I guess asking people to be subjective for the purpose of the exercise was bound to fail . Ahh well have it your way.
But ill bet my bottom dollar codosch knew exactly what time he got up, he did it every morning six days a week probably for years and im sure he went to the privy every morning too like most people do, and that he also had a fair estimate of how long that took him as well. As for long Is concerned i wonder how many times she passed the brewers clock on her way to the market and heard it strike 5.30 only to mistake it for 5.15 seriously?. But then the clock was probably wrong wasn't it .
But ill bet my bottom dollar codosch knew exactly what time he got up, he did it every morning six days a week probably for years and im sure he went to the privy every morning too like most people do, and that he also had a fair estimate of how long that took him as well. As for long Is concerned i wonder how many times she passed the brewers clock on her way to the market and heard it strike 5.30 only to mistake it for 5.15 seriously?. But then the clock was probably wrong wasn't it .