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  • memorial

    Rest in peace Annie. The day is here again.

  • #2
    Along came Annie Chapman , Dark Annie she was known ,
    From the Ten Bells pub to Hanbury street she wandered all alone ,
    Was early in the morning , the clock in Brick lane chimed ,
    Who left you in the yard that morn , at the back of twenty nine .

    R.I.P Annie



    • #3
      Rest in Peace, Annie. I wish your life could have been different, thinking of you and all other mistreated, abused and murdered women who have no choice but to sell their bodies in order to survive. Sorry that happened you. God rest your soul


      • #4
        RIP Annie.


        • #5
          God bless Annie..


          • #6
            I already remembered Annie in a tangent on Polly's memorial page, but I'll remember her here again on her own. Rest in peace Annie, a victim of so many terrible things.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kensei View Post
              I already remembered Annie in a tangent on Polly's memorial page, but I'll remember her here again on her own. Rest in peace Annie, a victim of so many terrible things.
              Remembering Annie -- a woman whose story really touches my heart.



              • #8
                I know I'm late but - RIP Annie


                • #9
                  time rolling round

                  It's that time of year again...Rest in Peace Annie


                  • #10
                    I don't think any of these should be missed. RIP Annie, one more time, 126 years on.


                    • #11
                      A little late, but RIP Annie. So sad your life and death is tied with such evil. Hopefully some day your death will no longer be in vain.


                      • #12
                        EULOGY FOR ANNIE CHAPMAN

                        Dark Annie...
                        You were the eldest child of decent folk
                        (though they married after your birth);
                        You were bred to work and wed, and
                        the coachman John Chapman gave you his name.

                        You became a mother three times,
                        but cruel Fortune twice took away your joy:
                        Little Johnny was a cripple, sent to live apart,
                        While your eldest girl sickened and died, aged only twelve.

                        Grief separated you from your husband, and soon he too was dead--
                        How must you have felt, Annie, so bereft then,
                        with only the rum for your solace,
                        with only black gloom in your heart,
                        and sickness in your body.

                        Bruised and sore, unwell and penniless,
                        Telling yourself you must not give way,
                        Telling the keepers to guard your bed,
                        Annie, could you do nothing else but venture out
                        Into the dark of that September morning?

                        He left you in the yard at Number 29, against the fence,
                        Your body humiliated and gaping wide,
                        Your mother's womb stolen,
                        As Fortune herself had stolen your children,
                        but a few years before...

                        We do remember you, Dark Annie,
                        Upon each sad anniversary of this day.

                        -- by Pat D.
                        Pat D.
                        Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                        • #13

                          These pages give Casebook a heart.


                          • #14
                            Rest in peace, Annie. Such a sad life.


                            • #15
                              RIP Annie.

                              These threads get created each year and that is a good thing. A better thing, however, would be to have an associated older thread (one for each victim) automatically refreshed and moved to the most recent a day or so before the anniversary. This would eliminate the need to create a new thread and also remind those of us who tend to forget these dates. The key, though, is automatically and I'm not sure if this platform can do that.

