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Does anyone know the source?

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  • Does anyone know the source?

    Hi all,

    While trawling through the press reports I came across this one form Nov 14 in the Irish Times;

    "We are enabled to state that since the termination of the inquest on Mary Janet Kelly, an important link in the chain of evidence has been discovered which is likely to afford a clue to the murderer, and may, at least, avail to prevent a repetition of the crime. The name of the informant is at present kept secret, but his veracity is unquestioned, and he was personally acquainted with the deceased. It is conclusively proved that Kelly having spent the greater part of Friday evening in the Britannia Publichouse, at the corner of Dorset street, returned home about midnight with a strange an whose company she had previously been keeping"

    I don't recall reading this before. Has anyone searched for this informant?

    Also, I interpret the last line as an indication that she had been seen in the company of Blotchy before, is this possibly the other Joe that Mary was seeing while living with Barnett?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
    I don't recall reading this before. Has anyone searched for this informant?
    Hi Michael

    George Hutchinson ?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
      Hi Michael

      George Hutchinson ?
      He wasn't in the Britannia that night and would have no idea where she was before he claimed to have seen her Jon. The quote seems to me from someone who was also in that same bar that night. Plus, Hutchinsons "veracity" was already under question by Nov 14th.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
        He wasn't in the Britannia that night and would have no idea where she was before he claimed to have seen her Jon. The quote seems to me from someone who was also in that same bar that night.
        Very possibly, Mike, but the report you posted seems like 2 bits of info cobbled together, like below?

        "We are enabled to state that since the termination of the inquest on Mary Janet Kelly, an important link in the chain of evidence has been discovered which is likely to afford a clue to the murderer, and may, at least, avail to prevent a repetition of the crime. The name of the informant is at present kept secret, but his veracity is unquestioned, and he was personally acquainted with the deceased.
        It is conclusively proved that Kelly having spent the greater part of Friday evening in the Britannia Publichouse, at the corner of Dorset street, returned home about midnight with a strange an whose company she had previously been keeping"


        • #5
          Hi Michael!

          There is more to the quotation:

          "...Although no evidence was produced at the inquest as to her having left her room after 1 o'clock, at which time she was heard singing, the police have obtained statements from several persons who reside in Miller's court, that she was out of her house and in Dorset street between 2 and 3 o'clock, and it appears almost certain that her life was taken about the last-named hour. The witness in question states that he saw and spoke to the murdered woman about 2 o'clock, she being then in company with a strange man. Being struck with the man's respectable appearance he determined to watch the couple, and saw them enter Miller's court. A few minutes afterwards he went to the court, but seeing no one about he left the place. For reasons which cannot now be stated he did not put himself in communication with the police on hearing of the murder, but he has now furnished the police with particulars which may prove to be of essential service in the discovery the culprit, and of securing his conviction if apprehended. He took elaborate notes of the man's appearance, which, even though he has probably disguised himself, attracted the notice of the persons who sine have given him, unwillingly, shelter. The information describes the man as about 35 years of age, five feet six inches high, pale complexion, dark hair, dark curly moustache, wearing a dark long overcoat, trimmed on collar and cuffs with astrachan, and dark short coat beneath, high waistcoat, check trousers, white collar, with horseshoe pin, hard felt hat, buttoned boots, with gaiters and light buttons. H e also displayed from his waistcoat a gold chain."

          Morning Advertiser (London), 14 November 1888:

          "The Press association says that since the termination of the coroner's inquest on Monday the police have become possessed of a most important link in the chain of evidence in the case of the murder of Mary Jane Kelly. This information may not result in the immediate capture of the assassin, but it will, it is thought, place the police in a position to guard effectually against further outrages. For obvious reasons certain particulars are withheld. The person who has had an opportunity of being within speaking distance of the supposed assassin is an individual whose veracity is not doubted for a moment. It is now conclusively proved that Mary Jane Kelly, having spent the latter part of Friday evening in the "Ringers," otherwise the "Britannia" public-house, at the corner of Dorset-street, returned to her home about midnight with a strange man, whose company she had previously been keeping. Nothwithstanding that no evidence was produced at the coroner's inquiry to show that she left her apartment after one o'clock, at which hour she was heard singing, there is every reason to believe that she came out after that hour. This circumstance will account for the fact that no light was observed in the room after one o'clock, as stated by one of the witnesses at the inquest. The police have received statements from several persons, some of whom reside in Miller's-court, who are prepared to swear that the deceased was out of her house and in Dorset-street between the hours of two and three o'clock on the morning in question. It has been established to the satisfaction of the police that the unfortunate woman had been murdered at three a.m. or thereabouts on Friday morning. The name of the man who has given the information referred to to the police is purposely withheld for reasons which are necessary for his own safety. He states that he knew Mary Jane Kelly well, and that on the morning of Friday last he was in Dorset-street shortly after two o'clock. There he saw the deceased with a strange man. He spoke to the murdered woman. In consequence of the recent crimes his suspicions were aroused by the man's appearance, and he did not leave the vicinity, but watched the couple and saw them enter Miller's-court. After the lapse of a few minutes he went to the court, but could see no one about, and after waiting sufficient time he concluded that all was right and retired from the scene. He afterwards heard of the murder, but for certain reasons which it would be imprudent to state he did not immediately put himself in communication with the police. He took elaborate notes of the man's appearance, from which it appears that the supposed assassin's age is about 35 years, height 5 feet 6 inches, pale complextion, dark hair, curly dark moustache. He was wearing dark long overcoat, trimmed on collar and cuffs with astrachan, dark short coat beneath, light waistcoat, check trousers, white collar, black necktie with horseshoe pin, hard felt hat, and button boots with gaiters and light buttons. He also displayed from his waistcoat a gold chain. The detective officers engaged in the case attach the utmost importance to this statement, and are acting accordingly."

          George Hutchinson!


