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The Least Suspected Is The Highest Suspect.

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  • The Least Suspected Is The Highest Suspect.

    The Ripper case is fascinating. I shall give my expertise to solving it. As to my background I have not dealt with solving murder mysteries but I have published on the occult. That I see has some dark simularities with this paradox. Let us proceed. In first analysis of the case one must analyse the facts. That done one must look at the motive and thirdly the conclusion. The facts are five unsolved murders, the motive is clearly fame. (layout of bodies). The conclusion is the identity of the Ripper himself. I do not intend to go into all the details of the case that is done adequately on this site. I shall just concentrate my analysis of the so called moment the ripper made a blunder. That was on the 30th september 1888. On that night both Stride and Eddowes died. But Stride escaped from being torn to shreds. So the Ripper clearly was disturbed in his act of gratification. At that moment of being disturbed he no doubt was in fear of being caught. The Ripper then quickly made his way home to plan again. Why do I suggest this. Clearly things were going wrong for him that night. But as opportune turned out his luck was in. Clearly after the murder of Stride his direction home took him west towards the city through Aldgate high st to mitre sq. The murder of Stride took place at 1am. If the Ripper was a sports man (reports of witnesses suggest a broad shouldered young man of 28) he could of run a mile within 5 to 10 minutes that would of taken him too mitre sq at the latest 1.10am. It was at this time after that he met Eddowes at the square. She was found dead at 1.45am. After the murder a curious event follows. The Ripper then travels up to Goulstone st. In order to get there he would of had to walk through mitre st,Creechurch st, crossing Dukes place and Houndithch st through Stone lane and up Gravel st to Gouston st. This quick walk would take him 5 to 7 minutes. The Ripper then plants at Gouston st 2 clues. The first is the graffitti on the wall. The second he leaves the blooded cloth from Eddowes clothing. Clearly this was a deliberate policy by the Ripper to mislead the police. Its purpose (1) blame the murders on the jews (2) to conceal the direction he was heading after his murders. Police would of suspected from this planting of evidence that the Ripper was heading again to the east end. For from Gouston st you come to Spitalfields market. This I believe was the policy of the Ripper to give the wrong scent. But his true intension was in effect to return home to the west end of London. Analysis of Goustone st reveals that it is possible to double back around the crime scene of mitre sq to reach Fenchurch st after crossing again Houndith and Dukes place on to st Mary rd and lime street. A quick walk of 10 minutes. I believe the planting of the writing and bloodied cloth of eddowes in Gouston was a ploy. Even today Scotland yard police believe the Ripper resided in the east end. Following this double murder on the night of 30th september the police recieve on the 16th october the famous letter from 'HELL' that appears genuine. A real letter from the hand of the murderer himself. Analysis of this letter shows the lower case of two letter 'e's are missing from the words 'whil' and 'knif' not cockney expressions. Interesting all the other lower case 'e's are written fully. The two missing 'e's is a word puzzle pointing to the 2 murders that took place on the 30th september 1888. The question is why the 'Ripper Letter' concentrated our mind on the missing 'e's. It has to be said the police at the time took no note of this clue.In total 5 murders are known to have been commited by the Ripper. If each murder stood for a letter 'e' then there would be 5 missing 'e's in total. What does the letter 'e' represent? The letter 'e' is the fifth letter of the alphabet. Four muders had already taken place which mean one more letter 'e' will be missing making five. Let us now analyses the wall markings at Goulstone st. It stated, 'The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.' Notice the missing 'e' in J(e)ws. This is significant. This connection with the 2 missing 'e's in the HELL letter also the 1 missing 'e' on the wall graffiti adds to three missing (e)'s. A number three. The letter (e) is also the fifth letter of the alphabet. (five murders). The Ripper is playing with arithmatic the letter identifies a name written with five 'e's (see below). If you walk through mitre sq it will take you too Fenchurch st, Victoria st, Cannon st through to Fleet st then you come to Chancery lane the residence of men at the bar. Only one suspect of the Ripper litany in the autume of 1888 lived in that vacinty. This was the man who became metally unstable at 29 in the autume of 1888 following a wound on the head. Who in 1892 died the year Scotland yard closed the file on Jack the Ripper. The man who was known in his day as the buc ROW kid at college. The name of the st the body of the first murder found. A man of words a man of the bar who wrote poetry and word puzzles until it drove him insane. Here then is the man 'Jack the Ripper' who will forever be the legend of Whitechapel.

    Yours truley

    Jack the Ripper

    Jam(E)s K(E)nn(E)th St(E)ph(E)n
    Last edited by Jack the Ripper; 11-12-2008, 06:59 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
    Jam(E)s K(E)nn(E)th St(E)ph(E)n
    And we all know where this leads,
    Regards Mike


    • #3

      The Malefactor's Plea

      Of sentences that stir my bile,
      Of phrases I detest,
      There's one beyond all others vile;
      "He did it for the best."

      Of course he did: I don't suppose,
      Nor can you think I should,
      The man's among my deadliest foes,
      Or is not fairly good.

      Of course he did it for the best:
      What should he do it for?
      But did he do it? that's the test:
      I ask to know no more.

      Alas! he did: and here am I,
      Quite ruined, half disgraced;
      And you can really ask me why
      My wrath is not effaced:

      And there is he, good worthy man,
      With self-esteem possessed,
      Still saying, as of course he can,
      "I did it for the best."

      No evil deed was ever done,
      Or honest man withstood,
      Since first this weary world begun,
      Except for someone's good.

      And can it signify to me
      Whose good he did it for?
      Mine was it? thus 'twas wont to be,
      And will be ever more.

      When inoffensive people plant
      A dagger in your breast,
      Your good is what they really want:
      They do it for the best.

      James Kenneth Stephen


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
        The Ripper case is fascinating. I shall give my expertise to solving it. As to my background I have not dealt with solving murder mysteries but I have published on the occult. That I see has some dark simularities with this paradox. Let us proceed. In first analysis of the case one must analyse the facts. That done one must look at the motive and thirdly the conclusion. The facts are five unsolved murders, the motive is clearly fame. (layout of bodies). The conclusion is the identity of the Ripper himself. I do not intend to go into all the details of the case that is done adequately on this site. I shall just concentrate my analysis of the so called moment the ripper made a blunder. That was on the 30th september 1888. On that night both Stride and Eddowes died. But Stride escaped from being torn to shreds. So the Ripper clearly was disturbed in his act of gratification. At that moment of being disturbed he no doubt was in fear of being caught. The Ripper then quickly made his way home to plan again. Why do I suggest this. Clearly things were going wrong for him that night. But as opportune turned out his luck was in. Clearly after the murder of Stride his direction home took him west towards the city through Aldgate high st to mitre sq. The murder of Stride took place at 1am. If the Ripper was a sports man (reports of witnesses suggest a broad shouldered young man of 28) he could of run a mile within 5 to 10 minutes that would of taken him too mitre sq at the latest 1.10am. It was at this time after that he met Eddowes at the square. She was found dead at 1.45am. After the murder a curious event follows. The Ripper then travels up to Goulstone st. In order to get there he would of had to walk through mitre st,Creechurch st, crossing Dukes place and Houndithch st through Stone lane and up Gravel st to Gouston st. This quick walk would take him 5 to 7 minutes. The Ripper then plants at Gouston st 2 clues. The first is the graffitti on the wall. The second he leaves the blooded cloth from Eddowes clothing. Clearly this was a deliberate policy by the Ripper to mislead the police. Its purpose (1) blame the murders on the jews (2) to conceal the direction he was heading after his murders. Police would of suspected from this planting of evidence that the Ripper was heading again to the east end. For from Gouston st you come to Spitalfields market. This I believe was the policy of the Ripper to give the wrong scent. But his true intension was in effect to return home to the west end of London. Analysis of Goustone st reveals that it is possible to double back around the crime scene of mitre sq to reach Fenchurch st after crossing again Houndith and Dukes place on to st Mary rd and lime street. A quick walk of 10 minutes. I believe the planting of the writing and bloodied cloth of eddowes in Gouston was a ploy. Even today Scotland yard police believe the Ripper resided in the east end. Following this double murder on the night of 30th september the police recieve on the 16th october the famous letter from 'HELL' that appears genuine. A real letter from the hand of the murderer himself. Analysis of this letter shows the lower case of two letter 'e's are missing from the words 'whil' and 'knif' not cockney expressions. Interesting all the other lower case 'e's are written fully. The two missing 'e's is a word puzzle pointing to the 2 murders that took place on the 30th september 1888. The question is why the 'Ripper Letter' concentrated our mind on the missing 'e's. It has to be said the police at the time took no note of this clue.In total 5 murders are known to have been commited by the Ripper. If each murder stood for a letter 'e' then there would be 5 missing 'e's in total. What does the letter 'e' represent? The letter 'e' is the fifth letter of the alphabet. Four muders had already taken place which mean one more letter 'e' will be missing making five. Let us now analyses the wall markings at Goulstone st. It stated, 'The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.' Notice the missing 'e' in J(e)ws. This is significant. This connection with the 2 missing 'e's in the HELL letter also the 1 missing 'e' on the wall graffiti adds to three missing (e)'s. A number three. The letter (e) is also the fifth letter of the alphabet. (five murders). The Ripper is playing with arithmatic the letter identifies a name written with five 'e's (see below). If you walk through mitre sq it will take you too Fenchurch st, Victoria st, Cannon st through to Fleet st then you come to Chancery lane the residence of men at the bar. Only one suspect of the Ripper litany in the autume of 1888 lived in that vacinty. This was the man who became metally unstable at 29 in the autume of 1888 following a wound on the head. Who in 1892 died the year Scotland yard closed the file on Jack the Ripper. The man who was known in his day as the buc ROW kid at college. The name of the st the body of the first murder found. A man of words a man of the bar who wrote poetry and word puzzles until it drove him insane. Here then is the man 'Jack the Ripper' who will forever be the legend of Whitechapel.

        Yours truley

        Jack the Ripper

        Jam(E)s K(E)nn(E)th St(E)ph(E)n

        A fascinating conclusion. But why do you think Stephen was in the frame in the first place? He was never a suspect in 1888/9. He had been mentally ill for some time prior to the murders. I am not quite sure where you are going with this. Please give us more.

        Debbie McDonald
        Deborah McDonald
        Author: 'The Prince, His Tutor and the Ripper'


        • #5
          Hi Debbie

          My analysis of JKS as the ripper comes from my occult leanings. Through astrological analysis. Through the time of the birth of JKS I am able to construct a hour scope of the rippers movements. Having sifted and deleted all other suspects my research is concentrated on just this one man. Where am I going with this. Well I have already written 5 books on the occult, four are published. Do I want to change tac and publish a murder mystery book? Maybe write a film or play on the subject? I believe my astrological analysis would be too deep for most readers. The sublime occult is not what people want but concrete and material reality, like for instance a ripper diary haha! I have also used my technique to discover such mysteries as the madeline case. So If I was to write a murder mystery book it would probably involve the unvealing of other mysteries. I congratulate you Debbie. I have not read your book but the title suggests you are right. I have only one problem with JKS as suspect, though cold and calculated he certainly was how could he mentally revert back to tutoring as if nothing happened. Well the truth is he did not of course he gradually fell into insanity. Regards his motive I believe he stated it in his poem 'I did it for the best.' That was his motive. Afterall without the show murders the social conditions of the east end would not of been highlighted or acted upon.
          Last edited by Jack the Ripper; 11-19-2008, 11:45 PM.


          • #6

            May I ask in what language your four published books were written?

            Thank you.

            We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


            • #7
              In answer to your question

              My first book was written in Greek. My second in French. My third in Hebrew and the my last book in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I hope that satisfies your curiousity.
              Last edited by Jack the Ripper; 11-22-2008, 11:16 PM.


              • #8

                Wellington, New Zealand


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
                  My first book was written in Greek. My second in French. My third in Hebrew and the my last book in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs...
                  Coming soon: Lorenz Transformations for Beginners, in cuneiform
                  Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                  "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
                    My first book was written in Greek. My second in French. My third in Hebrew and the my last book in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I hope that satisfies your curiousity.
                    Can't read that prosaic languages.
                    I'll wait the Avestan version.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
                      My first book was written in Greek. My second in French. My third in Hebrew and the my last book in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I hope that satisfies your curiousity.
                      Not at all. It just confirms my suspicion that you're a tosser.


                      We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
                        In total 5 murders are known to have been commited by the Ripper. If each murder stood for a letter 'e' then there would be 5 missing 'e's in total.
                        How many women died by the hand of Georges Pérec?
                        This fiendish author wrote a whole novel without a single "e". He certainly butchered hundreds, if not thousands.
                        Quite logically, he committed suicide.
                        No wonder if his brain gave way altogether after so many awful gluts.


                        • #13
                          I'm put in mind of that Python sketch with the sephamore version of Wuthering Heights and Julius Caesar on an aldus lamp

                          Wellington, New Zealand


                          • #14
                            Your posts Graham-hamhead, will be ignored in the future. You are clearly not a gentlemen.


                            • #15
                              Ive heard some crackers theories in my time but the E's theory takes the bisquit. I am honestly at a loss as to what the poster is talking about!!
                              Best regards,

                              "They assumed Kelly was the last... they assumed wrong" - Me

