Your thinly veiled insults on the male author Ally is 'cozy' with do you no favors. You should at least have the courage to write his name and face the consequences. You don't because you know that nobody on these boards will agree with your opinion of this person. And just for the record, I've never seen Ally show favor to any person based solely on his standing in the Ripper community. If you don't believe me, go ask Paul Begg over at the forums where all your fellow Casebook haters post.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
Your thinly veiled insults on the male author Ally is 'cozy' with do you no favors. You should at least have the courage to write his name and face the consequences. You don't because you know that nobody on these boards will agree with your opinion of this person. And just for the record, I've never seen Ally show favor to any person based solely on his standing in the Ripper community. If you don't believe me, go ask Paul Begg over at the forums where all your fellow Casebook haters post.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott