing the window frame would be easier than shooting through a single pane and allow more light in the dimness of the court. Not sure if I can see McCarthy going for it tho, unless he was offered compensation for the repairs.

      Don, thanks for the reference to the photo article - it'll be added to my must get to list

      Wellington, New Zealand


      • #48
        Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
        Also, of course, Brenda, this would have ruled out the idea of someone being in the room when it was taken. Access came when permission was granted to open the locked room at 1:30pm and it is highly likely that Martin took this exterior image somewhere between 11:30am and 1:30pm.
        Hi Philip,
        Looking through the papers that give any timeframe at all for the photographer's arival, a time of arrival of 1.30p.m.[stating this was a late arrival] and departure of 4.30 is given for the photographer.
        Other accounts just say the photographer arrived after considerable delay and difficulty.


        • #49
          Alright if you must know, the "face" on the window, was something that I did. I leaned up against it, and then did some early morning "finger painting" with my breath and fingers. It just so happens I'm a rather talented artist and did my best to make it look like a face. Had my late great great grandmother in mind actually. LOL

          I noticed that eerie looking "face" too, but knowing that people have touched the window - then when pictures are taken, the light reflects on the marks made and it comes back looking like faces or eyes, or whatever your mind makes it out to be.
          "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~Shoseki

          When one has one's hand full of truth it is not always wise to open it. ~French Proverb

          Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. ~Arthur Schopenhauer


          • #50
            Hi Debra.

            If Martin arrived at 4:30pm, how can that fit in with the autopsy / reconstruction at Shoreditch Mortuary apparently taking place from 4pm until 10pm?

            Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


            • #51
              Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
              Hi Debra.

              If Martin arrived at 4:30pm, how can that fit in with the autopsy / reconstruction at Shoreditch Mortuary apparently taking place from 4pm until 10pm?
              If I'm understanding Debra correctly, it was an arrival of 1:30pm, and a departure of 4:30pm.
              ~ Khanada

              I laugh in the face of danger. Then I run and hide until it goes away.


              • #52
                Adrian Phypers wrote an essay Who was the Mortuary Photographer:

                Sink the Bismark


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Khanada View Post
                  If I'm understanding Debra correctly, it was an arrival of 1:30pm, and a departure of 4:30pm.

                  Thanks Khanada, that's correct, the papers had his arrival as 1.30 and departure as 4.30.

                  One other thing, on the exterior shot there are no coverings showing at the windows (curtains, blinds, coat, whatever) we know Bowyer pulled back something from the smaller window to see through into the room but the larger window must surely have had something originally hanging there as well? If you look at the picture you can see a white type of fabric hanging loose in the larger window.
                  The conditions were dark, drizzly and dismall that day so the photographer would have likely wanted as much light as possible for the indoor photography so it makes sense the window coverings would have been removed or pulled back. I would have thought the indoor shots would have been the priority while the light was good, so the outdoor shots could have been taken after all activity had finished inside.
                  From all reports the photographer seems to have been one of the last away from the scene at anyrate, and was late arriving.


