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Tumblety's Criminal "Rap Sheet" and possible new lead

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  • Tumblety's Criminal "Rap Sheet" and possible new lead

    I have done out a chronological list of Tumblety's arrests and think I may have come up with a new lead in his connection with the Whitechapel murders:
    Frances Tumblety’s “Rap Sheet”

    1848 (c.) Rochester, New York –questioned by police for peddling pornographic material on the Erie Canal. No charges brought.
    Early 1850’s Rochester, New York –questioned along with his mentor Dr Lispenard in relation to their suspicious medical practices at Lispenard’s drugstore. No charges brought.
    1857 – Montreal, Canada – arrested and charged with attempting to abort the pregnancy of a local prostitute. Comes to a deal with prosecutors. Moves to Saint John, Nova Scotia.
    1860 – Saint John, Nova Scotia – arrested on suspicion of causing the death of a patient “by poisoning”. Absconds before a trial date is set. Reappears in Calais, Maine and then moves on to Boston.
    Early 1860s Saint Louis, Missouri – arrested and charged for impersonating a military officer and for selling forged Union military discharge documents to soldiers. Charges dropped.
    Early 1860s Carondelet, Missouri - Arrested and charged for a second time for the same offences. Jailed for a short time. Leaves Missouri for an unknown destination.
    1865 (May) Saint Louis, Missouri – arrested on suspicion of a connection with Lincoln’s assassination and charged with trying to spread yellow fever in North America while using the alias “Dr Blackburn”. Incarcerated in Old Capitol Prison, Washington DC but released once he could prove his real name. All charges dropped.
    1874 – 1876 Liverpool, England - From 1874, Tumblety allegedly had a two year relationship with bisexual Sir Henry Hall Caine. Some authors have noted that during this affair, both men were questioned by police for “suspicious” behaviour but never charged. Whether this is true or not, from this time onwards, Tumblety’s arrests for “indecent acts” and “gross indecency” (homosexual activity which was illegal at the time) on both sides of the Atlantic become a regular occurrence. Leaves Liverpool for New York in 1876 once affair with Caine ends.
    1876 New York – questioned by police because of his apparent “mania for the company of young men”. No charges brought. Moves on to North America and from there, back to Europe.
    1888 (June) Liverpool, England – arrested and charged with “gross indecency and assault with force of arms” against four young men. Escapes to London before a trial date is set.
    1888 (November) London, England – arrested and charged with “gross indecency”/ “lewd acts” in Whitechapel district. At same time, police investigation begins into his possible involvement in the Whitechapel murders. Bailed on November 16. Trial date set for December 10. Absconds to France by boat November 24 using the alias “Frank Townsend” and then on to New York.
    1888 (December) New York – while still under surveillance by (British & US) police for the Whitechapel murders, Tumblety disappears from his New York lodgings to a place unknown.
    1890 (November) Washington – arrested and charged with “suspicious” behaviour near Pennsylvania Avenue in an area known for male prostitution. Charges dropped.
    1890 (December) Washington – arrested and charged with vicious “assault” - striking a man with the metal top of his walking stick so hard that his “cheekbone was revealed through the skin”. Tumblety is aged 60 by this time. When searched, police discover that Tumblety has thousands of dollars worth of diamond jewellery on his person along with several hundred dollars in cash. Charges dropped. Police explain that the man Tumblety assaulted was even “more suspicious a character” than Tumblety.
    This is the last known arrest on record. (I hope this list is accurate. If there are inaccuracies or omissions, perhaps you could provide a more comprehensive/ detailed / accurate one).

    Does this “Rap Sheet” indicate that Francis Tumblety was the Whitechapel killer?
    It indicates there was a “dark side” to his character and he had an uncanny ability to abscond from justice and to avoid long-term imprisonment no matter what type of charges were brought against him.
    As we already know, he was a chameleon, a “hustler” and a con-artist (posing as a doctor) who knew how to make vast quantities of money. Most analysts agree Tumblety had become independently wealthy by the late 1850s, only a decade after arriving as a teenager on a Famine or “Coffin” ship from Ireland, (see note below) which is an extraordinary fact in itself. He had certainly transformed himself from the “dirty, awkward, ignorant, uncared-for, good-for-nothing boy... utterly devoid of education” as one Rochester neighbour described him in 1848.
    With his wealth, there is no doubt he was in a position to bribe police officers and court officials to escape justice, but unfortunately there is no evidence that he bribed anyone. And as police and court officials (then and now) are not prone to admitting corruption, the theory about Tumblety’ “bribing his way out of trouble” is only probable but not proven. If he did bribe police and other officials, it would explain why he was able to escape so many times before justice could be meted out.
    (For details of Tumblety’s Dublin birth in 1831 and the exact date of his arrival on the Irish Famine ship, the Ashburton, from Dublin to New York in 1847, refer to the Notes section of Timothy B Riordan’s book: “Prince of Quacks: The Notorious Life of Dr Francis Tumblety, Charlatan and Ripper Suspect”, published 2009.)

    On Tumblety’s “Rap Sheet” there is no mention of arrests for buying or selling body parts – an illegal activity – yet it is known that he had cupboards full of body parts in jars including womens’ uteri of “every class”.
    This gap in Tumblety’s criminal record is intriguing and may be the missing link with his connection to the slaughters in Whitechapel.
    From Colonel Dunham’s testimony we know he had: “…tiers of shelves with glass jars and cases, some round and others square, filled with all sorts of anatomical specimens. The ‘doctor’ placed on a table a dozen or more jars containing, as he said, the matrices (uteri) of every class of women. Nearly a half of one of these cases was occupied exclusively with these specimens.”
    Body snatching and the lucrative trade in body parts were prevalent in North America during the 1850s and 1860s as scientists and physicians were desperate to improve their knowledge of anatomy and to find cures for specific diseases. In fact, it was a booming underground trade. Colleges also needed body parts and organs to teach apprentice physicians and doctors in their trade.
    As Tumblety is known to have had many “anatomical specimens” in jars, it can be established that he was at least involved in the buying of these body parts, but was he also involved with the body snatchers who robbed the graves? Was he a Resurrection Man?
    These ghoulish thieves either sold the bodies they dug up in cemeteries “whole” or they hacked them into pieces/ cut them according to individual organs which drastically increased the potential for profits.
    If Tumblety was directly involved in this ghastly yet financially rewarding trade in the 1850s and 1860s, then it could be the missing link to his connection to the Whitechapel murders. It would prove he had previous experience in cutting up bodies and an “in depth knowledge of anatomy” bringing him closer to the police profile of the Whitechapel serial killer. It would explain why he went underground/ disappeared from society so frequently. Finally, it would explain how Tumblety became so wealthy so quickly. In other words, his trade as an “Indian herb doctor” was lucrative but was dealing in body parts the main activity behind amassing his fortune? Remember the copious quantities of wombs in jars in his living quarters…
    There is no evidence that Tumblety was ever arrested or charged with body snatching or trading in body parts, but such evidence, if it could be found, would drastically increase the likelihood of his involvement in the 1888 murders.

    Two brass rings possibly belonging to Annie Chapman discovered among his possessions after his death. No police investigation.
    Tumblety died in 1903 leaving an estate valued at around 200,000 dollars. (In today’s money, no matter what the currency, he would have been a millionaire.) Executors of his will noted that this amount included money lodged in the bank and a quantity of expensive gold and diamond jewellery along with cheaper trinkets, specifically, two brass rings of little value. (For specific details of Tumblety’s estate and the existence of the two brass rings along with other jewellery, refer to the Notes section of the book mentioned above).
    Serial killers are known to take trophies from their prey so is it possible that these brass rings were those noted by London police as having been taken from the body of Whitechapel victim, Annie Chapman?
    Though the money left in Tumblety’s will was distributed after some inter-family disputes (he had written two wills which caused a delay), nobody knows who “received” the jewellery, including the brass rings which disappeared without a trace along with the more expensive items listed by the executors.
    Given these facts, it is very unlikely that local police ever knew of the existence of the brass rings or their potential connection to the Whitechapel murders. In any event, it is certain that no investigation into their origins or disappearance ever took place.
    It is unlikely that the police had any interest in Tumblety’s vast estate though it did get a general mention in several newspapers of the day, mainly because of his wealth.
    Since 1890, when Tumblety was last arrested (twice), it seems he did not come to the attention of the police again for any reason. And as we all know, by the time of his death, he had already been forgotten by London police as a suspect in the Whitechapel murders.


  • #2
    Hi Siobhan,

    I'll let someone else get their teeth into old Tumblebum's infamous uteri of "every class".

    Even the high class specimens are too tough for me these days.


    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


    • #3
      Hi Siobhan,

      I love how you are figuring out possible answers by gleaning out patterns throughout Tumblety's life. Very inductive. He was so elusive. Also, using Tim R.'s book is a great idea, since iit one of the best resources out there. I bet Tumblety would be surprised to know how much researchers have discovered about him.

      Caz has a point, though. The evidence for the uterus collection comes from a huge charlatan, Colonel Dunham (Conover). Not that the information is wrong, but because there is a high possibility Dunham lied for his own benefit arguments using his information will not convince the experts. Maybe you could focus your attention on Dunham and see if you can get a new angle to make it more convincing.

      Other than that, I love it.


      The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


      • #4
        Bodysnatching at straws

        Thanks for replies guys but now that I think about it, my "new lead" is probably a non starter...



        • #5
          Originally posted by Siobhan Patricia Mulcahy View Post
          Thanks for replies guys but now that I think about it, my "new lead" is probably a non starter...
          Not at all-good and interesting post and Tumblety is a valid suspect.

          My only issues with him as being JtR is that he didn't really fit any witness description, and his homosexuality may rule him out for MO. But more to your point about organ collecting. If that was the reason for the murders, then why all the extraneous mutilations.

          Btw, this is the first time i have seen his rap sheet. Fascinating and thanks for posting!
          "Is all that we see or seem
          but a dream within a dream?"

          -Edgar Allan Poe

          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

          -Frederick G. Abberline


          • #6
            Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
            Not at all-good and interesting post and Tumblety is a valid suspect.

            My only issues with him as being JtR is that he didn't really fit any witness description, and his homosexuality may rule him out for MO. But more to your point about organ collecting. If that was the reason for the murders, then why all the extraneous mutilations.

            Btw, this is the first time i have seen his rap sheet. Fascinating and thanks for posting!
            Thanks for your reply. This is something I posted in the Witnesses section of the Casebook. Okay, it's a bit strong but I've copied and pasted it for you anyway.

            The eye-witness accounts are pretty worthless in my opinion and don’t help in attempting to solve the case. This effectively means that none of the suspects can be ruled in or out with any certainty because of their appearance.
            To explain better, this is how a right-wing TABLOID might describe “witness statements” gathered by police if the serial killings happened today:

            Dummy article
            At least two eyewitnesses claim the killer wore a “black felt hat” but another claims it was “definitely a deerstalker”. And yet a third is certain the Whitechapel murderer wore a “sailor’s hat”.
            Little wonder the police have admitted they are “baffled by the conflicting accounts” and cannot explain why “no cohesive picture” of the killer has emerged.
            To add to their confusion, the man now known as “Jack the Ripper” has been described variously as “5ft” in height or “5ft 6in” or 5ft 7in”, depending on what day of the week it is, with a “shabby genteel” or “Jewish” or “well-to-do” appearance.
            In other words, the police have no idea what the killer looks like, or do they?
            They claim to be certain about one important fact – that the killer wears a moustache. Surely this is progress. So what colour is the moustache then?
            “There is no conclusive answer,” says one helpful police source “because the facial hair is also a riddle.”
            Eyewitnesses have described the whiskers variously as “fawn” on two occasions, “black” at least once, and also “grey” at least once.
            And this is why we pay our taxes so the police can make fools of us all.
            Dummy article ends.

            In fact, the London Evening Standard led the way in 1888 (and after) in castigating the police for their incompetence/ mishandling the case etc, etc. They claimed it would be either a miracle or an accident if the police ever caught JtR.
            The police also allowed journalists and “researchers” to pinch vital evidence over the years – another scandal - so that modern forensic scientists have been left with little or nothing to go on. Terrible but true.
            Last edited by Siobhan Patricia Mulcahy; 07-23-2010, 10:40 PM.



            • #7
              Good Stuff In My Opinion..

              Good posts and reasoning Siobhan, Abby and Mike,
              (In my opinion).

              The case about Tumblety's homosexuality and the "extraneous" mutilations are interesting points.

              The trouble with Tumblety , I have always thought, is his height, gaudy raiment and extravagent personality.

              Sure, sometimes that can become so familiar it becomes a cover. But was Tumblety around long enough for that to happen?

              A final question: have you all seen the illustration on the cover of the ever- useful " THE ULTIMATE JACK THE RIPPER SOURCEBOOK" by Stewart P. Evans and Keith Skinner?

              If not, (and I could not see the source of the illustration, ironically, in the illustrations index) have a look at it - I am not techno enough to post it here ; perhaps someone else will kindly do so.

              It shows the uniformed police shining a bullseye lamp on a sad group of dossers and loungers, whilst, in the shadow in the foreground, lurks a tall, skeleton- faced man, in a smart fur-lined long coat, and a slouch hat.
              He is carrying a long, narrow, wrapped parcel tied on a loose string.....

              Might that be someone's suggestion Tumblety was The Ripper?

              JOHN RUFFELS.


              • #8
                John, that is so cool!
                The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


                • #9
                  The Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook

                  Hello John, Mike. all,

                  The front cover of this superb book by Stewart Evans and Keith Skinner is shown on the following Casebook thread...

                  and here below as the "Companion"...

                  best wishes

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Phil Carter; 07-24-2010, 06:17 AM.
                  Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                  Justice for the 96 = achieved
                  Accountability? ....


                  • #10
                    Thank you Phil!
                    The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


                    • #11
                      Thanks Phil. Problem solved. It is Tumblety on the cover!



                      • #12
                        Hello SPM,

                        Without the long, well groomed, then again, could be Fleming too... looks tall

                        best wishes

                        Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                        Justice for the 96 = achieved
                        Accountability? ....

