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The only portrait of Jack the Ripper

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  • The only portrait of Jack the Ripper

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the translation of an article about the publication of a book – it dates back to February 2024, but I must admit I completely missed it – written by a certain Johann Naldi, a gallery owner and 19th-century specialist (not translated into English). The book in question is titled The Unique Portrait of Jack the Ripper (Éditions de l’Observatoire).
    The original article in French can be found here:
    I won’t go into too much detail; all of this is based on very little: admittedly, it is likely that the painting discovered is indeed by Jacques-Émile Blanche and does indeed depict his friend Walter Sickert. As for the rest, even if it’s true that the character’s gaze in the painting is undeniably that of a psychopath, concluding that Walter Sickert = Jack the Ripper is quite a leap...
    For those who understand French, I’ve added a link below to an interview given by the author to a journalist from Figaro TV. He explains how he discovered the painting during an auction in the south of France and how he acquired it for just a few hundred euros.

    Here is the painting:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Jacques-EÃŒmile_Blanche,_Portrait_de_Walter_Sickert_en_Jack_l'EÃŒventreur.jpg Views:	0 Size:	160.6 KB ID:	846055

    And here is the article:

    Jack the Ripper. What if it was him?

    The mysterious painting depicts a man in a raincoat with a raised collar, a disturbing sidelong gaze, a top hat, and holding an umbrella...

    By Thierry Gandillot
    Published on 02/17/2024​

    Who is Jack the Ripper, the serial killer who, between August 5 and November 9, 1888, unleashed horrifying sadism on six women in London’s East End? Among the more or less conspiratorial hypotheses—Masonic or royal family conspiracies—there are around a hundred suspects, most of them far-fetched, with only two or three considered “serious.”

    In her sensational Portrait of a Killer, published in 2003, crime fiction queen Patricia Cornwell suggests the name of William Sickert, a renowned impressionist painter. She reportedly spent a million euros to prove her theory. The problem: Sickert was in Dieppe at the time of the first murders. But he could easily have crossed the Channel—just three and a half hours in good weather, no passport required... And it’s certain he was in London by at least September 28.

    A treasure hunter—Géricault, Courbet, Delacroix are among his finds—Johann Naldi aligns with Cornwell’s theory, to which he dedicates his book. The story begins on November 28, 2020, at the Avignon auction house. In the catalog, Naldi is struck by lot no. 22, a 78×50 cm painting labeled “French school from the late 19th century.” The painting shows a man in a raincoat with his collar raised, seemingly to hide his face, a disturbing sidelong gaze, wearing a top hat and holding an umbrella. The auction takes place online. The hammer falls: sold for 6,100 euros.

    When the painting arrives, Naldi is dazzled by its quality. Surely not the work of a minor artist. Very quickly, one detail intrigues him—the enormous wheel of an overturned handcart. And it’s precisely a carter, Charles Cross, who discovered Jack the Ripper’s first victim! Continuing his research, Naldi learns that a painter, Walter Sickert, a tortured and borderline psychopathic artist, was fascinated by Jack to the point of staying in a room that might have been the killer’s and painting scenes inspired by it—grim ones, as you can imagine.

    Naldi keeps pondering. What if Walter Sickert was the man depicted in the painting with the handcart he just bought? But then, who painted it? Among the artists close to Sickert, he points to his friend Jacques-Émile Blanche: after all, he painted a portrait of Sickert, which can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery.

    After subjecting the painting to extensive scientific analysis, Naldi notices traces of fingerprints. Could they be Blanche’s—or even Sickert’s? We’ll never know. On the back of the canvas, on the frame, invisible to the naked eye, scientific analysis reveals two letters: “Bl”—as in Blanche. Furthermore, the canvas was supplied by Foinet Fils & Lefebvre, who provided materials to both Blanche and... Sickert. Other clues, particularly ambiguous statements made by Blanche about Sickert toward the end of his life, suggest he was privy to a heavy secret.

    So, is the “cold case” solved? While there’s little doubt that Avignon’s “lot 22” is indeed the work of Jacques-Émile Blanche, the idea that Sickert was the Whitechapel killer is far less certain. Naldi titled his painting Portrait of William Sickert as Jack the Ripper. This doesn’t mean he was Jack the Ripper—even if Jacques-Émile Blanche imagined him to be...
    “There had been a madness of murder in the air. Some red star had come too close to the earth…”
    Oscar Wilde, The Portrait of Dorian Gray

  • #2
    That's certainly a powerful/theatrically posed portrait, executed by a superb artist. If we are to believe it's Sickert as JtR, maybe we need to start looking for umbrella marks on the victims? Or did the handle of the umbrella hide something far more deadly?

    I know almost nothing about the theories surrounding Sickert, but if he had a bit of a JtR obsession and this artist was a good friend, it wouldn't be altogether surprising for him to paint this, even if Sickert had nothing to do with the murders?

    Great picture though.

    Edit: Looks like Sickert too.
    Last edited by chubbs; 01-24-2025, 04:01 PM.
    For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
    Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


    • #3
      Yes, it is likely that it is indeed Walter Sickert.
      Below is a portrait of Sickert by William Strang, 1905 (Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest).
      I flipped the image horizontally so that the face is visible in the same orientation as the one painted by Jacques-Émile Blanche.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	55365.jpg
Views:	222
Size:	173.7 KB
ID:	846075
      “There had been a madness of murder in the air. Some red star had come too close to the earth…”
      Oscar Wilde, The Portrait of Dorian Gray


      • #4
        My only disagreement with your opening post is that the painting is of a man who is 'undeniably a psychopath'. No it's undeniably not. It might be someone posing as a psychopath. There's an absolute world of difference between the two statements. Loose language is very dangerous.

        ...oh and your thread title is too clickbaitey for my liking too, but that's the world we live in, these days.
        Last edited by chubbs; 01-24-2025, 06:47 PM.
        For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
        Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


        • #5
          Ok wait for it….how long before someone says that those wheels belong to a Pickford’s cart? Please no.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • #6
            Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
            Ok wait for it….how long before someone says that those wheels belong to a Pickford's cart? Please no.
            Now you come to mention it...

            For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
            Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


            • #7
              Originally posted by chubbs View Post

              Now you come to mention it...

              Don’t give them ideas Chubbs

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • #8
                Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                Don’t give them ideas Chubbs
                Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe it was YOUR idea, wasn't it?
                For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
                Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by chubbs View Post
                  My only disagreement with your opening post is that the painting is of a man who is 'undeniably a psychopath'. No it's undeniably not. It might be someone posing as a psychopath. There's an absolute world of difference between the two statements. Loose language is very dangerous.

                  ...oh and your thread title is too clickbaitey for my liking too, but that's the world we live in, these days.
                  For the title of the discussion thread, I simply reused the title of the book published in French: "L'Unique portrait de Jack l'Éventreur" (The Only Portrait of Jack the Ripper). There was no intent to sensationalize on my part.
                  As for my comment about the "psychopathic" aspect of the character, you’re right. I didn’t express myself well (apologies for my English): I meant to say that the individual undeniably gave off the appearance of a psychopath. It is likely that this was mostly a façade.​
                  “There had been a madness of murder in the air. Some red star had come too close to the earth…”
                  Oscar Wilde, The Portrait of Dorian Gray


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Charlie View Post

                    For the title of the discussion thread, I simply reused the title of the book published in French: "L'Unique portrait de Jack l'Eventreur" (The Only Portrait of Jack the Ripper). There was no intent to sensationalize on my part.
                    As for my comment about the "psychopathic" aspect of the character, you’re right. I didn’t express myself well (apologies for my English): I meant to say that the individual undeniably gave off the appearance of a psychopath. It is likely that this was mostly a facade.€‹
                    Thanks for the explanation. I note in the video they discuss the possibility that the background (such as it is) suggests Paris. I can agree with that. To be fair, it's not that important though. It's not like we're looking at a photo of Jack - or even Sickert (who wasn't Jack. He was more of a groupie).

                    Oh, and thanks for introducing me to the word 'E‰ventreur'. Love it (it's almost like the English 'The Adventurer' and it contains the word 'event', which is very Ripperological). Such a gloriously musical alternative - and slightly more on point than the word 'Ripper'. L'Eventreur would make a nice forum username for somebody.

                    By the way, if you believe that William Bury may have been l'Eventreur, there's a portrait of him and his wife in Beadle's book, "Jack the Ripper Unmasked". It may ACTUALLY be the only portrait of The Ripper in existence?

                    Edit - why does this forum keep mashing up words that contain apostrophes and letters with accents? It's very annoying. For example, look what it's done to bits of the post I've quoted. Do I need to change a setting somewhere? Admin ?
                    Last edited by chubbs; 01-25-2025, 08:32 AM.
                    For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
                    Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.

