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3 victims in the same boat ?

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  • 3 victims in the same boat ?

    Hi all

    that's about lie and unsaid in the pre-canonical cases of Millwood, Wilson and Smith.

    I have no doubt about Ada Wilson. She lied, as we know, thanks to Rose Bierman. She lied for appearances' sake.

    Did Millwood lie ?
    The reports regarding her attack are rare and brief. They tell us that she went to the infirmary at 5.00 in the afternoon.
    That would suggest an attack at day-time...
    Unfortunately, we have not a single information about the circumstances. Where was it? At what time ?
    And apparently, no witness.
    It could then have occured in one of these "secluded spots", or indoors, like in Ada's case one month later.

    Now think of her injuries: legs, lower part of the body...
    One possibility is that the attack occured hours before she went to the infirmary. It depends how deep were the wounds.
    But one thing I'm sure of, is that she was certainly ashamed to show her wounds...
    Stabbed in the "lower part of the body"... It seldom happens to honest ladies...She certainly had such thoughts...

    Consequence: just like Smith and Wilson, she was certainly "reluctant" to tell the whole truth.
    Hence the lack of informations about the circumstances of the crime.
    And hence, perhaps, the stupid suggestion that she could have stabbed herself.
    Instead, I suggest that she tried to cure herself and delayed before going to the infirmary.

    Last case: Emma Smith.
    I know from a recent poll that most people believe in the "gang theory".
    But there was no blood where she said it happened. Big Reid found none.

    And the place can't suggest such an attack. At the junction of 4 streets.
    Unthinkable. As is the sequence of events.
    "Hey mate, now that we have robbed her of her 3 pence, why not thrusting a blunt instrument into her private parts? "
    "Oh, good idea...!"
    It doesn't work, does it ?

    Once more, secluded place and one client...
    Lies, and so much left unsaid.
    All three in the same ankward position, though they were victims.

    Amitiés all
    Last edited by DVV; 12-27-2009, 12:27 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DVV View Post
    Last case: Emma Smith.
    I know from a recent poll that most people believe in the "gang theory".
    But there was no blood where she said it happened. Big Reid found none.

    And the place can't suggest such an attack. At the junction of 4 streets.
    Unthinkable. As is the sequence of events.
    "Hey mate, now that we have robbed her of her 3 pence, why not thrusting a blunt instrument into her private parts? "
    "Oh, good idea...!"
    It doesn't work, does it ?
    Hi David,
    I'm one of those people who doesn't think a gang attack was that far fetched in the case of Emma Smith.
    A few years ago AP Wolf posted the case of Agnes Jacques, a 33 year old attacked late at night by a gang on a main road , under a gas lamp. Agnes later died in hospital from her injuries and there was also an 'indecent assault' element to the case, which wasn't gone into in much detail at the trial of the young men deemed responsible. The main perpetrators of this crime were caught and punished and were in their teens.
    The only problem with the supposed attack on Emma is the lack of witnesses, where there were a couple of witnesses in the Jacques case.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Debra A View Post
      The only problem with the supposed attack on Emma is the lack of witnesses, where there were a couple of witnesses in the Jacques case.
      Hi Debra,

      The lack of witnesses is indeed a problem, especially given the location.
      Add to this the fact that there was no blood... I understand also a robbery can turn bad, but from such a common offense to this awful rape with a blunt instrument...

      But the most important to me, is that all these victims were in the same position, ie: had reasons to lie or leave things unsaid.
      Hence Emma's gang.

      Also remarkable is the 19 years old guy.
      I've always baulked at the fact that Emma could have seen him enough to put his age so precisely, whereas she was unable to say if there were 2 or 3 men...
      By the way, why "19" and not "20" ?
      This again smells lie... She must have thought: "19" will sound better...
      Quite the reverse, imo.

      Amitiés, bonnes fêtes,

