Courtesy of Maria, here's a translation of Ostrog's 1888 arrest of a microscope in France.
14 Nov. 1888 [the date is inscribed much earlier, with the first case gone before the magistrates that day].
For the prosecutor, representing the French Republic.
Lublinski Stanislas, alias Grand Guidon, 53 years of age, claiming to be a doctor of medicine, was born on 5 March 1835 in Warsaw (Poland) by... and ... [this obviously refers to the names of the parents, but has been left blank]. No indication of home address.
Theft, infringement of an order of expulsion.
(forensic pathology)
After deliberations following French law, the tribunal/the court, after some confusion and delays, established that in 1888 in Paris the defendant Lublinski fraudulently took away a microscope property of Mr. Legry, which constitutes an actual offense punished by articles [unreadable: 279? 379?] of the penal code. Given that it's also established that Lublinski, alien, was ex-pulsed from France by a ministerial order on June 9, 1886 which was lawfully communicated to the defendant, but he re-entered France and was arrested in Paris on July 21, 1888, according to article 8 of the law issued on December 3, 1849. Since the persecutor has already condemned the defendant to a sentence longer than one year of imprisonment, and that the defendant calls himself a forensic pathologist, according to article 8 of the penal code, in an application of articles 401, 8, and [18? 58?] which were read by the president, in addition to the other cases of theft and other attempted offences not being considered in the present session, it's been decided that the offence be punished by imprisonment of at least one year and at most two years, and by a penal fee assessed between at least sixteen francs and at most five hundred francs.
Any alien ignoring extraction and acting against the aforementioned article and article 272 of the penal code by exiting France and returning without the government's permission will be judged by us in this court and will be sentenced to imprisonment from one to six months. After serving his sentence, he will be brought to the border. Defendants having been sentenced to longer that one year of imprisonment due to additional offences will be condemned according to law for their first offence, which can lead to a double sentence added to their first offence and to a surveillance by the government for a duration between one year at least and ten years at most, according to article 361 of the code for criminal instruction, which states that in case of multiple offences, a punishment will be applied solely for the most serious offence. See also article from the same code, in case an attenuated punishment was applied, according to circumstances.
Lublinski is convicted to 2 years of imprisonment and to the penal fee of 448 francs and 85 cents, plus 3 francs for shipping costs. Minimal duration of the corporal sentence will fit the recruitment of the costs.
[4 signatures, difficult to read]
14 Nov. 1888 [the date is inscribed much earlier, with the first case gone before the magistrates that day].
For the prosecutor, representing the French Republic.
Lublinski Stanislas, alias Grand Guidon, 53 years of age, claiming to be a doctor of medicine, was born on 5 March 1835 in Warsaw (Poland) by... and ... [this obviously refers to the names of the parents, but has been left blank]. No indication of home address.
Theft, infringement of an order of expulsion.
(forensic pathology)
After deliberations following French law, the tribunal/the court, after some confusion and delays, established that in 1888 in Paris the defendant Lublinski fraudulently took away a microscope property of Mr. Legry, which constitutes an actual offense punished by articles [unreadable: 279? 379?] of the penal code. Given that it's also established that Lublinski, alien, was ex-pulsed from France by a ministerial order on June 9, 1886 which was lawfully communicated to the defendant, but he re-entered France and was arrested in Paris on July 21, 1888, according to article 8 of the law issued on December 3, 1849. Since the persecutor has already condemned the defendant to a sentence longer than one year of imprisonment, and that the defendant calls himself a forensic pathologist, according to article 8 of the penal code, in an application of articles 401, 8, and [18? 58?] which were read by the president, in addition to the other cases of theft and other attempted offences not being considered in the present session, it's been decided that the offence be punished by imprisonment of at least one year and at most two years, and by a penal fee assessed between at least sixteen francs and at most five hundred francs.
Any alien ignoring extraction and acting against the aforementioned article and article 272 of the penal code by exiting France and returning without the government's permission will be judged by us in this court and will be sentenced to imprisonment from one to six months. After serving his sentence, he will be brought to the border. Defendants having been sentenced to longer that one year of imprisonment due to additional offences will be condemned according to law for their first offence, which can lead to a double sentence added to their first offence and to a surveillance by the government for a duration between one year at least and ten years at most, according to article 361 of the code for criminal instruction, which states that in case of multiple offences, a punishment will be applied solely for the most serious offence. See also article from the same code, in case an attenuated punishment was applied, according to circumstances.
Lublinski is convicted to 2 years of imprisonment and to the penal fee of 448 francs and 85 cents, plus 3 francs for shipping costs. Minimal duration of the corporal sentence will fit the recruitment of the costs.
[4 signatures, difficult to read]