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Mayhem in 1912s Tarzan

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  • Mayhem in 1912s Tarzan

    This is the relevant quote where Mayhem is used in Tarzan of the Apes. Now I think it's referring to the actions of the Professor and not the lion.

    Professor Porter and his secretary Mr Philander were walking and talking when a lion started following them. Mr Philander bolts and Porter has to chase him to continue the conversation.

    Tarzan pulls both of them up into a tree.

    For a moment the two men clung panting to the great branch, while Tarzan squatted with his back to the stem of the tree, watching them with mingled curiosity and amusement.

    It was the professor who first broke the silence.

    “I am deeply pained, Mr. Philander, that you should have evinced such a paucity of manly courage in the presence of one of the lower orders, and by your crass timidity have caused me to exert myself to such an unaccustomed degree in order that I might resume my discourse. As I was saying, Mr. Philander, when you interrupted me, the Moors—”

    “Professor Archimedes Q. Porter,” broke in Mr. Philander, in icy tones, “the time has arrived when patience becomes a crime and mayhem appears garbed in the mantle of virtue. You have accused me of cowardice. You have insinuated that you ran only to overtake me, not to escape the clutches of the lion. Have a care, Professor Archimedes Q. Porter! I am a desperate man. Goaded by long-suffering patience the worm will turn.”
    The Project Gutenberg eBook of Tarzan of the Apes, by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • #2
    Okay. My first impression was that Philander was talking about the injuries and maybe chaos the lion could inflict. But now I think Philander is talking about his working relationship with Porter and he is using Mayhem as the opposite of Patience.


    • #3
      Mr. Philander believes King Ferdinand and Princess Isabella's victory over the Moors in the 15th century was a bad idea. He theorizes the conquests of such a "tolerant, broad-minded, liberal race of agriculturists, artisans, and merchants" impeded social, technological, cultural, and economic progress; in his view, human civilization might be a thousand years more advanced had the Moors been allowed to live in peace.​
      It could also relate to their discussion on the Moors. In that sense, it would refer to conquests with their inherent mayhem.


      • #4
        Sorry Sam. Your Mayhem “Anachronism” was the best one and it was the most “ingenious emplotment” while it lasted.


        • #5
          BTW I have to recommend Tarzan The Untamed where he fights the Germans. It’s quite controversial and definitely the best of the series.


          • #6
            One off instance proves that the diary is a forgery. Only a poor understanding of the subject or a deliberate piece of blind eye turning can explain any refusal to accept this fact.

            The diary is a very obvious forgery. No further discussion as to its genuineness or otherwise is required.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • #7
              Tell it to Gary!

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