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Was he disturbed or finished?

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  • Was he disturbed or finished?

    Robert Paul, approached and Cross pointed out the body. Cross believed her to be dead, but Paul was uncertain and thought she might be unconscious.

    I felt her arm, which was quite warm from the joints upwards. Her eyes were wide open said PC John Neil.

    Like Stride it seems the Ripper was interupted before he could remove organs. Cross maybe disturbed JtR.
    Bona fide canonical and then some.

  • #2
    Maybe. On the other hand, the abdominal wounds seemed like random slashes, not like a serious attempt to open the body up.


    • #3
      I think this has to be a lust murder if we accept JtR is a lust killer. If we accept Tabram (and we should I think since Sugden's work) there might be a case for JtR being finished as it appears Tabram was finished with.

      However I have my doubts he was finished with Nichols because.

      1. He takes such high risks that he has had to abandon a target without finishing (Stride) when nearly caught. So we know he does nearly get caught and leaves quickly.
      2. He was highly confident with Chapman in such a boxed in area that the escalation between Nichols and Chapman in degree of wounds is huge.
      3. The escalation between Chapman and Eddowes is not that much.

      If we had a graph 1 to 10 in terms of degrees of violence done to the victim, Nichols being a 1 and Kelly being a 10, Chapman and Eddowes are both 8-9, not 3,4,5 etc. This suggests to me that he wanted to do what he eventually did with Chapman and Eddowes later. So I think he was chased off and if wasn't, would have done something like Chapman to her.
      Bona fide canonical and then some.


      • #4
        You're making a lot of assumptions in there about the natural course of serial killers.

