Originally posted by Abby Normal
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Levy was obstinate but inferred he knew something? What that meant is not clear but it is curious behavior.
Joseph Hyam Levy saw the couple first and said he didn't like going home with 'these characters about" and said he thought Mitre Square should be watched. But it was watched every 15 minutes plus a night watchman lived in the Square. It's a puzzling comment from someone who was a Duke Street Club member who knew about the 15 minute cadence. A known area for prostitutes to ply their trade he would have likely seen this act before ? The difference of that night however is that its during the Ripper murders. It makes you wonder why these 3 men did not say something. Why did these choose not to get involved other than not seeing a woman in distress?
I dont know Abby but I don't think Lawende was the real witness here as he said he couldn't identify the man. What would he witness to? It could be that it was the local guy JH Levy who was the actual witness and it could be Levy saw someone he knew. Why was he obstinate and what was he inferring? And Lawende could not identify him? Or if he could would he betray his best friend?. Levy as a local going on 47 years in that area between Mitre and Goulston would have likely known any local with Eddowes. My guess is that is what he knew. He just wasn't telling. Even if he was dragged in front of the suspect he would likely not turn them in. Imagine if it was his first cousin Jacob. Or someone else he knew.