Originally posted by Cogidubnus
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Also, Stride is thrown down to the ground yet no brusies/scrapes on her knees. I suppose she could have blocked her fall with her hands.
The one thing that does go in Schwartz's favour is that apparently an ID took place, and Lawende could not have been construed as the only person who ever had a good look at the murderer (purely because to arrive at the statement, the witness must have seen Jack red handed).
Having said all of the above: we're not aware of a witness disproving Schwartz's statement, so perhaps we need to take him at face value?
Is the suggestion that Jack was a club member, or that someone in the club witnessed the event, knew of BS Man, and would not give him up to gentile justice? I would have thought, although could quite easily be wide of the mark, that those in the club were of a less religious persuasion; and indeed many not religious at all.