Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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Some folks are less likely to blindly accept the opinions of people when those opinions do not make sense to those same people, and some of those people tend to look about for more agreeable and logical answers to satisfy themselves by exploring the evidence in more practical, less "madman serial killer of 5" terms. In some cases, those kinds of arguments already exists and were put forth by contemporary investigators and medical authorities.
Such as a killer who killed and mutilated "skillfully" so he might obtain certain female organs, a killer that wouldnt know where to find a Uvula let alone a Uterus in the daylight let alone the pitch black night, a killer who slashes at resisting women with his knife, a killer who seems to have some knowledge of what he is doing but is sloppy in his actions and mutilations putting in question the skills exhibited, and a killer who knew that cutting a throat could kill......well, all of those guys are the Canonical Group murderer.
More likely and reasonably, they are all not the same killer....and perhaps some women died for different reasons.
My best regards Gareth