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James Blenkingsop suggests Ripper accomplice?

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  • #16
    then and there

    Hello Stan. I wonder if the police had any reason to expect a "ripper" crime on that particular night, and in Aldgate, of all places?



    • #17

      Hello Richard.

      "If one takes into account many factors leading up to the arrest and release of Eddowes, one can easily speculate that such an event happened."

      Indeed. But I wonder if one can construct a timeline which puts such a scenario into a coherent whole? For example, would Kate REALLY have been found drunk if the rest of the story were true?



      • #18

        Hello Jon. A sensible suggestion.

        I have always wondered why the three tecs were not more spread out to begin with. Before Morris alerted them, were they not pretty well together?



        • #19
          Hi Lynn

          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          I have always wondered why the three tecs were not more spread out to begin with. Before Morris alerted them, were they not pretty well together?
          Halse at the inquest: On Saturday, Sept. 29, pursuant to instructions received at the central office in Old Jewry, I directed a number of police in plain clothes to patrol the streets of the City all night.

          At two minutes to two o'clock on the Sunday morning, when near Aldgate Church, in company with Detectives Outram and Marriott ....


          • #20
            Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
            Hello Stan. I wonder if the police had any reason to expect a "ripper" crime on that particular night, and in Aldgate, of all places?

            Hi Lynn:

            That's possible but hard to pin down unless there was some sort of anonymous tip. It was the last day of the month too as with Chapman in the previous month.
            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

            Stan Reid


            • #21

              Hello Jon. Thanks.

              I have always wondered about the nature of those orders. Neil holds that they were standing orders from early September.

              But could they have been for just that night?



              • #22

                Hello Stan. Thanks.

                You mean Nichols? But why would her date be significant and not Annie's?



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                  The respectably-dressed man
                  Hi Jon

                  Is this description one and the same as Harvey's "private individual" ?



                  By the way, Abberline was indeed known as 7 3/8ths . And he was up until Jack commenced his funny business, well on the way to winning "The Golden Feather", the most prestigious award handed out to members of the Secret Trilby Hat Wearers. Of course Jack settled his hash, and the award went to Lily Langtry for services to the Prince of Wales.




                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                    Hello Stan. Thanks.

                    You mean Nichols? But why would her date be significant and not Annie's?

                    Hi Lynn:

                    Yes, of course Nichols

                    Don't know what I was thinking.

                    Early to be thinking of a pattern, no doubt.
                    Last edited by sdreid; 01-30-2013, 02:15 PM.
                    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                    Stan Reid


                    • #25
                      Hi Mr O

                      Harvey`s private individual was sent to fetch more policemen, so I guess he was sent up the road to Bishopsgate police station. I can`t see him asking Blenkingsop that question even if he did pass through Blenkingsop`s square.

                      A City Detective would be respectably dressed, but we don`t know about the private individual. He may have been one of the scavengers that were working nearby or it was the Ripper himself helping out.

                      I believe the key is the aqctual question that Blenkinsop is asked, as the chasing Detective would ideally be looking for a man matching the description of the woman`s companion.


                      • #26

                        Hello Stan. Thanks.

                        Completely agree.



                        • #27
                          Hi Lynn

                          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post

                          I have always wondered about the nature of those orders. Neil holds that they were standing orders from early September.

                          But could they have been for just that night?
                          I believe the Detectives were there for something unconnected to the case or it would have been mentioned in the internal memo`s that followed the Double Event.
                          Maybe they had a tip off about the Post Office robbery? But Halse tells us himself at the inquest that his orders were to patrol the streets of the City all night. not just Aldgate or EC postcodes.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                            Hi Mr O

                            Harvey`s private individual was sent to fetch more policemen, so I guess he was sent up the road to Bishopsgate police station. I can`t see him asking Blenkingsop that question even if he did pass through Blenkingsop`s square.

                            A City Detective would be respectably dressed, but we don`t know about the private individual. He may have been one of the scavengers that were working nearby or it was the Ripper himself helping out.

                            I believe the key is the aqctual question that Blenkinsop is asked, as the chasing Detective would ideally be looking for a man matching the description of the woman`s companion.
                            Hi Jon

                            Neither can I. But I thought I'd try a flight if fancy for a change, I even suggested a woman, or a member of the vigilance committee ! Flights of fancy seems to be the way to go.

                            This "Private Individual", though, if he were not a police official, or indeed a member of any law enforcement agency, surely he would have had to explain himself to the decectives who arrived on the scene? And then they send him to find additional officers, very strange.

                            Interesting that you suggest that he might well have been the Ripper himself. This is interesting, it brings my mind to the Nichols murder, to the individual who appeared to Patrick Mulshaw , and rather cheekily said to him

                            "Watchman, old man, I believe somebody is murdered down the street".

                            Sociopaths, it has been noted, do not know what danger is, they just don't recognise it. Makes you think does it not?


                            Last edited by Observer; 01-30-2013, 03:30 PM.


                            • #29
                              Hi Observer

                              Originally posted by Observer View Post
                              This "Private Individual", though, if he were not a police official, or indeed a member of any law enforcement agency, surely he would have had to explain himself to the decectives who arrived on the scene? And then they send him to find additional officers, very strange.
                              Morris had been running around blowing on his whistle so was bound to attract more than just the coppers to the scene and sending a civilian to the nearest police station to report the murder and ask for assistance seems okay, especially as the individual could not be left in charge of the body, or be sent to stop and examine people in the vicinity. Also, it gets him out of the square and away from the body. Good thinking on the part of the bobby that sent him away on his errand. In fact, that he was just despatched to the police station for help may show that the private individual was not a policeman.

                              Interesting that you suggest that he might well have been the Ripper himself. This is interesting, it brings my mind to the Nichols murder, to the individual who appeared to Patrick Mulshaw , and rather cheekily said to him
                              "Watchman, old man, I believe somebody is murdered down the street".

                              Sociopaths, it has been noted, do not know what danger is, they just don't recognise it. Makes you think does it not?.
                              Bit of an ermm... flight of fancy on my part, but it might explain the delay in the rag been dropped in Goulston St. But to be fair, if it was half an hour earlier it might have been Lawende and his two mates who were in the square rubbernecking over the Doctors shoulders.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                                Bit of an ermm... flight of fancy on my part, but it might explain the delay in the rag been dropped in Goulston St. .
                                By jove it would ! haha. Well spotted. Time to get real though I suspect.

                                Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                                Hi Observer
                                Morris had been running around blowing on his whistle so was bound to attract more than just the coppers to the scene and sending a civilian to the nearest police station to report the murder and ask for assistance seems okay, especially as the individual could not be left in charge of the body, or be sent to stop and examine people in the vicinity. Also, it gets him out of the square and away from the body. Good thinking on the part of the bobby that sent him away on his errand. In fact, that he was just despatched to the police station for help may show that the private individual was not a policeman..
                                True. And I can't see JTR, sociopath or not, upon hearing Morriis's whistle, returning to the scence of the crime. Would he? Alternatively had he been holed up somewhere, the approaching Harvey into Church Passage compelling him to hide? Did Harvey shine his lantern into the Square alerting him? Of course the approachinfg Watkins could likewise have rendered it necessary for him to hide. course Enough of this haha.

                                Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
                                But to be fair, if it was half an hour earlier it might have been Lawende and his two mates who were in the square rubbernecking over the Doctors shoulders.
                                Quite true.


                                Last edited by Observer; 01-30-2013, 04:30 PM.

