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Of the five canonical victims, which one elicits your strongest EMOTIONAL response?

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  • Of the five canonical victims, which one elicits your strongest EMOTIONAL response?

    Hi All,

    My friend and I are currently collaborating on an art project in response to the Whitechapel murders.

    I would be really interested to know, given your understanding of the victims lives and deaths, which of the victim mortuary / crime scene photographs evokes the strongest emotional response from you and why?

    For me it's Kate.

    From what we know, I find her quite a sympathetic, compelling character.

    I think it's the description of her as "a happy little person who was often singing" combined with that chirpy "Goodnight, Old C**k!" at the police station and the (perhaps apocryphal) fire engine impersonation.

    Personally, I find her mortuary pictures harder to look at than the horrendous MJK crime scene as she is less dehumanised and immediately recognisable as a small woman in middle age.

    Any responses and thoughts on this would be very much appreciated.

    Many thanks!
    Polly Nichols
    Annie Chapman
    Elizabeth Stride
    Catherine Eddowes
    Mary Jane Kelly

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    I agree with your comment about Catherine Eddowes but I’ve voted for the Kelly photo for the sheer horror of the scene. When I first read about the case it was, in part, a case of wondering what the ‘man’ looked like that could have done this? Could someone who committed this inhuman murder actually be human himself? How could anyone hate anyone so much? So I guess it was a case of the contrast between the horror of the scene and the idea that the killer would probably look like some bloke that I see every day.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • #3
      Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
      I agree with your comment about Catherine Eddowes but I’ve voted for the Kelly photo for the sheer horror of the scene. When I first read about the case it was, in part, a case of wondering what the ‘man’ looked like that could have done this? Could someone who committed this inhuman murder actually be human himself? How could anyone hate anyone so much? So I guess it was a case of the contrast between the horror of the scene and the idea that the killer would probably look like some bloke that I see every day.
      Many thanks, Herlock!

      Your comments are noted, and the contrast between the horror of the scene and the likely aesthetic normality of the person who committed the atrocity, is not something which I had previously considered.

      Interesting stuff.

      Keep 'em coming please!!!!


      • #4
        I voted for Kate, too, for all the reasons you out forward. That said, I do consider her children - and even Tom Conway - to have been victims of her life choices.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
          I voted for Kate, too, for all the reasons you out forward. That said, I do consider her children - and even Tom Conway - to have been victims of her life choices.
          Thanks Mr B!

          Another excellent point......


          • #6
            That's weird!

            From messages I've received, it appears that the poll is not adding up properly.

            So far I make it two votes for MJK (Herlock and Ero), two votes for Kate (me and Mr B) and one vote for Liz.

            The poll just shows one vote each for MJK, Kate and Liz.

            Does it take a while for votes to show up?

            It's the first time I've posted a poll so I'm not quite sure how it works.......!!!


            • #7
              I wouldn't pick any one victim out. For me they all elicit an emotional response, each one different, as I research their lives each tugs at the old heart strings in different ways.
              aka drstrange


              • #8
                Originally posted by drstrange169 View Post
                I wouldn't pick any one victim out. For me they all elicit an emotional response, each one different, as I research their lives each tugs at the old heart strings in different ways.
                How much research have you done into their lives?


                • #9
                  I voted for Mary Kelly simply because of the horror that was perpetrated upon her. Nonetheless, I think all the victims are equally deserving of our sympathy.
                  Why a four-year-old child could understand this report! Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it.


                  • #10
                    What's the nature of the art project, if you don't mind me asking? it sounds interesting.

                    aka drstrange


                    • #11
                      Annie Chapman, I believe. She seems a nice woman, fallen to circumstances far below her education and start in life, trying her best to get by. It hurts me to think of her, sick (just out of the hospital), perhaps even dying on her own with no assistance from the Ripper, but nonetheless she had to go out and prostitute herself if she wanted a warm bed to sleep in.

                      The circumstances of her murder have always filled me with a peculiar horror too. Not so much the mutiliations, for there were far worse, but rather that she was killed in that claustrophobic back yard, right beneath someone's bedroom window, even as people were beginning to stir. For whatever reason, that thought, of murder occuring just outside someone's bedroom window as they sleep, affects me.
                      - Ginger


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by drstrange169 View Post
                        I wouldn't pick any one victim out. For me they all elicit an emotional response, each one different, as I research their lives each tugs at the old heart strings in different ways.
                        Thanks Dusty!.

                        I would be interested to know a bit about the different ways in which the individual victims tug at your heart strings.

                        I will pm you some info about the project when I get a mo later.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Enigma View Post
                          I voted for Mary Kelly simply because of the horror that was perpetrated upon her. Nonetheless, I think all the victims are equally deserving of our sympathy.
                          Thanks Enigma!

                          Your input is appreciated!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                            Annie Chapman, I believe. She seems a nice woman, fallen to circumstances far below her education and start in life, trying her best to get by. It hurts me to think of her, sick (just out of the hospital), perhaps even dying on her own with no assistance from the Ripper, but nonetheless she had to go out and prostitute herself if she wanted a warm bed to sleep in.

                            The circumstances of her murder have always filled me with a peculiar horror too. Not so much the mutiliations, for there were far worse, but rather that she was killed in that claustrophobic back yard, right beneath someone's bedroom window, even as people were beginning to stir. For whatever reason, that thought, of murder occuring just outside someone's bedroom window as they sleep, affects me.
                            Thanks Ginger!

                            In many ways I find Annie the most poignant of the victims too.

                            She seems to have fallen the furthest and been well loved by her family.

                            I get the feeling that things could have turned out very differently for Annie had the addiction not got such a strong hold.


                            • #15
                              I voted for mary but they all do-very much so, the little we know about them their humanity, humor and kindness in tough situation really hits me hard. other than the whodunnit aspect of the case, my love and sympathy for the victims is what interests me the most.
                              "Is all that we see or seem
                              but a dream within a dream?"

                              -Edgar Allan Poe

                              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                              -Frederick G. Abberline

