Originally posted by Robert St Devil
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That is a point of debate. However we know that at least one penetrated the abdomenial wall and cut the omentium in several places. The fact it did not clean cut the omentium in one single cut suggests that the killer was not cutting at a consistent depth.
If he cut deeper we cannot be sure. Christer argues that the cuts must have been deeper and that major vessels must have been cut. He supports this byLlewellyn 's statement that the killer attacked the vital areas and that the abdomen wounds were the cause of death.
However there is no detail on this at all and it seems possible that he reached this conclusion because he could see little blood from the neck wound.
Llewellyn further suggested that the tissues around the intestines absorbed much of the blood from the abdomenial wounds.
I would however point out that such suggests he found little blood or clots in the cavity and this suggestion of Llewellyn is to me unconvincing.
In addition he did not appear to allow for the blood soaked into her clothing or more importantly the clot Thain descriptions under Nichols body.
End of day the cuts were in some cased deep. How deep is unclear.
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