This is my first post after being a lurker for a good 4 years (ever since I moved to East London). I'm not a 'suspect person'; I don't expect the mystery ever to be solved but, to me, that's not the point. I'm drawn to Victorian London fuelled no doubt by an interest in Sherlock Holmes and enjoy the exploration of that world as it's as close as I'll ever get to it.
Anyway, my first casebook point/question ever...
Why do many treat the women as VictimBots? All the murders were unique events, at that point in time there was no one in the world exactly like the victim at that time and no one in the world exactly like Jack at that time. Jack wasn't the same exact person in Berner Street as he was in Mitre Square (yes, i'm a 5+ victims person). Mood of the people involved, weather conditions (another question I have which if this post goes okay I'll bring up in another thread), anything, there are so many random factors involved in each murder that I don't see how anyone can discount, say Stride, on that premise that it seems unlike the other killings. Perhaps Liz fought back. Perhaps this one wasn't so simple.
This is my first post after being a lurker for a good 4 years (ever since I moved to East London). I'm not a 'suspect person'; I don't expect the mystery ever to be solved but, to me, that's not the point. I'm drawn to Victorian London fuelled no doubt by an interest in Sherlock Holmes and enjoy the exploration of that world as it's as close as I'll ever get to it.
Anyway, my first casebook point/question ever...
Why do many treat the women as VictimBots? All the murders were unique events, at that point in time there was no one in the world exactly like the victim at that time and no one in the world exactly like Jack at that time. Jack wasn't the same exact person in Berner Street as he was in Mitre Square (yes, i'm a 5+ victims person). Mood of the people involved, weather conditions (another question I have which if this post goes okay I'll bring up in another thread), anything, there are so many random factors involved in each murder that I don't see how anyone can discount, say Stride, on that premise that it seems unlike the other killings. Perhaps Liz fought back. Perhaps this one wasn't so simple.
