Originally posted by Ally
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The 2 upside down v's
Kind regards, Sam Flynn
"Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)
The really rotten thing about this whole incident is that you have been smeared by someone who made a reckless and personally motivated charge of plagiarism without the least understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. Nor is this the first time that petty poseur has done this--make unwarranted accusations about the honesty and integrity of posters and then scuttled back to his lair when asked to produce any proof.
Like Ally, I am familiar with academic standards of plagiarism, having twice served on faculty committees that investigated such charges. In this instance, I assure you, the only response of the academic standards committee would have been to suggest the person making those charges get counselling.
This sort of sick, twisted behavior cannot be tolerated. It is akin to sending out poison pen letters and this time you are the victim. I just hope no one puts any credence in this hit-and-run assault on your integrity.
Don."To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."
So..I am just going to say something and it is not directed at any one person in particular, but at everyone, myself included and is a follow up to an earlier thought I had posted on the boards. But I was curious about something and so I looked into it which has left me with the following thoughts.
A poster makes a post that is a pretty clear accusation of plagiarism against another poster. There is grumbling and outrage, and etc. Why hasn't he been banned long ago, this kind of behavior can't continue, etc.
The initial post was up there for over 36 hours. Want to know how many people actually hit the report post button and reported it to the moderator? Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not one.
There are lots of reasons why people don't report posts. Maybe you think it should all be dependent on the administration to read every single one of the hundreds of posts generated on the site for content and vet them. If that's your thinking, then fine. Sit in frustrated anger. Maybe you don't want to get involved and think that it makes you look weak, or whatever.
But there's a bottom line: If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
There is a report post button people. Start using it. I am not saying the administration has to delete every post that someone reports because some people can report some silly things, but the button is there for a reason. And god knows I'd be tempted to report some people just for being kaks which is clearly not what it should be used for.
If someone libels you, harasses you, or says something blatantly offensive and you don't care enough about it to report it, why should anyone else care about it? And then you later fume that nothing was done. Well, even the best administrators and moderators in the world aren't psychic and unless a word stands out like plagiarism, or a cuss word, or a slang term for something, they are liable to miss it when skimming posts.
So why aren't we using the Report Post button? You who participate in the dialogue are much more likely to catch violations than someone skimming the posts for overt wrongdoing. Again, not talking about reporting the normal wrangling matches that people get into on here, and god knows, we've got some desperately fragile egos in these parts liable to shatter if you say boo, but this was an accusation of plagiarism without documentation two days after there was a major announcement about rules put up, a clear violation of a "major rule" and NOT ONE single person reported it.
Think about it.
Let all Oz be agreed;
I need a better class of flying monkeys.
Thanks, Ally - I didn't actually know there was a "report post" button, but your point is well made.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that the far greater wrong was the original slander itself. If that's done in public view, then the perpetrator should expect at least some public criticism for doing so, and I'm glad to see that Admin, and others, were good enough to do that.
There are mechanisms to handle such circumstances, as you point out - and I will, in future, try to stick by the rules. Let's hope the protagonist does so too, by respecting other people's feelings, and by refraining from initiating such attacks in the first place.Kind regards, Sam Flynn
"Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)
Originally posted by Ally View PostSo..I am just going to say something and it is not directed at any one person in particular, but at everyone, myself included and is a follow up to an earlier thought I had posted on the boards. But I was curious about something and so I looked into it which has left me with the following thoughts.
A poster makes a post that is a pretty clear accusation of plagiarism against another poster. There is grumbling and outrage, and etc. Why hasn't he been banned long ago, this kind of behavior can't continue, etc.
The initial post was up there for over 36 hours. Want to know how many people actually hit the report post button and reported it to the moderator? Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not one.
There are lots of reasons why people don't report posts. Maybe you think it should all be dependent on the administration to read every single one of the hundreds of posts generated on the site for content and vet them. If that's your thinking, then fine. Sit in frustrated anger. Maybe you don't want to get involved and think that it makes you look weak, or whatever.
But there's a bottom line: If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
There is a report post button people. Start using it. I am not saying the administration has to delete every post that someone reports because some people can report some silly things, but the button is there for a reason. And god knows I'd be tempted to report some people just for being kaks which is clearly not what it should be used for.
If someone libels you, harasses you, or says something blatantly offensive and you don't care enough about it to report it, why should anyone else care about it? And then you later fume that nothing was done. Well, even the best administrators and moderators in the world aren't psychic and unless a word stands out like plagiarism, or a cuss word, or a slang term for something, they are liable to miss it when skimming posts.
So why aren't we using the Report Post button? You who participate in the dialogue are much more likely to catch violations than someone skimming the posts for overt wrongdoing. Again, not talking about reporting the normal wrangling matches that people get into on here, and god knows, we've got some desperately fragile egos in these parts liable to shatter if you say boo, but this was an accusation of plagiarism without documentation two days after there was a major announcement about rules put up, a clear violation of a "major rule" and NOT ONE single person reported it.
Think about it.
Some forums have threads specifically designed for the reporting of threads; moderator adjudication etc. Often they are accompanied by a caveat that once an issue is entered into moderation posters not included in the dispute should not involve themselves.
I'm not sure that this forum has any similar policing protocol. I read the dispute; I read the intervention of the Admin moderator; I read your intervention. I assumed that any intervention from anybody else was unhelpful.
Maybe other users felt the same?
My argument was, is and is only about the fact that from the time the initial post was published to the time the Admin stepped in, 36 hour hours had elapsed and no one hit the report post button to bring it to moderator attention. Nowhere in my post did I suggest that anyone needed to get in the middle of it. There is a difference between getting in the middle of the argument which I did not suggest anyone do and hitting the Report Post button to alert the mods to a possible problem on the boards, which I do recommend.
Let all Oz be agreed;
I need a better class of flying monkeys.
Originally posted by Dan Norder View Post
I am therefore withdrawing my statement that the article is plagiarism and am now stating instead that it shows an dramatic lack of knowledge on the topic coupled with extremely incompetent research by both the author and editor before publishing the piece. Considering that this was debated by multiple people over the years and included diagrams of the proposed knife action to cause those shapes, it's odd that someone setting out to write an article on the very topic could have both missed it somehow and not discussed the issue with anyone who hadn't already had knowledge of it before assembling an article.Its actually quite simple Dan. You just say 'I apologize unreservedly'
Originally posted by Dan Norder View PostAnd when I have more time I'll go through the records looking for the threads in question (my Casebook DVD first crashed Windows Vista and then only was giving me up through 2004 before I had to give up for the night -- we have a late party tonight I have to get ready for) to look for the evidence to prove my original statement to the standards set by the Casebook admin account instead of what was used in every academic and professional environment I'm familiar with.
We'd love you to share those with us also
You remember Peter Bower dont you Dan? the man who supposedly took money to produce the results Patricia Cornwall wanted?
You could kill two mysteries in one go in that way
Keep searching
PS If anyone hasn't read Sam's article then pleased do so. Its excellently researched and written. Certainly one of the best on Casebook
Originally posted by Dan NorderI am therefore withdrawing my statement that the article is plagiarism and am now stating instead that it shows an dramatic lack of knowledge on the topic coupled with extremely incompetent research by both the author and editor
There was no more "research" involved than my own interpretation of Eddowes' wounds based on Dr Brown's detailed description of the wounds, and I have no qualms for having focused on that report. I said as much in the opening section of the article. What further research was needed, pray? Perhaps I should have quoted some newspaper articles ad nauseam - would that have made it better?Kind regards, Sam Flynn
"Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)
Hi all
Sorry I thought I posted this but now can't find it! Too much tea maybe.
We don't know the position of the ripper when he made these marks, and if he intentionally wanted to create a particular shape.
If he did and he was positioned above the head or to one side of the body the shapes to him would be v < or >
Normy writes:
"If he did and he was positioned above the head or to one side of the body the shapes to him would be v < or >"
Would that not to a major extend depend on in which direction he moved the blade, Normy; either towards himself or away from him...?
The best!
Hi Fisherman
I wouldn't have thought so, for example: if he wanted to create a > on one cheek and > on the cheek below so they are one above the other to his squatting position one side of her head, it wouldn't matter how the blade ran as long as the marks were where he wanted them.
> and not ^^ which is what we get when we are face on with the victim and not necessarily his positon.
Hope that's clear.
The idea is this...
Follow the sequence from drawing 1 → 6
As the knife moves downwards over the angular, hard part of the cheekbone, it cuts through an increasingly wider amount of flesh (2-5). When the knife is removed, an inverted "V" shaped flap of skin is left behind quite naturally (6).
The perspective isn't exactly right, but that's the gist of it.Kind regards, Sam Flynn
"Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)