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Access to the back of #29

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kensei View Post
    Just checking the map here, it looks like if the Ripper had leapt the fence in any direction he would not have been on any street but in the midst of a large area- no doubt crowded with houses- north of Hanbury Street and bordered by Grey Eagle Street to the west and Brick Lane to the east. The intersection of Brick Lane and Woodseer Street was a block or so northeast of #29. Of course if he had vaulted the part of the fence right next to Annie's body he would have found himself in Albert Cadoche's back yard.
    The "large area" was actually the Truman brewery (or part thereof, ie "Beer stores no 18").

    Directly at the back of #29, there was an industrial property (Drysalters premises), whereas the back fence of #27 (Cadosch's dwellings) backed onto Bayley's Yard and Bayley's packing case factory. Apparently a large number of packing cases were stored in the yard.

    Bayley's yard was accessed through an archway at #23 Hanbury St.
    Last edited by Jake L; 09-09-2009, 12:46 PM.


    • #17
      Thanks for clarifying that, Jake. I had thought it was a mostly residential area.


      • #18
        No prob, I just had a better map in front of me!


        • #19
          thanks alot for replys you two.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
            The sewers were the avenues for everybody's movements, on a daily basis, Mike
            Touche G.... ...didn't even see that coming, even though I should have by my choice of words.

            Cheers Sam


            • #21
              I think keys probably would have only been given to heads to the households (and perhaps off-site employees, especially John Richardson). So keys for Mrs Richardson, Mrs Hardiman, Mr Walker, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Davis, one for the Cooksley sisters, maybe Mrs Wilcox (described as "elderly"- did she get out much? perhaps she was an invalid?), probably John Richardson, maybe Francis Tyler- 7 or 8 keys. (This is probably still too many- John probably used his mother's key and the same with James Hardiman. Perhaps there were common floor keys? How difficult & expensive would extra keys have been to make?)

              - CFL

