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Visit to Millers Court by Phillips and McDonald

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  • #16
    perhaps the fire was stoked in order to cook the heart. Maybe there were some cooking utensils left out, and the heart was missing, so they looked for uneaten portions.




    • #17
      Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post
      perhaps the fire was stoked in order to cook the heart. Maybe there were some cooking utensils left out, and the heart was missing, so they looked for uneaten portions.


      Now that is a scary thought. JTR eating MJKs heart inside 13 Millers Court! Nah..Thats too fantastico to even work as the truth! Could it??? Could JTR have been more of an animal than any of us imagine?

      I just thought of how stupid they were when they made "From Hell" the movie. This stuff is far more creepy!


      • #18
        Nah..How could JTR have enough time to cook and consume a heart? First he has to obtain it. They werent looking for no heart parts in the refuse. It must have been something else. But why Doctors? The story dont make any sense at all to me now. But Im sure the heart was missing.

        Unless of course if they thought he cut the heart and threw pieces into the fire?


        • #19
          Hello Mitch!

          If he took the heart with him, the following problem occurs;

          How and how did he do it unnoticed?!

          I quite freely admit to be one of the least medically-educated members here, but;

          With common sense, that - literally - bloody pump could have pretty hard to hide, wouldn't it?

          All the best
          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


          • #20
            Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
            Hello Mitch!

            If he took the heart with him, the following problem occurs;

            How and how did he do it unnoticed?!

            I quite freely admit to be one of the least medically-educated members here, but;

            With common sense, that - literally - bloody pump could have pretty hard to hide, wouldn't it?

            All the best
            He got away with a few uteri! Half a kidney! Either the heart was there or not. It dont make sense that Bonds report is a hoax. If the heart is absent then it was not there to begin with.

            It wasnt found and it wasnt burned. The only conclusion is that JTR did something with it. And that something included taking it away from 13 MC.


            • #21
              Hello Mitch!

              I didn't mean at all, that dr. Bond's report would have been a hoax. On the contrary, it is far more reliable than the press reports!

              I was just wondering, that how he could carry them away unnoticed!

              All the best
              "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


              • #22
                It depends on who is going to notice him in the first place. If he had a heavy coat on I guess he could just put it in his pocket? Its not a question that hasnt been raised before. Others have surmised the gladstone bag theory since before MJK was even dead. maybe he just put it in a sack and walked home with it.
                The point is.. If Bonds report is correct then there was no heart to begin with. The logical thing for Phillips to do was to put everything in its proper place to understand what JTR did.


                • #23
                  I've always thought that it meant that the heart was 'absent', meaning removed from the chest as opposed to 'absent' meaning removed from the room. So the heart was found in the room and sewn back up inside Mary before burial.
                  Roll up the lino, Mother. We're raising Behemoth tonight!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by steje73 View Post
                    I've always thought that it meant that the heart was 'absent', meaning removed from the chest as opposed to 'absent' meaning removed from the room. So the heart was found in the room and sewn back up inside Mary before burial.
                    would a doctor not examine the organs removed to, as that is what a post-mortum is for? i find it hard to believe the examiner would have kept it out of the way, as the coming coroners inquest would need to note all of the medical evidence, nor do i believe the doctor would leave out something like this to start with if only for professional pride & conduct.
                    if mickey's a mouse, and pluto's a dog, whats goofy?


                    • #25
                      Maybe,just maybe JTR took MJK's heart,put it on the strong fire to cauterize the blood vessels and stop the blood pumping and then simply put it in his pocket and walked off.

                      Hence the need to check the fire,JTR would not have blood pumping everywhere when he walked through Whitechapel and confirming the story that the heart was never found.


                      • #26
                        Sorry. Should have been clearer. It was one of those things where I didn't read it right and then subsequently just read it wrong again every time. I wasn't trying to knock anyone, just myself for being dumb.
                        Roll up the lino, Mother. We're raising Behemoth tonight!


                        • #27
                          Hello halomanuk!

                          Originally posted by halomanuk View Post
                          Maybe,just maybe JTR took MJK's heart,put it on the strong fire to cauterize the blood vessels and stop the blood pumping and then simply put it in his pocket and walked off.

                          Hence the need to check the fire,JTR would not have blood pumping everywhere when he walked through Whitechapel and confirming the story that the heart was never found.
                          That is a very sensible thought, thank you!

                          All the best
                          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                          • #28
                            I dont understand why the heart has to be pumping. I assure you. By the time JTR removed the heart from MJKs body it wasnt pumping. I dont think there would have been much blood inside it either. It dont seem to like transporting it would have been much more difficult than a kidney.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by halomanuk View Post
                              Maybe,just maybe JTR took MJK's heart,put it on the strong fire to cauterize the blood vessels and stop the blood pumping and then simply put it in his pocket and walked off.
                              The heart doesn't make blood, it just pumps it round the body. Once it had pumped its last (which it would have done not long after the blood had drained from the neck) the heart would have pumped no more.

                              Edit: Mitch - our posts crossed, and your points are valid.
                              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by steje73 View Post
                                I've always thought that it meant that the heart was 'absent'
                                It might have meant that - although the heart isn't mentioned in Dr Bond's inventory of organs dotted around the corpse - in which he mentions the lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys and uterus. That said, Bond doesn't mention the pancreas or bladder either in that context, let alone the heart; for that matter, neither does he tell us the fate of the portion of lung that was "broken and torn away". Against that backdrop, it's hard to be sure that "heart absent" really did mean "absent from room" - or, indeed, whether some or all of the other non-inventorised organs weren't "absent" also.
                                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)

