Albany Journal, 30 November 1888
Mr. Smith Describes the Man arrested
for the Whitechapel Murders
Mr. Arden Smith, manager of Edward Arden company, now playing at Jacob and Proctor's theatre, who was with Gen. Frank P. Blair through the war as his private secretary, and in (years undecipherable) clerk to the military committee of the house of representatives, and residing in Washington, remembered on reading in Wednesday's JOURNAL the account of the local and other exploits of Dr. Tumblety, who is under arrest in London on suspicion of being the Whitechapel murderer, that the same fellow was located in Washington in those years. "As I remember him," said Mr. Smith to a JOURNAL reporter today, "he was a man of over six feet in height, 29 or 30 years old, dressed in extremely loud attire and singular as it may seem he rouged his cheeks and colored his eyebrows. He had also a very long moustache. He had his quarters in Brown's hotel at Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street. He had a big greyhound with him and an attendant named Harold, the same young man who was afterward hanged for his connection with the assassination of Lincoln. While in Washington Tumblety was never known to speak to anyone but Harold, who followed him about like a spaniel. He bore a very unsavory reputation while there.
Mr. Smith Describes the Man arrested
for the Whitechapel Murders
Mr. Arden Smith, manager of Edward Arden company, now playing at Jacob and Proctor's theatre, who was with Gen. Frank P. Blair through the war as his private secretary, and in (years undecipherable) clerk to the military committee of the house of representatives, and residing in Washington, remembered on reading in Wednesday's JOURNAL the account of the local and other exploits of Dr. Tumblety, who is under arrest in London on suspicion of being the Whitechapel murderer, that the same fellow was located in Washington in those years. "As I remember him," said Mr. Smith to a JOURNAL reporter today, "he was a man of over six feet in height, 29 or 30 years old, dressed in extremely loud attire and singular as it may seem he rouged his cheeks and colored his eyebrows. He had also a very long moustache. He had his quarters in Brown's hotel at Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street. He had a big greyhound with him and an attendant named Harold, the same young man who was afterward hanged for his connection with the assassination of Lincoln. While in Washington Tumblety was never known to speak to anyone but Harold, who followed him about like a spaniel. He bore a very unsavory reputation while there.