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Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Victims > Potential Ripper Attacks in London > How many victims were the 'work' of the Whitechapel Murderer ?
PDAView Full Version : How many victims were the 'work' of the Whitechapel Murderer ?
halomanuk1st June 2007, 04:07 PM
Hi all,it's Friday and its poll time!!
Just curious to get your opinions on,what you think,was the actual amount of victims murdered by JTR......
Sam Flynn1st June 2007, 05:59 PM
Probably more than seven victims (not all of whom died). There are strong indications that at least four of the "Canonical" five were killed by the Ripper, and I can't help feeling that there were other non-fatal assaults (and maybe the odd murder) perpetrated by him before, during and after the "Autumn of Terror".
PerryMason1st June 2007, 06:29 PM
Hello Barry,
I just added my vote....7 or more, so "more than" 7 is now tied with 4 and 6 respectively.
I think as Sam states, there were other non-fatal, or non-linked attacks that the killer, I guess I think its a number greater than 4 non-lethals or non-linked, because I think he only killed 3 of the C5. I would personally add Martha tentatively, and perhaps both Annie Millwood and Ada Wilson as well. But I dont think it began with kills....I think he had to kill them because they wouldnt allow him to do what he wanted to do quietly....which is to cut them.
My best regards.
John Guy1st June 2007, 06:49 PM
Hello Barry
Friday Poll day, nice one !!
Call me an old stick in the mud but I voted 5 , the C5.
My gut feeling says he hit the road running with Polly.I believe he was a local slaughterman, and his handy work with the knife did not require practise runs like Emma or Martha.I`d guess ( don`t laugh) that he`d being fantasizing for years and the attention that Martha murder attracted,and the fact that the Police did not have a clue maybe got him thinking "hmmmm...". Perhaps, and a very slim perhaps with that, was the recently opened play "Dr Jekyll and Mister Lusk oops Hyde" which may have justified in his own mind that this urge he harboured had to be released.The reason he stopped after five was the fear of been caught and hanged,self preservation.
I believe the others were copycat, as none of them had the severe throat cutting, stabbed maybe.
Anyway. my polished fathings worth ...
Kind regards
halomanuk2nd June 2007, 12:02 AM
Hi all,
Thanks for your imput and clever thinking in the poll...!!
so far good constructive opinions from Sam,Mike and Jon...they all make sense..
Dark Ali2nd June 2007, 12:13 AM
Hi Barry, 4 of the C5 is my guess although the real tally could have been more if you go outside of our canonical victims.
Ben2nd June 2007, 01:13 AM
I'd also include Annie Millwood and Ada Wilson as ripper attacks, albeit without resulting in murder.
extendedping2nd June 2007, 05:13 AM
I voted for more then 7. Seems when we catch serial killers we often find (eventually) that they killed more then they were suspected of killing. I bet it was the same with jack. I bet some of those here who take the accepted 5 and then take away from it would end up with much egg on the face if the truth were ever to be known. which it probably will not.
Mrsperfect2nd June 2007, 02:33 PM
This was difficult to answer as one of the victims was not in London at all! I voted more than 7 anyway!
Martha Tabram
Annie Millwood
The C5
Ellen Bury
I also believe that killers often have other victims that come to light only after they're caught. Generally speaking, it's not something that they start doing and suddenly stop again. I did hear about one in the US that did, but I believe it's most unusual.
robert2nd June 2007, 03:25 PM
I think he may have killed McKenzie, if he was feeling a bit off colour at the time. A dose of flu might have made the difference.
Reeceo2nd June 2007, 03:34 PM
Hi All!
I believe that the killer murdered just the C5, but may have attempted others without success.
I also believe that the murders stopped with Kelly, even though there were murders throughout the next few years with simillar features as the C5.
I say this because with each of the C5 victims,the mutilations got worse as the killer progressed.
"But whose to say Im right?"
JIMI2nd June 2007, 04:01 PM
Hi All
just voted, i would say more than seven, however does victims mean murdered,mutilated or just attacked?
I do think there were more attacks as the throat cutting of the first c5 victim is very accomplished with little mutilation, each victim after that is an escalation of violence until i believe he was apprehended after Kelly. I don`t think, in my own opinion, that Stride was a ripper victim.
However his knowledge of throat cutting could have been gained as a slaughterman/butcher.
Just my own thoughts.....or does that mean i haven`t got a clue?
Keep Well
tji2nd June 2007, 04:32 PM
hi all
Just my own thoughts.....or does that mean i haven`t got a clue?
Can I ask if this is a rhetorical question or do I get to answer ?
As for me I think 4 of the C5 but started out with minor attacks previous to these killings.
PerryMason2nd June 2007, 10:50 PM
Hi all,
Thought Id up the ante here....see what everyone about naming your victims?
Either non-fatal attacks, or C5 victims.
1. Unknown, non-fatal
2. Annie Millwood
3. Ada Wilson
4. Martha Tabram
5. Annie Chapman
6. Catherine Eddowes
7. Mary Kelly, (potentially)
8. The Pinchin St Torso
Maybe other attacks unreported, maybe some petty crime too...theft, something criminal but not violent.
Ok....anyone else want to stick their neck out with me?
My best all.
Jez2nd June 2007, 10:54 PM
I'd go with several more than just the C5. Both before and after.
As a boy he probably pulled the wings off flies.
Even after MJK he never retired.
PerryMason2nd June 2007, 10:54 PM
Hi again,
Sorry, I cant believe I left out Mary Ann Nichols....I do think she was a Ripper victim as well. Not sure about Mary Kelly, but lately some ideas about her possible killer might point to a person known by her, in which case Im open to the idea that she knew her killer, and that he was also the Ripper.
Cheers all.
Pinkerton3rd June 2007, 12:23 AM
I'm probably in a small minority but here are mine.
Martha Tabram
Whitehall Torso
Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Liz Stride
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Jane Kelly
Elizabeth Jackson
Alice McKenzie
Pinchin Street Torso
Frances Coles
Possibly 1-2 others.
Celee3rd June 2007, 01:18 AM
I feel Jack killed four to six women, four for certain.
Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Kelly
Liz Stride and Martha Tabram would be the other possible victims.
It is hard to go against what the men who worked the case thought and the canonical five are accepted by the Detectives who worked the case to be ripper victims. Abberline believed Tabram to be a ripper victim and Dew thought that the ripper killed more then just the five. However they all include the canonical five on their victim list.
Your friend, Brad
franko3rd June 2007, 02:03 PM
Hi all,
I haven't voted, because I'm just not sure about a number of victims. If I was forced to make a choice, I'd probably say 6. Here's what I think at the moment:
Annie Millwood: 25-75
Ada Wilson: 15-85
Emma Smith: 0-100
Martha Tabram: 60-40
Polly Nichols: 100-0
Annie Chapman: 100-0
Susan Ward: 5-95
Elizabeth Stride: 40-60
Catherine Eddowes: 100-0
Whitehall Torso: 0-100
Mary Jane Kelly: 85-15
Rose Mylett: 0-100
Elizabeth Jackson: 0-100
Alice McKenzie: 10-90
Pinchin Street Torso: 0-100
Frances Coles: 0-100All the best,
Glenn L Andersson3rd June 2007, 05:27 PM
For those who've been here long enough it is no secret that I only count 3 out of the known East End victims, and all of those 3 belongs to the C5 (Nichols, Chapman and Eddowes). I do not believe the others were his work, and not Tabram, Millwood, McKenzie or Coles. And certainly not the torso murders. I do think he committed other crimes, but I suspect they might have had a totally different nature, like obscene/indecent and maybe even robbery.
I also want to complement John Guy for this excelllent analysis, which I agree with totally:
"My gut feeling says he hit the road running with Polly.I believe he was a local slaughterman, and his handy work with the knife did not require practise runs like Emma or Martha.I`d guess ( don`t laugh) that he`d being fantasizing for years and the attention that Martha murder attracted,and the fact that the Police did not have a clue maybe got him thinking "hmmmm...". Perhaps, and a very slim perhaps with that, was the recently opened play "Dr Jekyll and Mister Lusk oops Hyde" which may have justified in his own mind that this urge he harboured had to be released.The reason he stopped after five was the fear of been caught and hanged,self preservation."
I couldn't have put it better myself. Thumbs up.
All the best
jukka ruskeeahde3rd June 2007, 06:16 PM
Hello you all!
I'm probably sounding pretty banak, but:
A maybe: Martha Tabram.
All the best
Graham3rd June 2007, 09:10 PM
I think he may have killed McKenzie, if he was feeling a bit off colour at the time. A dose of flu might have made the difference.
Influenza in the 19th/early 20th century was usually fatal.
Graham3rd June 2007, 09:14 PM
For what it's worth (not much):
Kelly - but not convinced.
That's all, folks!
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These search terms have been highlighted: elizabeth stride many victims
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Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Victims > Potential Ripper Attacks in London > How many victims were the 'work' of the Whitechapel Murderer ?
PDAView Full Version : How many victims were the 'work' of the Whitechapel Murderer ?
halomanuk1st June 2007, 04:07 PM
Hi all,it's Friday and its poll time!!
Just curious to get your opinions on,what you think,was the actual amount of victims murdered by JTR......
Sam Flynn1st June 2007, 05:59 PM
Probably more than seven victims (not all of whom died). There are strong indications that at least four of the "Canonical" five were killed by the Ripper, and I can't help feeling that there were other non-fatal assaults (and maybe the odd murder) perpetrated by him before, during and after the "Autumn of Terror".
PerryMason1st June 2007, 06:29 PM
Hello Barry,
I just added my vote....7 or more, so "more than" 7 is now tied with 4 and 6 respectively.

I think as Sam states, there were other non-fatal, or non-linked attacks that the killer, I guess I think its a number greater than 4 non-lethals or non-linked, because I think he only killed 3 of the C5. I would personally add Martha tentatively, and perhaps both Annie Millwood and Ada Wilson as well. But I dont think it began with kills....I think he had to kill them because they wouldnt allow him to do what he wanted to do quietly....which is to cut them.
My best regards.
John Guy1st June 2007, 06:49 PM
Hello Barry
Friday Poll day, nice one !!
Call me an old stick in the mud but I voted 5 , the C5.
My gut feeling says he hit the road running with Polly.I believe he was a local slaughterman, and his handy work with the knife did not require practise runs like Emma or Martha.I`d guess ( don`t laugh) that he`d being fantasizing for years and the attention that Martha murder attracted,and the fact that the Police did not have a clue maybe got him thinking "hmmmm...". Perhaps, and a very slim perhaps with that, was the recently opened play "Dr Jekyll and Mister Lusk oops Hyde" which may have justified in his own mind that this urge he harboured had to be released.The reason he stopped after five was the fear of been caught and hanged,self preservation.
I believe the others were copycat, as none of them had the severe throat cutting, stabbed maybe.
Anyway. my polished fathings worth ...
Kind regards
halomanuk2nd June 2007, 12:02 AM
Hi all,
Thanks for your imput and clever thinking in the poll...!!
so far good constructive opinions from Sam,Mike and Jon...they all make sense..
Dark Ali2nd June 2007, 12:13 AM
Hi Barry, 4 of the C5 is my guess although the real tally could have been more if you go outside of our canonical victims.
Ben2nd June 2007, 01:13 AM
I'd also include Annie Millwood and Ada Wilson as ripper attacks, albeit without resulting in murder.
extendedping2nd June 2007, 05:13 AM
I voted for more then 7. Seems when we catch serial killers we often find (eventually) that they killed more then they were suspected of killing. I bet it was the same with jack. I bet some of those here who take the accepted 5 and then take away from it would end up with much egg on the face if the truth were ever to be known. which it probably will not.
Mrsperfect2nd June 2007, 02:33 PM
This was difficult to answer as one of the victims was not in London at all! I voted more than 7 anyway!
Martha Tabram
Annie Millwood
The C5
Ellen Bury
I also believe that killers often have other victims that come to light only after they're caught. Generally speaking, it's not something that they start doing and suddenly stop again. I did hear about one in the US that did, but I believe it's most unusual.
robert2nd June 2007, 03:25 PM
I think he may have killed McKenzie, if he was feeling a bit off colour at the time. A dose of flu might have made the difference.
Reeceo2nd June 2007, 03:34 PM
Hi All!
I believe that the killer murdered just the C5, but may have attempted others without success.
I also believe that the murders stopped with Kelly, even though there were murders throughout the next few years with simillar features as the C5.
I say this because with each of the C5 victims,the mutilations got worse as the killer progressed.
"But whose to say Im right?"

JIMI2nd June 2007, 04:01 PM
Hi All
just voted, i would say more than seven, however does victims mean murdered,mutilated or just attacked?
I do think there were more attacks as the throat cutting of the first c5 victim is very accomplished with little mutilation, each victim after that is an escalation of violence until i believe he was apprehended after Kelly. I don`t think, in my own opinion, that Stride was a ripper victim.
However his knowledge of throat cutting could have been gained as a slaughterman/butcher.
Just my own thoughts.....or does that mean i haven`t got a clue?
Keep Well
tji2nd June 2007, 04:32 PM
hi all
Just my own thoughts.....or does that mean i haven`t got a clue?
Can I ask if this is a rhetorical question or do I get to answer ?

As for me I think 4 of the C5 but started out with minor attacks previous to these killings.
PerryMason2nd June 2007, 10:50 PM
Hi all,
Thought Id up the ante here....see what everyone about naming your victims?

1. Unknown, non-fatal
2. Annie Millwood
3. Ada Wilson
4. Martha Tabram
5. Annie Chapman
6. Catherine Eddowes
7. Mary Kelly, (potentially)
8. The Pinchin St Torso
Maybe other attacks unreported, maybe some petty crime too...theft, something criminal but not violent.
Ok....anyone else want to stick their neck out with me?

My best all.
Jez2nd June 2007, 10:54 PM
I'd go with several more than just the C5. Both before and after.
As a boy he probably pulled the wings off flies.
Even after MJK he never retired.
PerryMason2nd June 2007, 10:54 PM
Hi again,
Sorry, I cant believe I left out Mary Ann Nichols....I do think she was a Ripper victim as well. Not sure about Mary Kelly, but lately some ideas about her possible killer might point to a person known by her, in which case Im open to the idea that she knew her killer, and that he was also the Ripper.
Cheers all.
Pinkerton3rd June 2007, 12:23 AM
I'm probably in a small minority but here are mine.
Martha Tabram
Whitehall Torso
Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Liz Stride
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Jane Kelly
Elizabeth Jackson
Alice McKenzie
Pinchin Street Torso
Frances Coles
Possibly 1-2 others.
Celee3rd June 2007, 01:18 AM
I feel Jack killed four to six women, four for certain.
Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Kelly
Liz Stride and Martha Tabram would be the other possible victims.
It is hard to go against what the men who worked the case thought and the canonical five are accepted by the Detectives who worked the case to be ripper victims. Abberline believed Tabram to be a ripper victim and Dew thought that the ripper killed more then just the five. However they all include the canonical five on their victim list.
Your friend, Brad
franko3rd June 2007, 02:03 PM
Hi all,
I haven't voted, because I'm just not sure about a number of victims. If I was forced to make a choice, I'd probably say 6. Here's what I think at the moment:
Annie Millwood: 25-75
Ada Wilson: 15-85
Emma Smith: 0-100
Martha Tabram: 60-40
Polly Nichols: 100-0
Annie Chapman: 100-0
Susan Ward: 5-95
Elizabeth Stride: 40-60
Catherine Eddowes: 100-0
Whitehall Torso: 0-100
Mary Jane Kelly: 85-15
Rose Mylett: 0-100
Elizabeth Jackson: 0-100
Alice McKenzie: 10-90
Pinchin Street Torso: 0-100
Frances Coles: 0-100All the best,
Glenn L Andersson3rd June 2007, 05:27 PM
For those who've been here long enough it is no secret that I only count 3 out of the known East End victims, and all of those 3 belongs to the C5 (Nichols, Chapman and Eddowes). I do not believe the others were his work, and not Tabram, Millwood, McKenzie or Coles. And certainly not the torso murders. I do think he committed other crimes, but I suspect they might have had a totally different nature, like obscene/indecent and maybe even robbery.
I also want to complement John Guy for this excelllent analysis, which I agree with totally:
"My gut feeling says he hit the road running with Polly.I believe he was a local slaughterman, and his handy work with the knife did not require practise runs like Emma or Martha.I`d guess ( don`t laugh) that he`d being fantasizing for years and the attention that Martha murder attracted,and the fact that the Police did not have a clue maybe got him thinking "hmmmm...". Perhaps, and a very slim perhaps with that, was the recently opened play "Dr Jekyll and Mister Lusk oops Hyde" which may have justified in his own mind that this urge he harboured had to be released.The reason he stopped after five was the fear of been caught and hanged,self preservation."
I couldn't have put it better myself. Thumbs up.
All the best
jukka ruskeeahde3rd June 2007, 06:16 PM
Hello you all!
I'm probably sounding pretty banak, but:
A maybe: Martha Tabram.
All the best
Graham3rd June 2007, 09:10 PM
I think he may have killed McKenzie, if he was feeling a bit off colour at the time. A dose of flu might have made the difference.
Influenza in the 19th/early 20th century was usually fatal.
Graham3rd June 2007, 09:14 PM
For what it's worth (not much):
Kelly - but not convinced.
That's all, folks!